804: Start a Podcast: A Bright Future in Podcasting with Rob Greenlee

Thinking of Starting a Podcast? Are you interested on How to Set Up Your Own Podcast? Is Podcasting Right For You? Listenership is booming, sponsorship and advertising are lucrative, and the industry is growing daily and it's no debate that podcasting is a great place to be. Podcasting is an effective way to network and create relationships with others interested in or working in your area.  If you're a business owner or a marketer, consider the following advantages of podcasting so you can make an informed decision on whether to use this marketing channel.

Rob Greenlee is the Vice President of Content and Partnerships at Libsyn, one of the leading podcast hosting platforms. He is also the host of the New Media Show. With over 17 years of experience in the podcasting industry, Greenlee has been at the forefront of the medium's growth and development. Today, Rob discusses the evolution of the podcasting landscape, particularly in the wake of the pandemic, and shares his insights on what it takes to create a successful and sustainable podcast.


“I think to some degree, the advertising market pulled back a little bit. I think we're continuing to see some struggles in the advertising side of things from the standpoint of metrics and analytics.” - Rob Greenlee

“As far as the content side goes, I think podcasting is growing in leaps and bounds, and the listening side is growing in leaps and bounds as well.” - Rob Greenlee

“It takes a lot of planning to start a podcast and be successful with it.” - Rob Greenlee


01:23 Podcasting is a dynamic and evolving medium that requires adaptability and a willingness to keep up with changes in technology and audience preferences.

06:05 Building a loyal community around a podcast is crucial and requires consistent effort and a focus on providing value to listeners.

11:14 Podcasting can be a powerful tool for personal and professional development, enabling content creators to share their knowledge and expertise with a wider audience.

14:31 Collaboration and partnership-building are key in the podcasting space, as they can lead to new opportunities and help podcasters reach new heights.

25:04 Successful podcasters need to have a clear vision and goals for their show, while also being open to expanding their content and reaching new audiences.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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