796: From Complex to Easy-to-Understand Metrics: Data Gathering, Sales Funnel, and Measurement with Chris Mercer

Data is the "liquid gold" for entrepreneurs. From a person's name, location, address, e-mail to their interests, likes, dislikes, last pages visited, etc.—filling these aspects forms the "persona" that would allow any entrepreneur to tailor their marketing strategies for their prospective clients. Will quantifying the data helps? YES! How much? A LOT! This is why Chris Mercer is sought after for his services of measuring these data-enabling elements that assist various companies and businesses from any scale, entice and capture the hearts of their respective audience from complex and hard-to-understand metrics to easy-to-read and understand manner!

Chris Mercer is a sought-after measurement marketing expert. He and his team at Measurement Marketing have been helping marketers, marketing teams, and agencies understand, trust, and grow their numbers using tools like Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics. Today, Chris discusses the importance of measurement in marketing, especially with the changes happening in the industry due to updates from iOS, Safari, and Google Chrome. He emphasizes the need for marketers to integrate measurement into their planning process from the start, rather than treating it as an afterthought.


“Measurement is being thought of as more than just a project; it's seen as a department within an organization. This importance places measurement at the forefront of decision-making.” - Chris Mercer

“It's all in your head, so stay the course, and you will succeed.” - Chris Mercer

“It's not because we're brilliant marketers; it's because we listen to the market. The way we listen is through measurement.” - Chris Mercer


02:17 Measurement is crucial in marketing, especially with changes in the industry due to updates from iOS, Safari, and Google Chrome.

05:30 Integrating measurement into the planning process from the start is more effective than treating it as an afterthought.

08:10 Comparing planned results to actual results, rather than just focusing on what happened, helps identify specific issues to address.

18:21 Understanding the customer journey and measuring for specific behaviors provides valuable insights to improve marketing effectiveness.

24:07 Focusing on the fundamentals of measurement strategy is more important than getting bogged down in the complexity of tools.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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