700: Fresh Inspiration: Live Your Best Life and Learn to Trust Yourself Using The Three Pillars: Workout, Food, and Mindset with Rhonda Liebig

Rhonda Liebig is a health and wellness expert with over 20 years of experience in the industry. She is known as the "Energy Revitalized and Mindset Mentor," helping clients achieve freedom in their bodies and cash flow. Rhonda has her own website, RhondaLiebig.com, where she shares her expertise. Today, Rhonda talks about her journey of overcoming hyperthyroidism and getting off medication. She shares her signature "Three Energy Revitalized Pillars" - workout, food, and mindset - which have helped her and her clients make significant changes.


“If you do everything the way you're doing it right now, you can expect the same results you've been getting. And that's when things start shifting.” - Rhonda Liebig

“I believe, in the deepest part of my being, that if we go on this journey, learn to understand our body, and learn how to release stress in a profound way—not just superficially—that's where the journey starts.” - Rhonda Liebig

“The truth is, we have so much life experience, but if we don't cultivate a mindset of gratitude and look for the positive things in life, we can become inconsistent. That mindset helps keep us balanced, rather than being brought up and down.” - Rhonda Liebig


02:15 Celebrating small wins and practicing gratitude can help build confidence and momentum in one's health journey.

13:29 Aligning one's business and personal life can create a more fulfilling and successful path.

16:41 Addressing mental and emotional aspects, in addition to physical health, is key to unlocking overall well-being.

28:02 Examining long-standing habits or routines can lead to positive changes in one's health and well-being.

31:13 Integrating a balanced approach of exercise, nutrition, and mindset is crucial for achieving sustainable wellness.


Filed in: Archive 3: 2018-2020InterviewPodcast

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