1114: Help From Heaven: The Extraordinary Story of Cancer, Dolphins, and Divine Forgiveness with Cancer Survivor Carlos Vivas

Monday, May 20, 2024

Have you ever thought about those heart-stopping moments—the ones that catch us off guard and leave us breathless? Maybe it’s getting pulled under by a fierce sea current or facing down a serious illness. Near-death experiences (NDEs) have this way of jolting us awake. Suddenly, life’s priorities rearrange themselves, and we see things with fresh eyes.

Carlos Vivas is a passionate individual who has overcome significant challenges in his life, including surviving cancer and a near-death experience. Today he shares his inspiring story of how he was diagnosed with a terminal illness as a teenager, but through faith and divine intervention, was able to overcome the odds and dedicate his life to helping others. He also discusses his experiences with suicide prevention, feeding the homeless, and his love for nature and outdoor activities.


“You're truly free when you start living with purpose.” – Carlos Vivas

"The only thing that matters in heaven is the love of God. The love of God is the most powerful force in the universe." – Carlos Vivas

“Grab your phone and call someone who gave you advice that changed your life, and whom you never had the time to thank.” – Carlos Vivas


14:34 Forgive those who have hurt you, forgive your inner child, and forgive those who have harmed you - this frees you to live with purpose.

15:58 Discover and use your unique gifts to serve others, as this is the true legacy you can leave behind.

17:33 Every day counts, so make the most of your time by focusing on what truly matters.

19:34 Getting involved in local community service efforts, like feeding the homeless, is a powerful way to make a difference.

21:11 Reaching out to those who have positively impacted your life, even long ago, can be profoundly meaningful.


Filed in: InterviewPodcast

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