512: Play a Bigger Game on LinkedIn: Private Messages, Multimedia, Pulse, and Social Engagement with Jennifer Darling

Jennifer Darling has been in sales and sales management her entire professional career. After receiving a graduate degree in business management she went on to increase sales, profits and productivity at media giants FOX NBC CBS and Comcast. She is a board member of the National Speakers Association, distinguished Toastmaster and a Jeffery Gitomer Certified Advisor. (Gitomer is the author of The Sales Bible and many other NYT Best Sellers).

Jennifer's area of expertise is LinkedIn, and she's here to help us get more engagement (views, likes, comments and shares) as well as help us get the most use out of LinkedIn. For example, endorsements, connections, private messages, video posts, a rock-star personal profile, publishing content to get picked up by LinkedIn Pulse, and more.


Filed in: Archive 3: 2018-2020PodcastSocial Marketing

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