575: Turn Clicks into Customers: Voice Search, Position Zero Search Engine Optimization, and Artificial Intelligence with Duane Forrester

Duane Forrester is the Vice President of Industry Insights for Yext, leading industry outreach, evangelism and authorship for the company. He's here to talk to us about voice search, structured data, artificial intelligence, position zero, integrating your app (or website) into Alexa, and so much more.

Duane is is the author of two books: How To Make Money With Your Blog & Turn Clicks Into Customers. He's written for publications ranging from SearchEngineLand and DuctTape Marketing, to Entrepreneur Magazine, the New York Times and Inc. He actively advises startups and large corporations, and even spent time advising the staff who maintain the White House's websites.


Filed in: Archive 3: 2018-2020InterviewPodcast

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