Archive 2: 2017

261: The Entprepreneurial Mindset: Find Your Passion, Narrow Down Your Niche, and Diversify Your Income with Jason Hartman

March 7, 2017

Jason Hartman ( is all about having that healthy entrepreneurial mindset and wants to talk to you not only about his own up's and down's, but the common mistakes and solutions that we all face.

First, Jason realized early on that he loves to work and that his business actions represent his own creative expression. He also discovered that to narrow down that perfect niche, find your passion (that also results in income) and diversify so that it remains evergreen. To tackle frustrations and roadblocks, he treated himself as his own first client when it came to solving a problem and "building a better mousetrap."

Finally, Jason explains what drew him into the world of podcasting, as well as his number one secret about podcasting: that it's all about the listener, and not the guest.


260: Multi-Channel Marketing: Website Retargeting, Email Analytics, Social Media Traffic, and Postcard Marketing with Neil Berman

March 6, 2017

Neil Berman has a lot to say about multi-channel marketing (site, blog, social, SMS, postcard) and his service can help you stand out from the blizzard of emails with some smart marketing.

He dives into many different scenarios and case studies showing how you can use analytics to draw conclusions about your visitors, send alerts to your staff to directly contact your visitors, and segment your list into three groups (those that don't respond, those that are always active, and your true fans). Neil also shares the best advice he ever received about starting a business: creating a solution that is faster, better, AND cheaper than what's out there.

Paper Template: Push the Right Button, Don’t Get Bogged Down with Design and Ditch the Copywriter to Create a Website Fast

March 5, 2017

This might make you angry... I know that it did for me back when I realized that:

I'd spent literally years unsure about how to make a sales page and opt-in page... I was scared that my website would "look stupid" with an ugly design and some of those weird cheesy "headlines" and "sales messages"... copywriting...

But can I tell you what happened next?

This was before I created Paper Template. I hired someone to create a "mini-site" design for me... about 300 bucks... I had to wait a couple of weeks... it came back, and I didn't discover until years later that the plain "white piece of paper" design (Amazon uses a plain white background, Google uses a plain white background, eBay) out-coverted the "pretty" looking website... by a long shot...

The only thing I can figure is that visitors were pulled in MORE by the words on the screen than the "beautiful" design, huge logo and everything...

And then... I paid a copywriter 400 dollars (an inexpensive one, this is a person who writes the persuasive text on the web page) and had to wait two more weeks for that...

Let me tell you what happened with the copywriter. They had me fill in a 12 page questionnaire. It took me a couple of days to complete, actually. And then, the copywriter only made MINOR tweaks to the text I had entered.

It was largely a copy and paste job. To give you an idea, one part of the questionnaire asked me to list the names of all 17 videos contained in my product. The copywriter chose to only list the 9 most exciting videos and then said... plus 12 more videos for a total of 17 videos!

I don't regret paying the copywriter or the graphic designer because I wouldn't have finish the sales page anyway... but as they say... here's what I paid for:

Pushing button: $1
Knowing which button to push: $399

Now, you yourself might have paid thousands of dollars for a website design, and maybe thousands more for a copywriter...

And I don't think copywriters are bad... but...

Can I give you a free copywriter? (in plugin form?)

It's called Paper Template.

And it not only creates your landing pages for you (opt-in pages, sales letters, download pages, webinar replay pages, etc.) but it also:

  • allows you to do it independent of your website's theme (let Paper Template run your whole site or create a landing page in addition to your blog)
  • has a number of designs (including that tried and tested plain white one that converts) so you can have a website where people focus on the WORDS and not just how beautiful your design is
  • has a ton of pre-built pages with the EXACT words and phrases you need to use... just customize to make it your own or delete what you won't use (it's easier to edit crap than air)
  • has a bunch of pre-written headlines and bullet points built right into the plugin... just click, click, click your way to a profit-pulling web page

Check out Paper Template and discover how you can get it for 7 dollars (the quick and easy version) or 47 dollars which includes mobile responsiveness, templates, swipe file, and so much more.

259: Reinvent Your Life, Culitvate Your Inner Circle, Absorb Values, and Model the Right People with Damion Lupo

March 3, 2017

Damion Lupo says that when it comes to choosing the people you want around you, "The way they do SOMETHING is the way they do EVERYTHING." For Damion, money is a side effect of what he does, and he's more focused on circulation and contribution, helping others succeed financially.

Listen in to our conversation as Damion talks about owning our own life, absorbing values, and modeling the right people (paying close attention to what's under the hood as opposed to that external visible lifestyle). He's got lots of life advice about everything from disconnecting digitally, to noticing/observing nature and spending time thinking about those bigger issues.


258: End Destructive Money Habits and Regain Financial Control with Hilary Hendershott

March 2, 2017

Do you sometimes feel that money is in control of you, or otherwise has you backed into a corner? Hilary Hendershott is a financial advisor who believes your money operating system (that limits your beliefs) is based on your first money experience.

If there's never enough money, you need to allow different results. Replace your beliefs with new ones, stop saying the same tired phrsaes, create a spending plan, and then follow actions that support that plan to completely change your life and outlook on money.


257: Market Your Killer Website with Exposure Ninja Tim Kitchen

March 1, 2017

Tim Kitchen from Exposure Ninja (claim your free website review at is an expert at creating five-page sites.

If your business needs a website, or just a website makeover, Tim's process involves discovering your businesses core services. Each of those sub-services requires a separate page on your website. Also, every business needs a blog to answer the 20 most important questions your customers have, in the form of in-depth blog posts.


256: Break the Cycle, Get Motivated and Do What Matters to Make Money

February 28, 2017

Do you know how time seems to speed up as you get older? The solution for that is to change up your experiences and do new things to slow time back down. Get out of the usual routine.

  • Go on a trip, spend weekends off the computer, walk, run or drive. Go to the movies. (Not TV.)
  • Productivity. Shut off email, phone and Facebook, and complete four money making tasks per day. Wake up early. Drink water.
  • Anchoring. If you're not making money at the computer, you associate computer time with "all that frustrating stuff." Know when you're "stuck" and leave the computer when that happens.
  • Stop resting on your laurels. You'll never get today back, ever again. Fish before you're hungry and don't try to play "catch up" so often.
  • Small wins. What can make you $10 or $100 today?

Know what questions you're answering in your mind. Know why you're doing what you're doing. For example, maybe the current problem you're trying to solve is to complete a website. Don't worry yet about making sales or dealing with refunds. Get the website COMPLETE first.

Sell what you sell. Membership site. Single payment. Deliver some videos that get them from point A to point B in four milestones of 60 minutes or so. Most people want beginner training.


255: The Voice of Your Dreams: Get Noticed, Serve Others, Overcome Setbacks, and Build Up Passive Income with Aaron Anastasi

February 27, 2017

Aaron Anastasi from has been on a journey from being an up-and-coming singer to a online teacher. He shares many of his success principles, including finding the joy in service, having a big "why", skylining it, talking to a singular customer avatar, and making use of deadlines and structures.


Internet Marketing: Solve One Problem At a Time

February 25, 2017

It really bothers me when I see people stressed out about the wrong things online (although, if you've been worried, it hasn't been you fault up until this point)...

Worried about what people will think about me or if there's a single typo on a web page... but in five years, or even one year, will anyone even remember?

Obsessed with having a beautiful web page or "just the right branding"... but what if I told you that those uglier websites make way more money than the pretty ones? And making more money is the point...

Worried about refunds... make some sales first!

Worried about running out of space or bandwidth with your web host... probably won't happen and worry about that problem IF (a big "if") that ever becomes an issue...

One step (or one problem) at a time.

  • Do you have a website yet? If not, let's fix that...
  • Do you have an opt-in page I can use to subscribe to you?
  • Do you have a sales letter with a FUNCTIONING buy button?
  • Do you have an email followup sequence? (most people are missing this one)
  • Do you consistent get people signing up and buying from you? (Traffic)

I want to make it clear, easy, and repeatable for you in our course here: Income Machine

P.S. "Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher. Life is already filled with those who want to bring you down." -- Oprah Winfrey

254: Red Zone Marketing: Make Your Marketing Exciting, Engaging, Unique, Focused, and Helpful from the Right Messaging and Branding with Maribeth Kuzmeski

February 24, 2017

Maribeth Kuzmeski from has some breaking news: most companies' messaging sucks! They don't have a value proposition, story, elevator speech, or anything of the sort. Instead, specialize in something specific, focus on what's in it for your customers, model your competitors, and think about the outcomes/emotions you can provide for people.

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