Archive 2: 2017

253: Self-Publishing: Step into Greatness by Transforming Your Personal Story, Experience, and Passion into a Published Book with Michelle Prince

February 23, 2017

Michelle Prince from says that everyone has a story. She's an expert at taking anyone who wants a non-fiction book and fleshing out not only what they want to accomplish with that book, but also developing the first draft and editing it into something publishable. She also talks about the different types of books you can create, from a business card book, a small "7 things" book, a huge story/message book, or a multi-author book where you only write one chapter.

252: From Lead to Gold: Develop a Life Plan and Business Plan That Results in Happiness and Joy with Alchemy Advisor Stephen Rodgers

February 22, 2017

Stephen Rodgers from wants to help you discover your higher purpose and develop a life/business plan around that. Steve shares his best resources with us and talks about his daily ritual involving exercise, affirmations, yelling/screaming to music, and his daily scoreboard point system.


251: Launch Copywriting: Be Personable, Develop a Buzz Around Your Product, and Succeed with Sarah Grear

February 21, 2017

Sarah Grear from is a copywriter who enjoys creating the "launch stack"... creating a website with landing pages, marketing emails, funnel, opt-in pages, Facebook ads, and more.

She explains her copywriting process to us, common mistakes people make when launching their products, and the things you need to know to make your upcoming product launch a huge success.

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