995: Kuware: Thrive as a Local Service Business with Avi Kumar

Do you have a local business? Do you want it to grow? Perhaps you are struggling to keep your business floating since customers don’t always come. If you don’t take action, nothing will happen to develop your business. As such, begin to level up your local service business through ads. Put your business out there, let the people find you, and provide service to your customers. Additionally, with the help of Kuware, setting up your digital marketing strategy will now be more suitable for your optimal growth.

Avi Kumar is the CEO of Kuware, a company helping local service businesses and the agencies that serve them create and implement science-based marketing strategies. They specialize in digital marketing unique to your market and budget. In today’s episode, Avi shares his knowledge about utilizing digital marketing to enhance the growth of local service businesses, SEO strategies, business growth through acquisition and synergy, and finding the right mentor.


“As you grow, your margins need to grow too. If your margins don’t increase as you scale, you won’t have the funds to support that growth. Competition intensifies, and the pool of opportunities becomes harder to capture since there are only so many searches happening at any given time.” - Avi Kumar

"Websites aren’t ideal for paid ads—you need a dedicated landing page where visitors have a focused experience and can’t easily navigate away." - Avi Kumar

“Instead of seeking an aspirational mentor, try finding more pragmatic mentors who are only a few steps ahead of you, rather than someone who’s 100 steps ahead. You can get so much farther that way.” - Avi Kumar


00:37 Efficient ad spending is crucial for local service businesses, as they require a high margin to spend money on ads.

03:25 Optimizing Google ads for local businesses can deliver leads within a set budget, but the cost per lead will increase as the business grows.

10:06 Focusing on landing pages over websites can significantly improve conversion rates for local service businesses.

15:34 Understanding the margins and ad performance of a local service business is key to making informed marketing decisions.

18:09 Acquiring and integrating synergistic businesses can lead to additional value and growth.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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