Archive 3: 2018-2020

671: The 50-75-100 Solution: Relationships, Interdependence, Ownership, and Influence with Bryan Falchuk

November 22, 2019

Bryan Falchuk is a life and executive coach, public speaker, C-level executive, and the best-selling author of “Do A Day,” in which he teaches how to overcome challenges and achieve goals. He spent most of his life obese and overcome by anxiety until he discovered the approach to change all that, Do A Day.


670: Recurring Subscriptions from Course Membership Sites: Design, Copywriting, and Content Creation with Direct Response Marketing Consultant Jeffrey Traister

November 18, 2019

Jeffrey Traister is certified Ontraport, AccessAlly, and Sendible consultant. He's here to tell you that you have CHOICES when it comes to your membership site -- it can be one-time, recurring, or both. You can release content all at once or in stages. You can get members to complete something (i.e. a survey) before continuing. He also unpacks a few case studies, including: a fitness coach (course + library model), a chemist tutor (with mini-courses, PDFs, quizzes, and private notes) and explains why you should you WordPress AND outsource the setup of the entire operation.


669: Develop New Habits, Overcome Mental Roadblocks, and Conquer Fear with Joan Sotkin

November 15, 2019

Joan Sotkin helps entrepreneurs and practitioners experience freedom from struggle personally, professionally, and financially. She is THE expert when it comes to understanding how emotions learned in early childhood can affect a person's business and financial outcomes. Thousands have benefited from her groundbreaking book Build Your Money Muscles, her podcast, The Prosperity Show, and her unique style of coaching.


Pro$perity Place (Website)

668: Business Insights: Identify the Right Market, Set Goals, Solve Problems, and Help People with Business Plan Answer Man David Brown

November 11, 2019

David Brown, the Business Man Answer Man, is back with an important message: "everyone" is NOT your customer! Your job in business is to solve your specific ideal client's problem, find them, contact them, and set goals. He walks you through his process of narrowing down that ideal customer, getting a feel for the, finding that viable market... and providing the right product, at the right time, to solve the right problem.


667: Work Smart: Life Purpose, Essentialism, Downtime, and Finding Coaching Clients with David Ralph

November 8, 2019

David Ralph from is back to discuss his latest techniques for landing clients, his idea creation process -- as well as the importance of taking a break, relaxing, and letting the ideas appear.


666: Focus, Leverage, and Value: Build Your Customer Base and Champion a Cause with Naresh Vissa

November 4, 2019

Naresh Vissa is the Founder & CEO of Krish Media & Marketing – a full service e-commerce, technology, development, online, and digital media and marketing agency and solutions provider.. He has worked with CNN Radio, Clear Channel Communications, J.P. Morgan Chase, EverBank, The Institute for Energy Research, Houston Rockets, Houston Astros, the American Junior Golf Association, Agora Financial, Agora Publishing, Stansberry Research, and TradeStops.

He is the #1 bestselling author of FIFTY SHADES OF MARKETING: Whip Your Business into Shape & Dominate Your Competition, PODCASTNOMICS: The Book of Podcasting... To Make You Millions, THE NEW PR: 21st Century Public Relations Strategies & Resources... To Reach Millions, TRUMPBOOK: How Digital Liberals Silenced a Nation into Making America Hate Again, and the new book FROM NOBODY TO BESTSELLING AUTHOR! How To Write, Publish & Market Your Book. He has a Master's Degree from Duke University's Fuqua School of Business and has been featured on USA Today, Yahoo!, Bloomberg, MSNBC, Huffington Post, Businessweek, MSN Money, Business Insider, India Today, Hindustan Times, and other domestic and international media outlets.


665: Slow Down to Speed Up: Discover Your Genius Zones with Darren Virassammy

November 1, 2019

Darren Virassammy is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of 34 Strong, a new breed of consultancy that gives a voice to disengaged employees by helping organizations like yours become great places to work. A leading expert in the global Employee Engagement community, Darren leverages the Gallup StrengthsFinder assessment to create massive shifts within organizations, both culturally and on the bottom line.


34 Strong (Website)

664: Niche Down: Find Your Superpower, Meaning, and Purpose with Kat McLead

October 28, 2019

Kat Mclead is the creator of the Stay at Home Mom Entrepreneur: *the* proven framework for creating a highly profitable business that you love while working 2 hours a day. She coaches other coaches find their ideal client and raise rates by providing a unique, specialized, in-demand service.


663: System Hub and Systemology: Step Out of Day-to-Day Operations By Creating Processes with David Jenyns

October 25, 2019

David Jenyns, host of the Business Systems Summit, is obsessed (in a good way) with best practices and systems processes, specifically, with sales, marketing, HR, and finance. It's important to let your core processes, key team members do the day-to-day "work" so that you are freed up to focus on strategic planning and aren't weighed down by that mental baggage. He also shares some roadblocks that held him from delegating, and a few useful solutions you'll be able to implement from his experience.


662: Focus, Flow and Control: Marketing P.L.A.N.S., Time-Blocking, Leverage, Planning, Systems, Strategy, and Actions with Diane Conklin

October 22, 2019

Diane Conklin from is an internationally known author, entrepreneur, coach, consultant, marketing and business strategist, implementation specialist and speaker. Diane is a direct response marketing expert who specializes in showing business owners how to integrate their online and offline marketing strategies, media and message, to get maximum results from their marketing dollars.

She's here to help us get focus, to create a plan, and time block to ACT instead of REACTING or RESPONDING. It's possible with her P.L.A.N.S. system: Plan, Leverage (i.e. money), Action, Next (or Now) and Systems (or Strategy)


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