458: Productivity, Influence, and Leadership: Become a Better Communicator and Storyteller By Showing Vulnerability, Imagery and Authenticity with Colin Boyd

Colin Boyd from helps business owners become more influential. He loves to help them discover new levels of confidence and skill in how they communicate their ideas on any stage or platform.

Colin talks to us today about what caused him to recently move his business from Australia to California, how to develop your signature story including these three components:

  • vulnerability (challenge, difficult situation)
  • tension (growing challenge, drama)
  • victory

Whether you need to get in front of a client and pitch your product, speak at a conference or engage your followers on social media his strategies will help you do this.

Colin is a Certified speaking professional with the National speakers Association, qualified Performance Coach with the International Coaching Federation, Certified Trainer, NLP practitioner and also holds a Commerce Degree, Executive Coaching diploma and EDISC Behavioral certification.

The real reason he is qualified to help you is because he has done the journey with himself and thousands of clients around the world to go from fear and confusion to confidence and clarity when it come to presenting ideas persuasively.


Filed in: Archive 2: 2017InterviewMindsetPodcast

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