1105: AI Unmasked: Enhance Content Integrity, Streamline Content Creation, and Navigate SEO with Founder of Originality.ai Jon Gillham

Friday, May 10, 2024

Unchecked AI poses significant risks, from spreading misinformation in factually incorrect articles to compromising the integrity of websites through overreliance on generated text. As AI becomes more prevalent in content creation, there's a growing concern about its potential to manipulate information and deceive audiences. It's crucial for organizations and individuals to exercise caution and implement safeguards to mitigate the dangers of unchecked AI in our digital landscape. 

Jon Gillham is the founder of Originality.AI, an AI content-checking tool that detects plagiarism and AI-generated text. With a background in engineering, John understands the challenges of communicating across different domains. He developed Originality.ai to give publishers control over their content by verifying writers are not passing off machine-generated articles. Today, Jon explores the promises and pitfalls of tools like ChatGPT and uncover techniques for customizing models with your own data while avoiding generic AI styles. Stay tuned for more!


“AI is a great aid in helping to enrich facts in content that you're reviewing, to ensure that they're sourced correctly and accurately.” – Jon Gillham

"AI's capability starts to plateau around the existing level of human knowledge because that's what it's being trained on." – Jon Gillham

“The truth, like most things, is that we live in a world where it's more complex than that. Detectors can have a high level of accuracy, but they do produce false positives and false negatives.” – Jon Gillham


00:46 AI-powered content checkers can help detect plagiarism and ensure the accuracy of published content.

07:08 Customizing AI language models like GPT with one's own data can produce content that better matches the user's writing style and tone.

13:45 Incorporating AI-generated content into one's workflow can improve productivity and collaboration across an organization.

17:24 Regularly monitoring for updates and changes in AI technology and its impact on SEO is important for content creators and publishers.

22:25 Understanding the limitations and potential pitfalls of AI detection tools is crucial to using them effectively.


Filed in: InterviewPodcast

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