1160: Trademark Factory: License and Protect your Brand with Trademark Factory Founder and CEO Andrei Mincov

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Building a brand can be exciting, but there’s often uncertainty about whether you truly own it. It’s not just about having a great logo or tagline; ownership involves securing trademarks, protecting intellectual property, and ensuring your brand’s identity is legally yours. Without proper safeguards, all the hard work in building your brand could be at risk.

As a trademark expert with a remarkable origin story, Andrei Mincov has dedicated his career to arming entrepreneurs with the legal armor they need to protect their intellectual property. After successfully defending his father's music against a corporate giant like Samsung, Andrei realized the critical importance of trademarking - not just for defense, but as a strategic business asset that can increase valuation, enable licensing, and give brands a powerful marketing edge. Today, Andrei discusses the critical importance of trademarking for businesses of all sizes and explores the common misconceptions around intellectual property law, debunking the notion that trademarking is just a legal technicality. Stay tuned!


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