716: Gain Visibility to Get Your Audience Listening and Watching: Be Seen in a Big Way with Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage is a seasoned entrepreneur who has been running her business for over 25 years. She is the founder of Power Up for Profits, where she helps experts gain massive visibility through the power of podcast interviews. As an expert in this field, Kathleen has a wealth of knowledge to share. Today, Kathleen discusses the importance of visibility for entrepreneurs and how podcast interviews can be a highly effective way to achieve this.


“Back in the day when I first started my business, it was not as easy as it is today to get the visibility that we can basically get at the press of a button. And yet, many entrepreneurs, many experts, don't do what it takes to get that visibility.” - Kathleen Gage

“Just because you get in front of millions of people doesn't mean they're going to buy your thing, whatever it is. There's an art to doing an interview in a way that drives traffic back to your website, Amazon page, blog, or social media. It's really about the conversations you have.” - Kathleen Gage

“The more podcast interviews you do, the more interviews you're going to have opportunity to do.” - Kathleen Gage


00:14 Gaining visibility is crucial for entrepreneurs to grow their business and revenue.

01:51 Podcast interviews are an effective way to quickly reach a large audience and establish expertise.

02:56 Defining your ideal client profile can help you craft a more compelling pitch to podcast hosts.

06:32 Preparing an expert pitch sheet with your bio, topics, and contact information can streamline the outreach process.

07:35 Building a media room on your website with testimonials and other assets can increase your credibility.

09:05 Repeating your website address twice during the interview can help ensure the audience remembers it.


Filed in: Archive 3: 2018-2020InterviewPodcast

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