1009: Get Phyllo: Scale Your Brand Through Influencer Marketing with Prateek Panda

Social media has now become a key factor in promoting your business, at the same time, various social media influencers or content creators have flooded different platforms, creating videos and gaining thousands and millions of followers. With an influencer marketing strategy, you can now collaborate with influencers to advertise your brand to their followers. And in order for it to be effective, choosing the right influencer is critical.

Prateek Panda is the vice president of marketing at Phyllo, an application programming interface that creates data by connection to various social platforms and collects information about influencers or content creators so you can have the right person to advertise your brand. With his expertise in influencer marketing, Prateek will discuss how you can utilize this marketing channel to scale your business effectively. Tune in to learn more!


“I keep encouraging people to keep trying based on what you know, where they are in their journey as a company, and more often than not, that helps them get success.” – Prateek Panda

“You want to find influencers that are very well aligned with your brand. And at the end of the day, the best way to make influencer marketing work is if the authenticity shows.” – Prateek Panda

Just get started. You will always get better with time. – Prateek Panda


02:09 Marketing strategies need to be tailored to a company's stage of growth. What may not have worked earlier could be successful later on.

05:21 Influencer marketing is more than just working with influencers with large followings. It's about finding the right fit and building authentic, long-term partnerships.

13:08 Influencer marketing campaigns should not be judged on a single post's performance. Brands should commit to a 3–6-month engagement plan to test and refine the strategy.

16:44 Using data and tools can help brands efficiently research and identify the right influencers for their campaigns, beyond just follower count and engagement.

20:23 Don't overthink it - just get started. Putting yourself out there and testing ideas is more important than perfection.


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