381: Reprogram Your Habits, Defeat Overwhelm, Remove Excuses, Find Inspiration and Discover Your Own Path with Derek Doepker

Derek Doepker is a former rock guitar player turned 7x bestselling author, speaker, and coach on mind, body, and business success.

His goal is to help people break through their BS and amplify their productivity, profit, and performance by sharing clever mind games, life hacks, and the secrets of success found in music. Information does not equal transformation, and Derek says that you need to follow this three step process:

  1. open the floodgates to an idea: lower your standards about what a bad idea is, think about what's possible, and realize the "slingshot effect" (i.e. the gym makes you weaker and then you grow stronger)
  2. transition: sift, sort, preocess, narrow, filter, mix ideas
  3. completion: eliminate, edit, deadlines


Filed in: Archive 2: 2017InterviewMindsetPodcast

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