706: Money Ripples: Implement an Intentional Mindset to Become Financially Free with Cash Flow Expert Chris Miles

Chris Miles is a cash flow expert. He is a leading authority on how to quickly create cash flow and lasting wealth for thousands of clients mostly entrepreneurs globally. 

In this episode you will learn about:

  • What works better, follow a to-do-list or or you just go with the flow everyday?
  • What does Chris Miles focus on working?
  • What is Money Ripples?
  • What makes Money Ripples a success?
  • How does Chris Miles stay mindful in making decisions?
  • What are money mindset/handling strategies Chris Miles can share to the listeners?

Do you follow a to-do-list or or you just go with the flow everyday?

No special system. Just follow the intuition and gut. For example, for media appearances invites, Chris Miles always thinks of the value he will be bringing to the audience. Otherwise he won't do it. Be more intentional with what you do

What does Chris Miles focus on working?

- Chris Miles focuses on core things and what he is best at. He does podcasting and consultation for clients to help them strategize on how to double back their investment money. Only spends 20 to 30 hours a week on the business and the rest is spent on his personal life.

What is Money Ripples?

Money Ripples is a financial advisor and money mentor. Chris Miles teaches business owners how to achieve money prosperity by spending time on what they love doing the most.

What makes Money Ripples a success?

Expect success. Set yourself an expectation that there's not doubt, it will be successful. Just keep going until success happens to you. Don't think of the amount of work to be done instead just start the first step and keep going. Your little decisions will add up and lead to bigger results.

How does Chris Miles stay mindful in making decisions?

Be present in the moment. Take a step back, listen to yourself and analyze the situation. If you only keep working without a strategy, it will eventually lead to burn-out. Always work smarter and not harder. 

What are money mindset/handling strategies Chris Miles can share to the listeners?

It boils down to scarcity or abundance. If you have a scarcity mindset, there will never be enough. Just trust and have faith and and move forward confidently. The key is to stop thinking of trying to make a lot of money but focus on serving and creating value to people and money will eventually follow. Be grateful for what you have. Whatever you appreciate, it grows.

To learn more from the money expert, check out the following:

  • Chris Miles Money Show- you can access on iTunes or any available podcast app.
  • Visit the website http://moneyripples.com/
  • Purchase his books- Beyond Rice & Beans and 7 Secrets to Free Up Cash Today

Key Quotes:

"Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man. Sooner or later the person who wins is the one who thinks he can"

"Stop trying to make money instead focus on serving people creating value"

"To be financially free has nothing to do with your bank account. It has everything to do with your state of being and state of mind"


01:24 Maintaining a consistent and focused morning routine is crucial for managing a busy life and business.

03:09 Trusting one's intuition and being selective about opportunities can lead to better long-term outcomes.

04:15 Embracing an abundance mindset and being grateful for what one has can help overcome financial challenges.

12:56 Letting go of relationships or situations that no longer serve one's best interests can open the door to new and better opportunities.

21:13 Focusing on serving others and creating value, rather than just chasing money, can lead to greater financial success.

28:34 No matter how difficult one's financial situation may seem, there is always hope and the ability to overcome challenges through persistence and a positive mindset.


Filed in: Archive 3: 2018-2020InterviewPodcast

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