050: Fifty Game-Changing Internet Marketing & Online Business Breakthroughs from 37 Mentors Including Mike Filsaime, Armand Morin, Jim Edwards, Stu McLaren & Others

An action-packed 50th Episode Anniversary Special with 50 Game Changing Internet Marketing and Online Business Breakthroughs from 37 Mentors...

Four Daily Tasks

You need to be completing 4 Daily Tasks. Before he realized this, Robert would have days where he'd knock out 20 or 30 tasks and then weeks would go by where he was burnt out and couldn't get the motivation to get anything done.
As soon as he realized the 4 Daily Tasks Principle, things really changed for him.

Today, of all the things you need to do, think about the 4 most important:

  • Send out emails
  • Run pitch webinars
  • Set up sales letters
  • Set up "buy buttons"
  • Contact affiliates to promote our products
  • Of all of those things, what is going to move you along the path of making money TODAY? That's where you should be concentrating.

On a weekday, you want to do (3) 45-minute tasks and (1) 15-minute task. On a weekend, do (4) 5-minute tasks. For more info, check out Robert's book called Four Daily Tasks.

List, Traffic and Offers

Everything you do in your online business goes to one of these 3 categories: list, traffic, or offers. If it's not, it's probably not making you any money which means it's not essential.

  • List: building your list or sending emails to your list
  • Traffic: doing ads, blog articles for SEO, podcasts for SEO, working with your affiliates to drive more traffic to your site (p.s. all of this is also building your list).
  • Offers: information products, iPhone apps, coaching programs, affiliate links that you promote.

Of all the things you could do today, you want to do something that meets at least one of these aspects as part of your 4 daily tasks. It's easy to get caught up in what you should do first, the "chicken or the egg" syndrome.

Robert's program, Income Machine can help with this. It shows you how to fill up the list, traffic and offers by still only completing 4 daily tasks. It shows you the 8 things to set up to satisfy having a good list, having decent traffic and having at least 1 or 2 offers for someone to buy. What you'll discover:

  • How to choose a niche
  • How to set up a website
  • How to set up an Opt-In page
  • How to set up an email follow-up sequence
  • How to set up a blog,
  • How to write a sales letter
  • How to start a membership site
  • How to drive traffic to your sites

Check out Robert's book called List, Traffic, and Offers. And, now for 50 Great Business Lessons from Robert's Mentors...

Mechanics, Marketing, Business, Branding and Strategy

  1. Allen Says: If you just have a sales letter, a payment button, a download page and a short report solving a problem, that's all you need to get started. Robert has started a lot of auto-pilot business just from having these 4 simple components.
  2. Gary Ambrose: One person CAN do everything. Gary is one of the first people Robert ever joint ventured with.
  3. Lance Tamashiro: A big result can be too scary for potential buyers. Go for a small achievable results in a short amount of time. Lance is Robert's business partner.
  4. Gary Ambrose: It's all about the Joint Venture. It's better to have an okay product with a lot of great affiliates and traffic rather than a spectacular product with no affiliates. This does not mean to put out bad products, but there is a point where it's good enough and it's more important to have good marketing than a perfect product and average marketing.
  5. Armand Morin: Double your prices. It sounds scary but all you need to do is edit a number on a website. If you want to make 10x your income, are you going to build up your list by that much or are you going to charge more?
  6. Josh Anderson: If you're making a newbie product, the budget for that is $100. That's a price point that doesn't hurt much for anyone that's new to a niche.Once you've done that, you can think about what else you could include in that $100 product and that is your upsell.
  7. Eric Louviere: Create a technology or a term that's more than a thing that already exists. If you tell someone that you have a copywriting course, that's okay, but if you call it the ‘copywriting and persuasion course' or the ‘hypnotic persuasion course', you're making it more than something else.This is the same principle Robert used when naming Income Machine. No one else has a term like that. And, there's really not a term for all those things bundled together.
  8. Michael Gerber (from the E-Myth): Checklist your online business processes so that they are repeatable. Robert has never met Michael personally but The E-Myth is one of the best business books he's ever read.
  9. Big Jason Henderson: Deliver downloads in a membership site even if it's a single-payment low-ticket item. If you're making all of these sales on your information product, why not put the product into a membership site so that you can show them upsells, etc.?
  10. John Calder: Get out more. There are places that you hang out, like FB groups, forums, etc. and if you're not careful, it becomes an echo chamber. You get locked into a certain way of thinking.
  11. Allen Says: No one wants to hear you saying "we here at Beltman industries..." What they want to hear about is you as an individual and real person. It's tempting for people to go all over Facebook and pretend to be Trump International and to seem really big, but it's better to be just an individual person.

E-mail Marketing

  1. Eric Louviere: Go on a site called EzineArticles.com, search your niche, pick out 3 articles. They will allow you to take up to 25 articles from any niche. Their condition is that you copy the entire article with everything intact including their byline. You can paste all 3 of these articles into a word document.Then sandwich your own gigantic links in the text between their own links in the bio boxes. Even if you're brand new in a niche and don't have time to write original articles, get 3 of these together in a logical sequence and then sandwich your links in between them so you're still abiding by the terms but you're also making something that leads back to your sites.
  2. Ryan Deiss: You don't want to have an opt-in bribe promising 7 Ways to do xyz, 7 tips for xyz Why? Because customers don't want to wait around for all 7 things.
  3. Mike Filsaime: Email every day. It's okay to email old offers. When someone joins your list, the first 7 days especially, they're the most active they are ever going to be.
  4. Robert Puddy: The best day to send an email broadcast was yesterday. The 2nd best day is today. This is a huge newbie problem. It doesn't really matter as long as you send something. Don't be superstitious. You're missing out on opportunities.
  5. Jim Edwards: Blend content and pitch in your email. When we build this list of subscribers, it's really tempting to give them lots of advice and helpful tips and freebies and goodies. You intend to warm them up and then hit them with your paid product in 2 or 3 months. You've overwhelmed them and you've gotten stuck in the Friend Zone.Because you've given them all this stuff for free, when it's time to sell, they've either cooled off or figured they have everything they need for free. It's too much of a shock for them to switch gears into paying you.
  6. Brian Garvin: Send new subscribers daily pitch emails, especially the first 7 days. If someone opts in on a Monday-are you really going to wait?
  7. Jason Parker: Commit to emailing for the same offer all week long What Robert learned from him unintentionally was that if you have something for sale, you need to dedicate a week to doing that. If someone is mailing for the same offer all week that tells you it's selling. If they're changing it every day. that tells you it's not selling.
  8. Marlon Sanders:  Your list gets trained. If you send your list free stuff every day for 6 months and then you ask them to buy something, they're not going to buy. But, if you send offers to them every now and then, they're used to you being the person who has things for sale. They also get trained for high-ticket and low-ticket. Mix it up. There's a real danger in offering them low ticket for too long. And, they're not trained at all if you don't email them regularly.
  9. Michael Fortin: Every post on your blog is another possible email in your follow up sequence.
  10. Armand Morin: The "Why didn't you buy?" email. See Robert's episode #48 for a full explanation on this concept.At the end of 7-10 days you have a lot of people warmed up but are on the fence. Out of all the possible things you could do or say in an email this gets the most responses.
  11. Gary Ambrose:  Combine 3 things that don't belong together to create kooky and creative emails. The emails that are going to get you the most opens and clicks are the "weird" ones because they stand out.
  12. Steve Schneiderman: Unintentionally, he taught Robert to mix up email subject lines. What irritated him about being this guy's subscriber was that literally every week or two he would send out an email titled "An Update From Steve Schneiderman" instead of having interesting subject lines. Robert never opened these "update" emails.
  13. David Cavanagh: Sometimes you just need to sell something quick for $10 to wake your buyers up, to get the juices flowing again.

Product and Content Creation

  1. Jason Parker: Taught Robert that you don't delete your websites, your blog posts, etc. If you have a .com website out there, even if it only made 1 sale a year, that would double the money you're paying to keep that domain going. What can it hurt? Robert has a lot of old products out there. They still work they are still functional and still make occasional sales. Why cancel out all the effort you originally put in?
  2. Paul Myers: Sell the notes based on actions you're actually taking. Let's say you learn something, like WordPress blogging. You can buy some courses on WordPress and go in and play with it. You yourself might figure out a better way to do it, especially if you're applying it to your specific niche (i.e. WordPress for carpet cleaners). Now, you have a personal checklist, notes, etc. Make a case study of yourself and sell those.
  3. Mike Filsaime: Solve a problem, and then sell a product about how to solve it, and then sell a product about you made money selling THAT product.
  4. Jim Edwards: Taught Robert about how to do video and not to overthink it. Jim used to do a lot of video blogs using Camtasia.
  5. Wes Blaylock: You don't need to reinvent the wheel.
  6. Ben Prater: Simplification. Create "simple ware" type of software that only does one quick thing. You don't need to create the next Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop. A lot of people try to compete on features but what if you made a piece of software that was just a one-click?
  7. Stu McLaren: Create a product that other businesses use daily and that their business depends on. Stu invented WishList Member. He told Robert to make a product "call home" and have other businesses depend on it. This is where the product stops working if someone discontinues their membership in your site.
  8. Matt Bacak: The A9 method. He taught Robert how to recycle a single article into blog posts, press releases, videos, etc.
  9. Brian Garvin: Give your affiliates a lot of tools to promote your product. Articles, affiliate banners, tweets to paste, Facebook posts, extra audio files they can give away, etc. Make it easy for them to ‘sell' you.


  1. Tim Ferriss: The Pareto Principle or the 80-20 Rule. He didn't invent this but he made it famous. 80% of your actions only generate 20% of your income, but the other 20% generate 80% of your income.
    It's a matter of optimizing, rearranging and prioritizing.
  2. Tim Ferriss: Parkinson's Law. The time it takes to complete a task expands to fill the time that you've allowed to do it. Tim is also the author of The 4-Hour Work Week.
  3. Jeanette Cates: Make any decision in 6 seconds or less.
  4. Steve Manning: The secret to writing a book in 14 days is to write under pressure. Set a timer and write as fast as possible Write everything as if you're responding to questions. It's easier to do that then to formulate statements.
  5. Lance Tamashiro: You have a 3-day window on any of your projects from "idea formation" to "burn out." If you have an idea, do everything you can to get something out on it in 3 days or less.


  1. Marlon Sanders: Just list 10 reasons why someone should buy from you. That makes for a good enough sales letter.
  2. Ken Evoy Which sells more copies? A beautiful website with no text on it? Or, an ugly website with text on it?
  3. Gary Halbert: Blind, Strategic Headlines. It's like an exciting mystery. How do I make more money on my house by taking it off the market? Someone has to know the answer to that.
  4. Eugene Schwartz: You have 4 marketplace cycles: Novelty, enlargement, sophistication, and abandonment over and over again and it happens with everything.
  5. Joe Sugarman: Explain away the objections. Just bring it up immediately and explain why it doesn't matter.
  6. Mark Joyner: Print the price on the button.
  7. Ray Edwards: There won't be a replay (for webinars). It adds a sense of urgency
  8. Michael Fortin: Avoid Upsell Hell. Just have one upsell.
  9. Joel Spolsky: Split testing. You send half your visitors to webpage A and half to webpage B.They have a slight difference between them. Look at the visitor value. One site has $10 product and one has $20. On website A, 100 people purchased at $10 and on B only 70 people bought at $20. Yes, you made more sales at website A but you received more value from website B. In other words, what makes you the most money, not just the most sales.

Personal Growth

  1. Ray Edwards: Keep your own side of the street clean. Don't complain. What is it going to accomplish?
  2. Dave Ramsey: Live below your means. It makes everything you do a lot simpler.
  3. Gary Bencivenga: Ask your subconscious for an answer to a problem you're having. Write it down before bed and sleep on it. Your subconscious will answer you.

Bonus piece of advice from Ryan Healy:Read fiction books unrelated to internet marketing to keep your creativity and motivation going. You can't be all marketing all the time. It's overwhelming. Your brain needs a break.

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Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016PersonalPodcast

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