785: Write Your Book to Express Yourself and Your Business with Lin Eleoff

Are you a giver or a receiver? When you give, do you give everything away? Or choose what you want to share? Sharing is caring, but you can never be 100% selfless as an entrepreneur. Words of wisdom into books become your money-making and influence tool to propel your business even further, which is why Lin Eleoff tells you prudence! 

Lin Eleoff is the founder of the Mighty Tiny Book Academy, where she teaches coaches, consultants, and course creators how to write a book to market their business. As an expert in the field of non-fiction book writing, Lin helps her clients create "business cards on steroids" - books that are less than 100 pages and designed to turn readers into paying clients. Today, Lin talks about the benefits of writing a Mighty Tiny Book, including how it can overcome common writing obstacles and provide a clear roadmap for building a successful business.


“If your goal in life is to write a bestseller and sell millions of books, and that's how you want to make money, that's one thing. But if you have a business that you want to generate income, then you can use a nonfiction book to attract your ideal readers on a topic that you're an expert on.” - Lin Eleoff

“If the information holds up, if people are learning from what you're teaching them in the book, they will just keep turning the pages. By the time they get to the last page, they're like, how do I get more? How do I work with you?” - Lin Eleoff

“Listen to the voice in your head that's connected to your heart, saying, I really want this.” - Lin Eleoff


01:19 Writing a short, focused book can be an effective way to attract and convert ideal clients for your business, rather than just trying to sell books.

05:51 Overcoming common writing obstacles, like not considering yourself a "writer," can be achieved by adopting a practical, step-by-step approach to book creation.

09:16 Having a clear message and framework for your book can help you create content that engages readers and leads them to want to work with you.

15:10 Empathizing with the reader's struggles and self-doubts, and then presenting a new perspective that breaks them out of their usual thinking, can be an effective way to engage and inspire them.

23:06 The support and guidance of a coach or mentor can be invaluable in helping you overcome self-doubt and stay motivated throughout the book-writing process.

31:05 Recognizing and honoring the voice within that wants you to pursue your goals, rather than listening to the doubts, is key to taking action and achieving success.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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