924: The Giver Marketing Blueprint: Engage Your Audience Through Networking And Meaningful Conversations with Timothy Morgan

Have you been struggling with your marketing strategies? How can you step up your game and achieve your goal for your business? What do you want to see happen long term? How can you make an effective strategy? If you're struggling to attract new clients and appointments for your business or are overwhelmed or confused about how to do it, this episode is definitely for you!

In this episode, our guest is Timothy Morgan from givermarketing.com. Timothy started as a non-profit leader and ended up starting small businesses in Northern California. Timothy's message is that leaders who focus on their branding, visibility, promotion and nurturing are exponentially more successful than others who try all these random strategies built on faulty marketing assumptions. Today, we're going to talk about how you can give back, and make a difference, branding, visibility, promotion, nurturing and connecting with your target audience.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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