030: Three Proven Internet Business Models That Make Money (Amazon FBA, Fixed-Term Membership Sites, and Facebook Fan Pages)

Please listen to the latest Robert Plank Show podcast right away to discover three easy money making methods using the Internet:

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Can you please leave a comment below and tell me: what is your favorite way of making money online? (it doesn't have to be one of the methods listed in today's show)

Filed in: AmazonArchive 1: 2012-2016Podcast

Comments (13)

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  1. Joshua says:

    Making your own product, then turn that product into something bigger. Example report or ebook turn into a video and audio course then turn that into a one time or reoccurring membership site. Lets face it though we all make it tough and its not. Persistence!!!
    Joshua Shoemaker

  2. Denise says:

    I would not know, I seem to be in the wrong timer space reality, for I do not make money, indeed not, for I lose money, not a lot, but never gamble more than you can afford to lose, or eat anything bigger than your head!!!

  3. Chaitanya Nazmul says:

    I was primarily trying to sell products of Amazon.com through my own website but my business finally did not see any success as I was left abandoned by the amazing people as I could not afford their cost but they kept trying to get a hold of me and it was my inability not being able to maintain the relationship as I gave up temporarily.

  4. Claude Corry says:

    When I make some I will tell you but nothing I do seems to work and its so frustrating when you put in so much time for sweet FA

  5. Creating a training course based on webinars that are available on a membership site.

    I think the fact that you have an audience helps with the atmosphere and having a date for ‘broadcast’ also means you get the content done!

  6. Carl Picot says:

    Hi Robert

    Making products – Driving warm traffic through JV’s – email marketing to the buyers list – making more products based on their needs (and wants).

    My products are interview based and are more sales copy and conversions than traffic based.

  7. Online membership sites, promoted via Facebook+Email Marketing.

  8. Creating and posting virtual events that draw people into live events where they buy affiliate products and coaching programs.

  9. Steven Sanchez says:

    Webinars. Easy to sell. Easy to do. Easy to turn into info products after the live webinar is over.

  10. James Elliott says:

    I don’t know. Mever made any.

  11. David Diablo says:

    Selling PLR ebook for $7. All I need to do is create the download page, the optin page and the sales page. Then drive traffic to the optin page and sales page. I use papertemplate. Its so easy to set up.

    David “Angel” Diablo

  12. Iris Bell says:

    Just keep spending money on program after program for years now. Have so far set up multiple membership sites, multiple fan pages, and put my own self published books on kindle and CreateSpace and sold them FBA, some under my name some under pseudonyms.Latest money loser has been tee-shirts. Tens of thousands of dollars later, everyone whose programs I bought is doing quite well, as best I can tell.

    Wrote articles, posted videos, set up hundreds of blogs, paid for traffic in various ways. I still have no viable business model that works for me. I sell some books on Amazon, yes, but I don’t make any profit on them. Still trying, but I’m missing something here. Something very big.

  13. Marian says:

    My favorite way of making money online is to sell my own products!


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