Archive 4: 2020-2023

790: Rise Above Obstacles, Flaws, and Imperfections with Simonia Blassingame

June 21, 2021

What is a superhero? Is it the likes of Superman and Batman? Or someone who achieved greatness? It’s someone like Simonia Blassingame.  She’s a real-life superhero who served her country in the military and fought gender and racial discrimination. She proved herself in the male-dominated industry and now, she is here to motivate others to do the same. Listen to this episode to know her story and to find out how to become a superhero.

Simonia Blassingame is a wife, mother, sister, aunt, friend, entrepreneur, and Child of God. She is a speaker and is working on her signature talk. Today, Simonia discusses her mission to help women achieve greatness and overcome obstacles, drawing from her experiences in the military and as a mentor to young women.


“I am a very curious person. I love learning things and meeting new people. Many things fire me up, but I've determined that I'm most passionate about helping women and focusing my energies and efforts on gender equality.” - Simonia Blassingame

“The danger of comparing yourself to other people is that you're comparing yourself against their strengths. If those don't match or align with yours, you're going to do yourself and your organization a disservice.” - Simonia Blassingame

“Knowing what your triggers and hot buttons are can certainly help you navigate situations in a smoother way.” - Simonia Blassingame


00:47 Embracing one's unique strengths and identity is crucial for personal and professional growth.

07:24 Building a support system and leveraging allies can help overcome challenges and achieve success.

10:59 Reflecting on one's emotional triggers and hot buttons can improve conflict management and decision-making.

14:00 Avoiding comparison to others and focusing on personal development leads to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

19:12 Mentoring and coaching can provide valuable insights and guidance for young professionals navigating their careers.

32:55 Embracing your worth and uniqueness is the foundation for personal growth and fulfillment.


789: Email Writing, Copywriting, and Marketing with Charlene Burke

June 18, 2021

How can you be the person that you need to be and should be? Maybe you just need the confidence and empathy to interact with clients. Charlene has seen the ins and outs of that kind of situation. That’s why she’s now financially independent. Her skills in copywriting, email writing, and other online ventures paved the way for her to achieve that. Do you want to know the secret behind her success? Then listen to this episode. You’ll surely learn a lot!

Charlene Burke is a seasoned copywriter and content creator who has found success in writing email sequences for a variety of clients. After experimenting with different business ventures, Charlene discovered her passion for copywriting, particularly in the realm of email marketing. Today, Charlene shares her insights on the importance of understanding your audience, conducting thorough market research, and leveraging the creative freedom of email copywriting to differentiate yourself in a crowded market.


“I decided that I was tired. Physically, I was a mess, and mentally, I was getting out of sorts because of the physical issues I was having. I decided I had to work for myself.” - Charlene Burke

“I had the problem, and I figured out that there had to be a solution. If there's a problem, there's a solution.” - Charlene Burke

“No matter how bad things get, they can't put you between two pieces of bread and eat you. Think through the absolute worst that could possibly happen and understand that, even if you haven't been through worse, whatever you've been through to this point has gotten you here.” - Charlene Burke


04:58 Differentiating your copywriting services by focusing on email sequences can provide a unique value proposition in a crowded market.

10:56 Understanding your audience's pain points and empathizing with their daily experiences is key to creating effective and engaging email copy.

17:19 Overcoming personal struggles, like social anxiety, can be achieved through consistent effort and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone.

26:22 Leveraging personal experiences and empathizing with your audience's daily struggles is crucial for creating impactful and relatable email content.

43:19 Maintaining a clear filter for decision-making, aligned with your ultimate business objectives, helps avoid getting sidetracked by shiny new opportunities.

47:24 Building a support network, such as mastermind groups, can provide valuable insights and guidance when facing obstacles.


788: MindMeister Mind Mapping: Organize Your Ideas, Create Incredible Presentations, Run Meetings and Communicate in New Ways with Michelle Matus

May 31, 2021

How do you express your creativity? When in creative mode, ideas start to flutter and bloom in your minds—like fireworks. But these ideas remain as ideas until acted and executed in the real world. It quickly vanishes when it is not put into something – written, drawn-out, verbalized, or even video recorded.  Your brain has these sets of ideas but are they cohesive? Do they make sense?

Michelle Matus is the Product Marketing Manager for MindMeister, a leading mind mapping software platform that enables over 20 million users to brainstorm, collaborate, and plan projects in a visual way. Today, Michelle talks about the benefits of using mind mapping, including its ability to help users be more creative and productive. She explains how online mind mapping tools like MindMeister allow for efficient organization and visualization of ideas, as well as real-time collaboration with others.


“Mind mapping is a fantastic visual way to essentially be more creative and productive.” - Michelle Matus

“If you're writing something down, you don't necessarily see and visualize the connections. With a mind map, you're able to start lumping ideas together.” - Michelle Matus

“It's a fantastic resource for creative people. It's a fantastic resource for educators and schools, and we find a lot of use for it in a collaborative space with businesses trying to build and create new and creative ideas.” - Michelle Matus


00:51 Mind mapping is a visual tool that can help users be more creative and productive by allowing them to quickly capture and organize ideas.

02:56 Online mind mapping tools like MindMeister enable real-time collaboration, where multiple people can contribute and build on each other's ideas.

11:54 Avoiding self-censorship and maintaining an open, creative mindset is key to effectively utilizing mind mapping tools like MindMeister.

20:51 Mind mapping can be useful for a variety of applications beyond just brainstorming, such as meeting agendas, project planning, and knowledge management.

25:44 Podcasters can use mind mapping to create interactive, searchable show notes that enhance the listener experience.


787: Grow and Disrupt: Simplify the Psychology of Sales, Marketing and People with Stephanie Scheller

May 28, 2021

When most people think of starting a business, psychology doesn’t typically come to mind. Most of these business owners get started knowing nothing about psychology, but they are doing well and thriving in their business. However, learning more about the surprising power and benefits of psychology can amazingly help small businesses – which translates into happy and productive employees, quality service, better reputation and increased profits. 

Stephanie Scheller of Grow Disrupt simplifies the psychology of sales, marketing, & people for small business owners who want to increase their impact. After studying for more than a decade about human psychology, Stephanie built her business from scratch and left her 9 to 5 job, and under a year, she has worked with more than 2500+ companies, dedicated to uplift and help small entrepreneurs understand how to create their impact in their own businesses. Stephanie is the ultimate “Impact Authority”, a best-selling author, TED X speaker, and today breaks down the psychology behind sales, marketing, and people management to implement and accelerate growth in your business. Today, Stephanie shares her journey of building her business from scratch, the challenges of running events during the pandemic, and the importance of taking action and creating momentum in your business.


“We are all about supporting small businesses and helping them thrive because they really do struggle.” - Stephanie Scheller

“One of our core values is the indomitable spirit. Black belts don't give up; we find a way through. We push through with that spirit, and that is how we live and approach everything.” - Stephanie Scheller

“Events have a very steep curve. The reward is on the other side of a deep dip. Events have a very deep dip because there is a lot of reward on the other side.” - Stephanie Scheller


01:34 Maintaining an unwavering commitment to your goals, even in the face of obstacles and skepticism, is essential for overcoming challenges and achieving success.

09:26 Successful event organizers must have an indomitable spirit and a commitment to finding a way to make their events happen, no matter the obstacles.

10:58 Effective marketing and sales are crucial for event success, as simply creating a great event is not enough to guarantee attendance.

16:37 Developing a diverse "bench" of skills and tactics to draw from is key to overcoming challenges and maintaining momentum in one's business.

23:43 Constant evaluation, adjustment, and practice are essential for improving one's craft, whether it's playing the violin or running a successful event.

29:01 Having backup plans and the willingness to take action are vital for navigating the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and achieving one's goals.


786: Grow your Team, Foster Culture, and Stop Work Burnout with Stephen Christopher

May 26, 2021

Are you self-aware of your position in your team? Have you been working like crazy, forgot to rest, and now seriously burnt-out? Different challenges surface when you least expect, and pivoting on these situations sets the best from the rest. Take a look at how Stephen Christopher helps you “re-imagine” and “re-envision” your team, company, and most importantly, yourself to the next level. 

Stephen Christopher is the co-founder of Wit Digital, a digital marketing agency. Today, Stephen discusses the importance of building a business that does not consume your entire life. He shares his personal journey of stepping back from the day-to-day operations of his company in order to find more fulfillment and balance. He further talks about the emotional challenges of redefining his role within the business and the value of developing self-awareness through practices like meditation and journaling.


“I got to the point where I started to get burned out. Like a lot of entrepreneurs, I think we can run at a certain pace, and most of us have a lot of willpower, so we can push through times of discomfort better than most.” - Stephen Christopher

“I think just having some sort of intention or desire is essential. You don't have to know exactly how you're going to do it, but you at least need to have a sense of the direction you want to go. Then just start walking and find a lot of good resources.” - Stephen Christopher

“Entrepreneurs are insane. We're gluttons for punishment, and we're just a little bit crazy.” - Stephen Christopher


01:29 Building a business that doesn't consume your life requires intentionally separating your identity from the business.

05:26 Stepping back from daily operations can lead to an identity crisis, but it's a necessary step for business growth.

14:40 Separating your personal identity from the business identity is crucial for allowing the company to grow independently and avoid stagnation.

28:05 Developing self-awareness through practices like meditation and journaling can provide clarity and guide better decision-making.

33:25 Conscious leadership involves being mindful of the impact of your words and actions, and empowering others to take on more responsibility.

35:14 Spreading a message of living a fulfilling life can have a ripple effect and inspire positive change in others.


785: Write Your Book to Express Yourself and Your Business with Lin Eleoff

May 24, 2021

Are you a giver or a receiver? When you give, do you give everything away? Or choose what you want to share? Sharing is caring, but you can never be 100% selfless as an entrepreneur. Words of wisdom into books become your money-making and influence tool to propel your business even further, which is why Lin Eleoff tells you prudence! 

Lin Eleoff is the founder of the Mighty Tiny Book Academy, where she teaches coaches, consultants, and course creators how to write a book to market their business. As an expert in the field of non-fiction book writing, Lin helps her clients create "business cards on steroids" - books that are less than 100 pages and designed to turn readers into paying clients. Today, Lin talks about the benefits of writing a Mighty Tiny Book, including how it can overcome common writing obstacles and provide a clear roadmap for building a successful business.


“If your goal in life is to write a bestseller and sell millions of books, and that's how you want to make money, that's one thing. But if you have a business that you want to generate income, then you can use a nonfiction book to attract your ideal readers on a topic that you're an expert on.” - Lin Eleoff

“If the information holds up, if people are learning from what you're teaching them in the book, they will just keep turning the pages. By the time they get to the last page, they're like, how do I get more? How do I work with you?” - Lin Eleoff

“Listen to the voice in your head that's connected to your heart, saying, I really want this.” - Lin Eleoff


01:19 Writing a short, focused book can be an effective way to attract and convert ideal clients for your business, rather than just trying to sell books.

05:51 Overcoming common writing obstacles, like not considering yourself a "writer," can be achieved by adopting a practical, step-by-step approach to book creation.

09:16 Having a clear message and framework for your book can help you create content that engages readers and leads them to want to work with you.

15:10 Empathizing with the reader's struggles and self-doubts, and then presenting a new perspective that breaks them out of their usual thinking, can be an effective way to engage and inspire them.

23:06 The support and guidance of a coach or mentor can be invaluable in helping you overcome self-doubt and stay motivated throughout the book-writing process.

31:05 Recognizing and honoring the voice within that wants you to pursue your goals, rather than listening to the doubts, is key to taking action and achieving success.


784: Smarter Than a Startup: Buy, Manage and Run a Business the Risk-Reduced Way with David Barnett

May 21, 2021

David Barnett is a business expert who has helped many people buy and sell businesses. He is the author of the book "Smarter Than a Startup", which provides a risk-reduced way for people to get the business of their dreams up and running. Today, David discusses the advantages of buying an existing business over starting a new one from scratch. He explains how buying a business with existing customers, sales, and profits can make it easier to secure financing and reduce the overall risk compared to launching a brand-new venture.


“If you have money set aside to be sort of your initial nest egg to start a business, you probably can parlay that money into an acquisition.” - David Barnett

“The whole point of the idea is to figure out how you're going to get into business without risking everything.” - David Barnett

“A very small decline in sales can be a large decline in profits. Businesses are what we call an asymmetrical system.” - David Barnett


00:54 Buying an existing business can be a lower-risk path to entrepreneurship compared to starting from scratch.

03:05 Existing businesses with cash flow and profits have advantages in securing financing and leveraging resources.

12:57 Carefully analyzing the financial details of a business acquisition, including hidden costs, is crucial to avoid overspending.

17:45 Seeking expert guidance can help entrepreneurs navigate the process of buying a business and avoid common pitfalls.

21:00 Caution is advised when considering the purchase of distressed businesses, as the recovery timeline and potential for continued losses may be uncertain.


783: Eliminate Mental Blocks: Achieve Greatness Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Self Hypnosis, Mindfulness, and the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) with Charles Crenshaw

May 19, 2021

Did you know that 95% of our actions are generated in our subconscious mind? But we never learn how to maximize it. You have more power over managing your health – mentally, physically, and emotionally. Master the modalities to change your emotions, eliminate phobias, control your “mental state”, and connect with others through Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Charles Crenshaw is a hypnotist, NLP practitioner, and EFT practitioner who helps people solve everyday problems using these tools. He is the author of two books - "EFT for Meditation" and "Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru" - which detail his 40 years of meditation experience. Today, Charles talks about how techniques like NLP and EFT can be used to help people make positive changes in their lives, from overcoming phobias to breaking bad habits.


“We train ourselves instead of going instead of zigging than zag when you come home.” - Charles Crenshaw

“You're not compensating for me. I don't want to be somebody you always come to. Here are the tools. We hope you access them and learn how to use them on your own continually, if that is your interest.” - Charles Crenshaw

“You do have the capacity to help yourself and you are the architect of your own destiny.” - Charles Crenshaw


02:56 Techniques like NLP and EFT can help people make positive changes in their lives, from overcoming phobias to breaking bad habits.

09:06 Holistic approaches like meditation, hypnosis, and self-regulation can often be more effective than relying solely on external interventions.

13:10 Individuals have the capacity to help themselves and should be empowered to access tools and techniques to improve their own well-being.

23:37 Self-hypnosis can be a powerful tool for getting oneself into the right mental state, such as for an important task or presentation.

28:43 Developing self-awareness and the ability to regulate one's own emotions and behaviors is key to being the "architect of your own destiny."


782: Purpose, Passion, Reinventing, Rediscovering, and Realigning Yourself with Barbara McCollough and Lorna Lyons

May 17, 2021

When we are in our 30s, 40s, or older, we constantly look for time to do the things we want, but with all the work and responsibilities we have, it seems that there is no time for it. But we can still have the best years for ourselves no matter what our age is and that we're all created for specific work, and the desire for that is planted in our hearts. Being aligned and recreating ourselves takes time and effort, but the rewards are satisfying and remarkable, especially if we are doing something we care about and using our skills. 

Barbara McCollough and Lorna Lyons are experts in the field of human development and personal growth. Barbara is a former psychotherapist and coach, as well as a teacher and memoirist. Her book "Digger" explores the process of self-discovery and reinvention. Lorna has a background in women's studies and specializes in helping people identify their strengths and use them to achieve their goals. Today, Barbara and Lorna discussed their collaborative program "Achieve at Any Age," which focuses on empowering women in their 40s and 50s to unlock their full potential and create fulfilling new chapters in their lives.


“We have a tendency to try to talk ourselves out of it, or we look for external explanations.” - Barbara McCollough

“Even the sharpest knife can't carve its own handle.” - Barbara McCollough

“So many of us just fell into our work, and that's not necessarily satisfying for an entire lifetime.” - Lorna Lyons


05:01 Uncovering the unconscious programming and deep-seated beliefs that hold us back is crucial for personal reinvention and growth.

16:39 Aligning our work and purpose with our inherent strengths and values leads to greater fulfillment and happiness.

23:39 Regularly engaging in introspective practices, such as meditation, can provide access to the vast potential of the subconscious mind.

24:18 Embracing the mindset that it's never too late to pursue new passions and reinvent oneself can open up exciting possibilities.

27:58 Combining both an "inside-out" approach of self-discovery and an "outside-in" method of identifying strengths and values can create a powerful synergy for personal transformation.


781: Alexa Skills, Voice Search, Smart Speakers, and Artificial Intelligence with Terri Jones

May 14, 2021

Today, for this episode, we are joined in by Terri Jones. Terri is a digital strategist, Alexa skills developer, and content marketer. She also employs cutting-edge marketing techniques to help companies recycle, reuse, and repurpose their material to extend and develop their brands. In this segment, we'll go over Amazon's Alexa Echo and go over all of its features and functions.

Terri Jones is the host of the "We Voice It" podcast, where she shares tips and insights on using Amazon Alexa devices to boost productivity and expand your brand. As a technology expert with over 34 years of experience, Terri is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and content creators take advantage of the power of voice technology. Today, Terri discusses the vast array of Alexa skills available, from Jeopardy and Family Feud to local business content and podcast integration.


“There's actually 100,000 Alexa skills on this echo device that you can take advantage of, and people don't have a clue.” - Terri Jones

“I'm a pioneer. If something is going down, I'm on top of it. I want to help you get your content found on voice.” - Terri Jones

“If somebody knows how to develop a skill, they can just go on Amazon and do it themselves. Okay, now they have it out there. Now you go figure out how to get it done. Or you can hire somebody that knows how to do that.” - Terri Jones


00:56 Alexa skills provide a vast and untapped opportunity for businesses and content creators to reach new audiences through voice technology.

03:46 Developing Alexa skills can be a lucrative endeavor, with some developers earning thousands of dollars per month from their creations.

12:55 Collaborating with others, such as having children review and promote Alexa skills, can lead to unexpected benefits and recognition.

19:59 Making use of Alexa skills can enhance productivity, engagement, and brand visibility for entrepreneurs and content creators.

25:15 The Alexa skills market is still relatively new, making it an opportune time for individuals and businesses to get involved and establish a presence.


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