Time Management on Crack
$30K month is going very well, last night's launch of Time Management on Crack put me over the $26,000 mark. I've got two offers lined up for this week but I might only need one to push me over my goal.
This is what I've been doing the past week. Product launch was just about automated, so I went on the "lecture circuit" to land a couple of joint ventures, have fun and add value.
Last night, Jeanette Cates interviewed me about time management... which was the perfect time to launch the time management report. We shared a ton of tips with her subscribers and had fun.
You know what, a short time ago my sister sent me a job posting for a teaching position up in the mountains at a community college close to Yosemite National Park. More money than I make at my current day job and less hours. No master's degree or teaching credential required, just a bachelor's degree which I have.
Here's what I would have done if I was laid off from my current job and really needed that job: I'd implement stuff from Time Management on Crack! It's not what you think: let me explain...
I would look at the exact job description and do a search for resumes plus some of those descriptions to see how people were customizing their resumes to fit that kind of job... measuring marketplace demand!
I'd use my copywriting skills, especially the A.N.S.W.E.R. formula explained in the time management report to draft one heck of a benefit-oriented cover letter that showed my personality, presented an irresistible offer and gave a clear call-to-action (call me up and tell me I'm hired).
Finally, and I wouldn't spend longer than an afternoon on this, I would take 30 minutes to find a handful of pain points based on the subject they wanted me to teach (I think it was PHP programming). I'd find the things community college students have the toughest time learning about PHP.
Then I'd use my 5x10 video creation formula to solve those problems and make a DVD demonstrating PROOF that I know what I'm talking about, with the URL embedded in the three ways I explain to have a call-to-action in video.
I know a lot of places only accept online resumes these days, so I might have to settle for making it web video and adding the URL in the cover letter and resume.
I'd send that out, and if I ever felt like I had nothing to do while "waiting" for a response, I would put those videos on a blog at the same URL I provided in the resume, stick the videos on there, and use the R.A.T.G.U.M. blogging formula to whip out a bunch of blog posts in an hour... even more proof.
Worst case scenario, not hired. Then I have to be willing to relocate a little bit. I'd go to job sites like Monster.com and apply for similar positions and have a kickass web site to show that will stand out better than 95% of the other applicants.
Regardless if I was hired or not, how hard would it be to turn that proof into a product? Surely I must have come across a few gotchas, do's and don'ts... I could turn my job posting process into a system, turn the cover letter and videos into templates and give a step-by-step of what I did EXACTLY.
How hard would it be to create a product like that, if you already DID anything in it? It would be tough to keep it under 20 pages... real tough.
Anyway, copywriter Karl Barndt is interviewing me tonight about e-mail marketing for his blog, that'll be a lot of fun. In the meantime check out Time Management on Crack if you haven't already.
For you commenters, the question of the day is: if it was an emergency and you absolutely HAD to get a day job... what internet marketing skill would you use to make yourself irreplacable? I need 10 comments to keep this party going... thanks.
Filed in: Product Launches
Hey Robert,
this is another winner for you! Congrats:)
I have just read time managemnet on crack. Let me tell you that it is a time life saver.
I have my 4 to do’s for today. Will it get done? You bet after this post my internet connection will be shut off and my production time turn on.
In “challenges”, I posted about writing a six part auto responder series and you gave me a great tip which I implemented right away. I wrote the ar series in a little less than two hours.
Keep up the excellent work!
Robert, I bought your two “On Crack” offerings last night and I love them!!!!
Way to go. Great stuff!
Great Great Post!
If you hit 35k this month, i think you should share the extra 5k with your subscrubers…
after all, we are the ones pushing you forward to do this.. you know?
Or… give us a free product to celebrate.
howabout it?
I first heard of you on “Prediction Call 2009” and I liked your style and attitude. When I saw this report from you, I knew it was what you do best and what I needed most!
Thanks, it is a must read for any internet marketer.
I am sure your input and training is invaluable. I have always been happy with anything I have purchased from you. If you have time to find a copy, I recommend the short version of Time Management, written by Alan Lakein, called “How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life”. I have taught this simple plan to thousands at my seminars for business building as one section of the training and you can see how simple it is to understand and implement. Your program is a second stage in the Time Management challenge. Keep up the good work. I plan to feature you in an article shortly and look forward to our continuing association. Best regards, John Mauldin
Hey Robert,
Probably the ability to create compelling, solution orientated web sites for my employer. Those that answer the question that people are searching for answers to. And probably most everything that I’ve learned to date on attracting traffic, converting leads and follow up marketing. Anything to bring more value to my employer than they would expect… and wouldn’t be able to live without 🙂
BTW, great report (Time Management on Crack)! Great insights for newbies and experienced marketers as well. Thanks for making it available.
All the best,
Mark Idzik
Picked up TMOC last night!
Love it — absolutely outstanding.
A ton of actionable plans to do whatever it is you need to do — whether it’s writing or driving traffic or whatever.
Exceptional! (Oh wait, I already said that about fastfood copywriting, I think…)
Oh well…still true.
What’s the income goal for next month ?
@Judy: I’m not sure if my goal for next month will be 31k or 20k.
Just downloaded Time Management on Crack and am looking forward to reading it. Expect another great product as all your others.
Another great product, and converting pretty well for me.
You said something in your email that I thought was brilliant- “If it sells X number of copies, I will make videos that all buyers will get.”
Brilliant because in the (unlikely) event that it didn’t sell well, you wouldn’t have to spend time making the videos. And it encourages people to promote the product to make sure you meet your target so they get the videos, too.
It’s probably brilliant for a few other reasons, but those are the main ones.
Hello Robert,
Yeah, as Chris Lockwood says in comment #10, you Robert, are a smart cook-ster…
Chris, I’ve purchased some of your material before, as well. As does Robert, you also deliver great value…
Anyway, I purchased Robert’s TMOCrack, and then paid even more for the OTO upsell than I did for the original offer of TMOC.
It was not possible to do otherwise, as Robert made the OTO toooooooo good to pass!
Great Value, Robert…
Robert, I got a good chuckle and Insight from your post about going on “the Lecture Circuit”… online style 🙂
Thanks again for your great content & value!
Dr. Michael Quadlander… HealthDoctor,
Besides making more money, how are you dealing with high % penalty the government taxes on internet/blog income?
online resume is really needed specially if you want to apply for IT jobs on the internet .”`