968: Maly Marketing: Strategic Data-Driven Marketing Campaigns and Multi-Channel Media Buys with Steve Maly

Creativity and ingenuity are the lifeblood of brand development. They enable a brand to stand out in a crowded marketplace by crafting a unique identity that resonates with its target audience. It's about finding that distinctive angle, that fresh perspective, and that innovative approach that captures attention and creates lasting impressions. Harnessing creativity and ingenuity can not only help brands differentiate themselves but also forge deep emotional connections with customers, fostering loyalty and long-term success.

Steve Maly, the CEO and Founder of Maly Marketing leads a dynamic full-service marketing and advertising agency headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska. At Maly Marketing, their core strength lies in creative problem-solving, a skill honed and proven across a wide spectrum of industries. Their portfolio spans from comprehensive branding initiatives to cutting-edge digital campaigns, all of which are crafted with ingenuity and innovation to consistently yield substantial and lasting impact. Today, Steve will talk about the mechanics of traditional marketing, the key to all marketing, marketing budget, and shed light on the vital role of KPIs. Stay tuned!


"The way the meta was set up initially, you could be a pretty bad marketer but still get good results because costs were so cheap back then." - Steve Maly

“Part of it kind of reminds me of a circumstance. How do you track marketing? That's always the question you get: how do you prove this? Various sources will show you data, like Google, but the traditional side is different. With a traditional setup, you can't click on a billboard to see the full path.” - Steve Maly

“Business truly is about being in the right place at the right time. Sometimes that right room costs money, but it's worth investing in getting into that room and connecting with higher-level people.” - Steve Maly


03:10 Balancing traditional and digital marketing strategies can lead to better results, as traditional channels like billboards and TV ads can provide credibility and increase engagement with digital ads.

08:12 Direct mail can be a surprisingly effective tactic, especially in the B2B space, where it can drive high conversion rates to meetings.

12:13 Tracking marketing performance across multiple channels can be challenging, but using tools like Google Data Studio can help provide a more holistic view of campaign effectiveness.

12:32 Introducing new marketing channels can often lead to a 30% bump in performance on existing channels, highlighting the importance of a multi-pronged approach.

19:21 Networking and building relationships with industry peers and thought leaders can be a valuable investment, as it can lead to new opportunities and insights.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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