002: Sell Anything Using the Magic of Copywriting

You're going to want to listen to this podcast right away because it explains everything you need to know about saying (and doing) the right things to make money right away and start making money immediately...

  • it's ok to be a sales person and there's a way easier approach to what you're doing now
  • how to use "speed copy" to crank out any sales letter in minutes
  • how to craft an irresistible offer
  • PRODUCTIVITY TIP OF THE DAY: 4 daily tasks
  • Contact me at robert@robertplank.com to be on the show (or have me on your show)
  • The "newbie crusher" system to get your business online right away
  • The "100 articles in a day" system enjoy creating unlimited content
  • What to sell and what to give away?
  • AIDA (the everything formula)
  • The secret to killer headlines that get people tripping over themselves to buy
  • How to craft an irresistible offer
  • THOUGHT OF THE DAY: who are you talking to?

Please listen to it right now, subscribe on iTunes and 5-star rate it and of course let me know what you think.

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"How to Sell Anything Using the Magic of Copywriting" FREE Report

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Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016CopywritingPodcast

Comments (3)

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  1. This should be very helpful to everyone who takes the time to listen and really hear you.

    Thanks so much Robert.

  2. Frank Thomas says:

    Hey Robert, you should consider breaking up the podcast into 20 minute segments. Consider one definitive idea and work at it. You don’t realize that you tried to hammer home many points in 30 minutes but you loose the listener. Also, consider getting a second person to talk to you in the podcast. For some strange and bizarre reason, it’s always more interesting to listen in on a conversation between two people then it is to be talked to in a conversation – strange but true.

    Keep up the good work Robert and look forward to future podcasts!


  3. Hil says:

    Way to go, Robert!!!!!

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