1054: Divorce and Your Dog: Navigate the Tails of Separation with Attorney Debra Hamilton

Conflicts over pet ownership in divorcing couples or arguing parties can be emotionally charged and complex. Such disputes often stem from strong attachments and personal connections to the pet. Resolving these conflicts requires empathy, communication, and a focus on the well-being of the animal involved.

Debra Hamilton is an attorney and conflict coach who specializes in resolving disputes involving pets. As the founder of Hamilton Law and Mediation, she has dedicated her career to helping people navigate the complex emotional and legal issues that can arise when pets are involved in relationship breakdowns or other conflicts. Debra's unique expertise and compassionate approach provide an alternative to expensive, stressful court battles, ensuring pets find loving homes. Today, Debra discusses her work as a mediator and emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the well-being of the pets and avoiding costly legal battles, sharing examples of complex cases she has mediated, such as pets being taken across international borders.


“Conflict coaching and mediation are two separate things, but both can help people resolve conflicts involving their beloved pets.” – Debra Hamilton

“You need to think outside the box. In mediation, we listen to everyone's conversation and highlight common ground, which is often lost when people are angry with each other.’” – Debra Hamilton

“You need to be open to what's in the best interest of the pet, and there's no one who knows this better than their owners.” – Debra Hamilton


06:32 Mediation and conflict coaching can help resolve pet custody disputes more effectively than litigation, as they allow for a focus on the pet's best interests rather than just the owners' desires.

08:19 Getting past the initial anger and focusing on what is truly best for the pet, rather than trying to "win" against the other person, is crucial for finding a satisfactory resolution.

14:04 Having a clear, written agreement in place about pet custody arrangements prior to a relationship ending can save significant time, money, and emotional turmoil down the line.

14:55 Mediation is generally a more cost-effective option compared to litigation for resolving pet custody issues, with sessions typically costing $1,000-$2,000 versus $5,000-$10,000 for a court case.


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