1071: Senior Living Solutions: Planning for Comfortable Aging in Place with President of Care Right Inc. Annalee Kruger

What do you think your golden years will look like, or how will you manage if your loved ones need more care than you can provide? It's a reality we all face but often push to the back of our minds, preferring to deal with it "someday." Yet, the truth is that aging and caregiving are parts of life that deserve our attention now, not when we're overwhelmed by the demands they bring.

Annalee Kruger is an Elder Planning Specialist and the author of "The Invisible Patient." She has over 35 years of experience working in the senior living industry, including as a social worker and executive director in Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs). Annalee is the founder of Care Right Inc., a company that helps families navigate the complex world of senior care and caregiving through facilitated family meetings, aging planning, and education. Today, Annalee discusses the challenges of caregiver burnout and the importance of creating an aging plan to ensure the best possible outcomes for families and their elderly loved ones. She shares her personal experiences and the importance of having essential documents like a living will and power of attorney readily available in case of emergencies.


“If you want to have a say in your care and what happens to you, you need to think about it and get clarity on what quality of life means to you. It's ideal to document it and have an attorney write up these documents.” – Annalee Kruger

“Aging doesn't make us younger; we need to stay ahead by keeping our documents in order and having family meetings. Understand what care options are available, how to pay for care, and the cost of care, so you can make informed decisions now instead of during a crisis. This helps prevent feeling overwhelmed when the time comes.” – Annalee Kruger

“Caregiving, aging, and dementia progression can be more positive with an aging plan. It helps when you work together as a family, understand the disease process your loved one has, and recognize that everyone is doing their best.”– Annalee Kruger


09:08 Dealing with a crisis situation is much more overwhelming when you don't have a plan in place. Planning ahead and getting your affairs in order can help ensure the best possible outcomes for you and your family.

13:44 Having a comprehensive "Grab and Go" binder with important documents and information can be a lifesaver in an emergency situation.

20:26 Seeking expert guidance and support is crucial when navigating complex issues like elder care and estate planning. Relying solely on online resources may not be enough to make informed decisions.

31:18 Having an aging plan in place can turn the caregiving experience into a more positive one, as it allows families to work together, understand the disease process, and make informed decisions about care options and finances.


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