203: Write a Book, Become a Bestseller, and Iterate Your Way to Kindle Publishing Success with Tom Corson-Knowles


Tom Corson-Knowles from TCK Publishing and Ebook Publishing School has great news: it's easy to publish lots of content and scale your business by approaching Amazon publishing in a scientific, step-by-step mindset:

  1. Write down a list of 20-40 book ideas in a tool such as EverNote
  2. Research: find the marketplace gaps and see how similar books are selling
  3. Hook: narrow down one unique idea and craft a clear message
  4. Brainstorm: develop your promise and decide what readers want to know (these are more than just chapters, they include additional videos and checklists)
  5. Speak out the book (you can even use your smartphone)
  6. Editing/revision


Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016InterviewPodcast

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