712: Get Attention From Viral Videos with Adam Lundquist

Adam Lundquist is a Harvard-educated agency owner and former radio shock jock from Santa Barbara radio. When Adam published one of his interviews on a newly-formed platform called YouTube, it became one of the first viral videos, sparking his initial interest in the power of the internet, as well as internet marketing.

Adam has been featured on traditional media like MTV, VH1, and the Best Damn Sports Show. He’s taken his knowledge of traditional media translated it successfully into new media as a featured author in Search Engine Journal, PPC Hero, and WordStream, amongst others. His company Nerds Do it Better consistently delivers paid search campaigns utilizing advanced statistical analysis developed at Harvard. With this method, Adam and his team are able to remove inefficiencies in marketing and generate more customers on a consistent basis in a cost-effective way.


Nerds do it better (Website)

Filed in: Archive 3: 2018-2020InterviewPodcast

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