152: Convert with Webinars and Get Clients with Magnetic Messenger Alysa Rushton


Do you want to make more sales and money? Do you want a larger following, and most importantly, do you want an easier time growing your business? If so, Alysha Rushton from GetClientsWithSpeaking.com shares the seven steps to landing clients and sales from webinars:

1. Connect with your audience: intend to give quality information
2. Engage with your audience: open with a question or a quote
3. Tell your story: but avoid a lack of overstanding and avoid over-telling that story
4. Share content: teach people something, help solve a top-of-mind problem or little piece -- pull out one part of the offer and explain it, get them hungry but don't overfill, go deep but not wide
5. Amazing free gift: solve another problem or go deeper -- because you're here, it's free
6. Give offer: "another tip"
7. Wrap-up: the rest, Q&A, call to action -- information alone is not transformation, link to checkout page at the beginning and end

Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016CoachingInterviewPodcastWebinars

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