262: Self Publishing without Writing: The Lightning Speed Book Creation Method

Quotes from Thought Leaders

  • "The secret joy in work is contained in one word: excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." -- Pearl Buck
  • "You get good (and fast) at what you do a lot of." -- Robert Hunt
  • "If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter." -- Winston Churchill

Productivity tip: set high resolution pictures of nature as your desktop background (and set it to change once per hour if possible)

Self-Publish a Book on Amazon

  1. Get out more: stop showing off to your peers so much and solve real problems that people are looking for. The danger in copying what's right in front of you is that you only copy "the top layer." Most people have a tendency to make simple things complicated (including your future buyers, your fellow competitors) and blindly copying someone else just leads to something that's hard to follow.
  2. You need to be a content machine (hint: content can be videos, podcast interviews, not necessarily articles and blog posts)
  3. 80% of life is just showing up. You should have at the very least, a short book with your best blog posts. Dish some helpful advice anyone can pick up. Be the person that stuck around and kept selling books after everyone else gave up because it was "too hard." Giving up and procrastinating aren't "real" things. It's just a matter of incorrect priorities.
  4. Amazon books last forever, even if you die and your websites are gone (although you can edit or unpublish at any time) -- use it to silence the haters in your life and show them you have a real business.
  5. It's a must-have credibility tool that ALL successful people have (celebrities, politicians, thought leaders)
  6. It's free. Amazon only takes a cut. You can publish unlimited books, with unlimited pen names, so why not do it?
  7. It's easier to edit crap than air. Get that first draft completed so you have something to edit. Your message is more important than one or two typos in a book.
  8. Don't quit. Take action now. The time will never be just right. A year ago, you'll wish you had started today.

Write a Book with Lightning Speed

  1. Speak out the book YOURSELF and get it transcribed. That way you don't take forever on it, and you're saying it in your voice the way you "would have said it." It's done while you're still within the three day window of excitement.
  2. You need a guide from someone who has done it before. And a proven system so that you can easily follow in their footsteps, and then repeat the process yourself over and over again.
  3. Have a real deadline, know why you're doing what you're doing and know exactly how much progress you've made. There's no such thing as being 80% or 90% done with a book. Are you in the outline stage, speaking stage, editing stage, cover stage?
  4. Use 10-7-4 to pile in "too many ideas" and reduce down to just the important ones, and then WWHW to ensure those short chapters are packed with value.
  5. Use the step by step process to overcome uncertainty, scope creep, and negative associations to "that damn book I can't seem to finish."


Filed in: Archive 2: 2017PodcastWriting

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