633: Maximize Customer Lifetime Value: Content Marketing, Automation, Mobile, Social Media and E-Commerce with Your Marketing Superhero Jeffrey Traister

Jeff Traister, Your Marketing Superhero, provides digital direct response marketing services, strategy, persuasive copywriting, marketing automation consulting, social media marketing management, WordPress web design and content plus video post-production to companies & industries worldwide.

Five Trends with Digital Marketing

  1. content marketing: nurturing leads and prospects into customers
  2. marketing automation: conversion, retention, CRM's, e-commerce
  3. mobile marketing: landing pages, texting
  4. social media marketing: interacting with leads to start selling
  5. e-commerce: B2B & manufacturers

Types of Digital Marketing Campaigns

  • lead generation (opt-in, free report)
  • sales conversion (persuade with a sales letter)
  • trust building (whitepaper, success stories)
  • retention campaign (get established clients to buy more)
  • upsells and downsells (cart abandonment, lesser-quantity offers)

Jeff Traister develops direct response marketing strategies for start-up ventures, new product launches and market share expansion. These strategies involve digital media, automation and ecommerce.


Filed in: Archive 3: 2018-2020CopywritingE-CommerceEmail MarketingInterviewPodcast

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