868: From Money Maker to Moonshot: Find Success Through Innovation with Lewis Schiff

What kind of businesses do you want to create? What makes you unique that you can bring to the business world? You have to look at the world differently.

Lewis Schiff is an accomplished entrepreneur and author who has dedicated over 25 years to studying success in America. He wrote the Amazon best seller, “The First Habit.” As the founder of the "Birthing of Giants" program, Lewis has helped numerous business owners transform their companies into thriving, multi-million-dollar enterprises. Today, Lewis shares his insights on the key factors that differentiate the top 10% of successful entrepreneurs from the rest, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's unique strengths and leveraging them to create substantial growth.


“The most successful people I know look at the world differently than almost everybody else, and that's a really hard thing to do.” - Lewis Schiff

“You have to learn how you're bad at a lot of things to carve away and discover what you're good at. Most people do not have the stamina, tolerance, or elasticity to fail repeatedly to finally figure it out.” - Lewis Schiff

“The thing that you're probably really good at is something that comes so naturally and easily to you that you think, 'What's the big deal?'” - Lewis Schiff


02:48 Identifying and focusing on your unique strengths is crucial for achieving exceptional success.

04:40 Embracing failure and using it as a learning opportunity is essential for personal and professional growth.

16:30 Surrounding yourself with a diverse community and being curious about others' perspectives can lead to unexpected insights and breakthroughs.

20:01 Transforming a successful business into an even more valuable enterprise often requires a willingness to challenge the status quo and explore new possibilities.

27:27 The physical environment and traditions of certain institutions can create a mindset conducive to innovative thinking and problem-solving.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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