1061: From Idea to Bestseller: Method for Writing Success with Author Everett O’Keefe

Have you ever dreamt of becoming a best-selling author but felt overwhelmed? You're not alone. Many aspiring writers face similar challenges. But here's the thing: there's a way forward. Your book positions you as an expert, opening doors to valuable relationships and opportunities. It's not just about writing; it's about making an impact. So, take that first step.

Everett O'Keefe is the founder of Ignite Press, a hybrid publishing company that helps authors own their intellectual property and leverage books for marketing and business success. Ignite Press provides the best aspects of both traditional and self-publishing, allowing authors to become bestsellers while retaining control over their content. Today, Everett discusses how books can open doors for authors, providing opportunities for speaking engagements and establishing credibility in their industry.


“I call a book the closest thing you can get to the silver bullet of marketing.” – Everett O'Keefe

“You don't have to write the book. Remember, you're writing a book, not the only one you'll ever write.” – Everett O'Keefe

“Don't worry about whether you're the expert. You know more about the topic than your reader, which makes you the expert. So, educate them.” – Everett O'Keefe


01:34 Hybrid publishing offers the best of both traditional and self-publishing, allowing authors to retain control over their intellectual property while benefiting from professional publishing support.

07:15 Identifying a specific target audience and speaking directly to one person in that market is crucial for creating an effective, resonant book.

16:00 Books provide unparalleled authority, credibility, and marketing power compared to other mediums like social media or video.

19:58 A simple method for quickly writing a bestselling book is to identify 20 frequently asked questions in your industry and record yourself answering them.

26:59 Overcoming self-doubt and focusing on sharing your unique perspective and experience is more important than worrying about being an "expert" in your field.


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