1148: Discover Your Authentic Self: A Transformative Approach to Business Success with Lefkoe Institute CEO Shelly Lefkoe

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Limiting beliefs can significantly hold you back from reaching your full potential, often manifesting as procrastination, fear of public speaking, or difficulty in marketing your business effectively. These internal barriers can create self-doubt and hinder your progress in both personal and professional areas. Overcoming these challenges is essential to unlocking your true capabilities and achieving the success you desire.

Shelly Lefkoe is a transformational coach, co-authored "Hitting the Wall: Eliminate the Beliefs That Sabotage Your Business and Your Life" and an expert in eliminating the limiting beliefs that sabotage success. For over 35 years, she has helped people from all walks of life free themselves from unwanted behaviors and emotional patterns, such as imposter syndrome, fear of public speaking, and the inability to market their businesses effectively. Shelly's unique process goes beyond coping mechanisms, directly addressing the root cause of these issues - the unconscious beliefs that shape our perceptions and actions. Today, Shelly discusses how our unconscious beliefs shape our behaviors, emotions, and ability to achieve success. Stay tuned!


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