
103: Money Mindset: Locate Money Leaks, Create Prosperity and Freedom with Chris Miles

July 28, 2016

Chris Miles from MoneyRipples.com tells us how to get our financial situation in order. We cover everything from an easy tool (and app) you can use to track your in and out (plus business AND personal) expenses called Mint.com. He also tells us what to do whether you're a spender, saver, or steward of your money. And a whole lot more!

096: The Perfect Morning Routine and Morning Habits: Get the Most of Out of Every Day, Reclaim Your Energy, and Multiply Your Creativity

June 27, 2016

Quote of the Week: "It doesn't matter if the thing you're creating is stupid or has been done before. What matters is that people use it." -- Jack Ma
Quote #2: "A year from now, you'll wish you had started today." -- Karen Lamb

Today's Sponsor: Profit Dashboard
Resources Mentioned: Four Daily Tasks Group, Make a Product, Podcast Crusher, Time Management on Crack

  1. Wake up early, preferably at least 30 minutes before you normally would (your brain runs out of "good" decision making power as the day goes on)
  2. Sleep a solid 8 hours: eat a spoonful of raw honey just before bed, don't use the phone right before bed, breath 4 seconds in and hold for 7 seconds then exhale for 8 seconds, and count from the number 300 backwards from 3 if that doesn't work, use the Sleep Cycle app to wake you up
  3. Make your bed first thing in the morning (it gives you one thing you accomplished today)
  4. Meditate: Take 1-2 hours of "quiet" time in the morning: don't listen to music, stay off the computer, and walk (or drive or run) to think about making your next move and conquering the day
  5. Take lots of breaks throughout the day to recharge (AWAY from the computer) and take at least 1-2 days away from the computer per week
  6. Drink Bulletproof Coffee: Wake up at 5AM and blend together 2 cups of low-acid unsalted coffee + 2 tbsp MCT oil + 2 tbsp ghee butter or unsalted irish Kerrygold butter. Abstain from eating anything else until 2PM in the afternoon.
  7. Drink tons of water instead of soda
  8. Read a book instead of watching TV (this is what Bill Gates does) and get a hobby outside of internet marketing or parenting
  9. Journal: spend 5 minutes getting the clutter, thoughts and problems out of your head (you don't need to solve them, just get clarity)
  10. Write down your Four Daily Tasks instead of just winging it (fourdailytasks.com/group)

094: Six and Seven Figure Business Secrets: Website Backups, Morning Routines, and Your Process and Flow State

June 16, 2016

Today's Sponsor: Backup Creator (starts at just $7)
Today's Quote: "The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake. You can't learn anything from being perfect." -- Adam Osborne

Morning Routine

  • Wake up early, make the bed, break up the day, drink water, exercise
  • Four Daily Tasks spaced throughout the day (and don't "cheat" or be an idiot about your schedule)
  • When you're "blocked" -- stop, don't force it

Website Backups

  • WordPress, Backup Creator
  • Set automatic offsite backups (set it and forget it)
  • Amazon S3, Dropbox, and Google Drive

Flow State

  • Get to ANY money making level as fast as possible (Profit Dashboard for Fiverr, Income Machine for WordPress)
  • Figure out your click-by-click process: support desk, installing WordPress, recording podcasts, creating YouTube videos... that way it doesn't matter how many you have to create
  • Get rid of the clutter: more ideas, more possibilities, split focus is NOT good -- knock out what needs doing and be done with it.

Click to Claim the Backup Creator Plugin Right Now

093: Simplify, Become Desperate to Reduce Clutter, Get Your Life Back, Eliminate Procrastination (And Burnout and Overload) and Increase Motivation

June 11, 2016

Today's Sponsor: Website Remote (99 cent trial)
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." -- Leonardo da Vinci

  1. Only think three "content ideas" ahead (i.e. podcast episodes)
  2. Have your own system or weekly structure. Promote ONE thing this week, email every day, and have a webinar in the middle if possible
  3. Don't check email, Facebook, or Skype for a few days. The world will still be there when you come back.
  4. Four Daily Tasks: all money making tasks, and one of them is some form of content creation
  5. Don't Force It: if you can't seem to get anything done, get away from the computer, but also get away from TV and your phone (possibly, read to collect your thoughts). Get back "in state."
  6. Stop Multitasking: Turn off all pop-ups and keep your phone out of your office (or in a drawer) so you can focus on those money-making tasks
  7. It's Just One Hour: Time yourself and put even one focused hour (all other windows closed) on a timer for your business
  8. Clear files off your desktop every week (into a monthly "overflow" folder)
  9. Don't have a notebook filled with ideas. I have one single piece of paper and one pen on my desk to take notes, then I delete them.
  10. File everything away and have it on auto-backup. I have a G-SAFE external drive and Cloudberry Backup running every night to Amazon S3.

089: How to Handle the Ups and Downs Of Being a Self-Employed Entrepreneur

May 21, 2016

Today's Sponsor: ProfitDashboard.com
"Learning is a gift, even when pain is your teacher." -- Maya Watson

You should be excited to get out of bed in the morning. You should be itching to knock out 40 minutes of money-making tasks on the computer, then leave the computer.

If you're feeling unmotivated, get off the computer until you do.

1. Treat your business like a real business: boundaries for "focused" time (Four Daily Tasks) -- no split focus
2. Anytime you're making a decision or deciding to commit time to a task, ask yourself: will doing this really earn me more money? If you're not sure, then is it worth risking an hour or 5 minutes to find out? (Usually: yes.)
3. Look to put yourself out of business, because if you won't, someone else will. (Which means: move your business to the next logical step.) Complete what you start, but after completing and getting the low hanging fruit, don't rely on that income stream to keep paying you for 10 years.

4. Support System & Mastermind: have someone to talk to who understands you
5. Light at the end of the tunnel: don't plan more than your next product, next book, next three podcast episodes, etc. Go back and connect the dots later.
6. Make Money: you'll be more excited (and have an easier time justifying what you're doing to others) if you're making some initial money

7. Take Time Off the Computer to Think: Either weekends, or specific days of the week. Don't just "zone out" all day and all week staring at the screen. Take quiet walks or drives to think, too. Exercise to clear your head and reduce stress.
8. Be an Above-Average Person: Actually listen to what people say in your everyday life. Avoid being the zombie who drifts through things. Don't watch so much of the news, and avoid live TV if possible. Quit gossip and complaining. You take actions, things don't happen to you.
9. Have an Abundance Mindset: Provide lots of help for free to others, not to feel superior or to get credit, just because it makes you feel good.

10. Traffic: most people setup their site hoping everyone will find it. WSO's, seminars, viral affiliate program, retargeted traffic -- get lots of people to your site
11. Strengthen Your Content Muscle: this doesn't necessary mean writing. It can be webinars, podcasts, YouTube videos, product creation. Get used to producing "something" helpful to others at least every few days -- paid or free. Note: build content on sites you control, not forums and Facebook.
12. Minimum viable product: What's most important is that you take action, that it leads you to making more money, and that you complete and follow-through. Getting it "done" and 80% right is better than getting it perfect and 100% right, which is impossible.

088: Create More Free Time, Become Super Productive, and Enjoy the Money Making Process Again

May 15, 2016

"Be big enough to admit your mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them." -- John C Maxwell

Traps you fall into: perfectionist, self doubt, self defeatist, the stars have to align. I need to "force" myself into getting motivated. Yeah, right.
"Usual" advice I'll skip over: Four Daily Tasks + Camtasia babysitter + accountability partner + computer hotseat + one take content
Usually, the "thing" you have to do is just 5 minutes, or just 1 hour: speak out book, run webinar, send email
Stop multitasking with the phone, email, Facebook, TV. Leave it out of the room.

  1. Stop watching TV: biggest time waster (or at least put it off for a couple weeks)
  2. Schedule time on the calendar to get it done
  3. Throw away the old notes and papers, you don't need that clogging up your mind
  4. Don't walk into the office after a specific hour: this forces you to get more done
  5. Anchoring: associate your office, sitting at the computer with fun, creativity, productivity, flow state (leave windows open so you can sit down and go)
  6. Take short breaks without the phone: it'll be easier to multitask when you get back (take up walking during your breaks if you can)
  7. Spend just 5 minutes doing something you love like playing the piano
  8. Read a lot more: just one page per night
  9. Leisure goals: running a certain distance, scoring high at a certain sport (create something).
  10. Enjoy the "fun" of building your business. The meaning is what you make it. Get to the making-money phase and get to stoppable/resumable milestones.

Bonus: Wake up one hour early for an "easy" boost to the day.

087: Break Out of Your Money Zone (and Uninstall Negative Money Beliefs) Using 80/20 and 10X

May 6, 2016

Important Quotes & Terms


Reasons We Became Entrepreneurs

  • Result: travel, retire, better house/car
  • More time for what matters
  • Break out of the daily grind
  • Freedom
  • Control
  • Less stress, work
  • Build something undeniably great with your name on it
  • Crack the code (or nut) using your intelligence
  • Help others to build their business, write a book, lose weight, etc. Change lives.
  • Get the high score

Reasons You're Trapped in That Money Zone

  • self-esteem (you think you're not smart enough or don't deserve it), too old or too young, fear of change, fear of losing friends, comparisons to your parents and friends
  • scarcity mindset insetad of an abundance mindset
  • it's hard to speed towards a brick wall: you tend to slow down when those bills get paid, instead you need 10
  • problem: what we resist persists

Quick & Easy Solutions

  1. Meanings don't exist: any meanings or conclusions you come up with are in your own head. There is no absolute truth. Only many truths you have created.
  2. Locate the source: Write down the specific issues that are holding you back from making more money -- people, attitude, obligations
  3. Counter example: Find the exception that proves the rule: when were you productive? When did you have more money than you needed at the time?
  4. Provide real value for others
  5. Cut out the negative people (and customers) in your life
  6. Write down a daily metric for how you're doing (as in, money, sales, content created)
  7. Write down issues to correct them

Socratic Questions

  1. Clarification: why do you say that?
  2. Assumption: what could we assume instead?
  3. Evidence: what's an example?
  4. Perspective: what would be an alternative?
  5. Consequences: how does it affect other things?
  6. Meaning: what does it mean and where does it come from?

Questions to Correct Mistaken Beliefs

  1. What's the evidence for this?
  2. Does this ALWAYS hold true or has it ever been wrong?
  3. Does this take the big picture into account, both positive and negative?
  4. Are you being fully objective? Where did this idea come from? Or is it only emotional?

Negative Self Talk

  • Worrier: anxiety. Worst case scenario, overestimate the bad, exaggerated images of that. What if? Change to: so what?
  • Critic: self esteem. Judging. Ignores positive qualities and emphasizes the bad. I'm ok with the way I am.
  • Victim: depression. Helpless, powerless, regret. Belief that nothing will change or is too difficult. One step at a time.
  • Perfectionist: burnout. Says you should be working harder. Intolerant of mistakes and setbacks. It's ok to make mistakes.

086: Destroy Overwhelm Today, Achieve Maximum Clarity and Get Back on Track to Making Money

April 29, 2016
  • If you do the things you've always done, you'll get the results you've always gotten.
  • Questions must be answered. Ask your "computer" brain for more negative answers and it will provide this to you. Ask for positive things and it also can't stop.

"Destroy Overwhelm" FREE Report

Important Quotes

  • "You either create or allow everything that happens to you." -- Jack Canfield
  • "Today may not seem like much, but you're trading a day of your life for it." -- Anonymous

Questions As We Get Started

  1. Take stock of what matters and what doesn't. What can you let go?
  2. What is your usual reaction to: your bank account, your significant other, bad news, good news. What can you change?
  3. Do you work better under pressure (just enough chaos) or do you like getting further and further ahead?
  4. Do you have some skin in the game or are you just a spectator?

Psychological Triggers to Become Instantly Productive Even in Overwhelm

  • countdown timer (creates artificial urgency)
  • Seinfeld technique (mark each day on the calendar when you complete something and don't break the chain)
  • accountability partner (someone who can be proud of you when you finish)


Solutions to Overwhelm

  1. Helpless: Get some control back by making your bed. It's at least one thing you can control and one accomplishment you made today
  2. Disorganized: Four Daily Tasks: write down those quick goals. Break your problem down into component parts.
  3. Alarmed: Play it out to the logical conclusion. As in, if you're worried about money, take it to the most extreme conclusion. Will you be homeless? No, then it's not super terrible.
  4. Anxious: Exercise (even walking), eat better, move around, have better posture
  5. Indifferent/Unmotivated: Journal what you're feeling: sounds cheesy and is time consuming but works as a makeshift therapist. Combine something you don't like to do with what you do like to do, like play music while writing.
  6. Lonely: Be more social, find a mastermind or mentor
  7. Annoyed & Negative: Redirect Automatic Negative Thoughts and Absolutes ("this always happens"). Ask yourself, what's good about this or what could be good about this?
  8. Depressed: smile, laugh, change your usual "predictable" reaction. Confuse your mind and break out of that pattern. Be careful with the "negative" words you use.
  9. Bored: Move to a new location. Get your writing done in a coffee shop today, with a laptop and no charger
  10. Distracted: shut out noise and create boundaries. Develop better habits, i.e. not checking FB, stats, email when you get bored. Separate the forest from the trees to get that clarity.

Conclusion: which is the reason you feel overwhelmed?

a. you perform best under pressure (you need a way to relax and unplug but this mode works for you): tweak those deadlines so it's interesting but you deliver on time
b. you're worried of what others think: do your best, you do you. You need more confidence which you get as feedback from your victories.
c. you simply can't decide: scale down so that you make lots of small decisions (i.e. just decide on the book title)

085: Upgrade Your Thoughts & Beliefs: What Rich People Know vs. What Poor People Don’t

April 23, 2016

"The worst people to serve are the poor people. Give them free, they think it's a trap.
Tell them it's a small investment, they'll say can't earn much.
Tell them to come in big, they'll say no money.
Tell them try new things, they'll say no experience.
Tell them it's traditional business, they'll say hard to do.
Tell them it's a new business model, they'll say it's MLM.
Tell them to run a shop, they'll say no freedom.
Tell them run new business, they'll say no expertise.
Just ask them, what can they do? They won’t be able to answer you.
Poor people fail because of one common behavior: Their Whole Life is About Waiting." -- Jack Ma

"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change.
The leader adjusts the sails." -- John Maxwell

  • Thought #1: Wealth is a choice: make up your mind. If money was distributed equally, it would be back in the "old" hands within 90 days
  • Thought #2: Stop fooling yourself about what you're after. Peace of mind, being able to do good in the world, is easier with money
  • Thought #3: Realize that you're the one holding yourself back, but don't be "happily miserable" about it

Factor #1: Relationships

  • Mastermind: associate with successful people (who challenge you) and not miserable people
  • Gossip, jealousy, nastiness. It's easy to be a critic. Why not do something if it's so easy?
  • Do a nice thing because it makes you feel good, before you need help, not just to use people
  • Be 100% there: don't try to "balance" business, family, day job, and fun

Factor #2: Abundance Mindset (skeptical vs. trusting)

  • Avoid the transactional trap where you either do something and expect a favor, or you play chicken to see who can do the least "work"
  • "Don't buy any courses... why would they give away their secret sauce?"
  • Zero sum: I'll have to steal money or sucker someone into working for me to make money

Factor #3: Take Control of Your Own Destiny (enjoy problems instead of placing the blame or making excuses)

  • Self-sabotage: one foot on the brake, the wrong kind of control, leads to "misery loves company" and trying to "save" others
  • Be coachable: Make some mistakes, or go into coaching with "what I've already built and here's where I'm stuck" as opposed to "I don't know where to start." Instead of a long-winded sob story, get to the point and tell me the one area where you need help.
  • Limiting beliefs, confirmation bias, self fulfilling prophecy, shooting yourself in the foot vs. The Four Minute Mile & The Mastermind
  • Find a way to enjoy building websites and making money
  • Minimum viable product and proof of concept: complete something so that you can contribute value
  • Let go of what doesn't matter

Factor #4: Time Management

  • Appointment Based Business: I have enough questions answered that I can now act (the calendar is immovable)
  • Anchoring: you become what you focus on, and your daily "time system" is only effective if you take it seriously
  • Train your brain. For example, set a timer for 10 minutes, start writing, and don't stop writing. The instant the timer stops, leave the computer. Don't act like you're smarter than the system. Don't just shrug it off and say "I got it."
  • Journaling, meditations, affirmations, daily actions & habits

Factor #5: Learning, Curiosity & Simplicity (lottery vs. action)

  • Crack the code: get to the goal in the least number of steps and make it repeatable
  • Specialized knowledge vs. "hard work"
  • Intake of information to solve a real problem instead of watching reality TV
  • Repetitions to improve your skill and repeat the positive result
  • Failure is a learning experience and the chance to begin again or change course, but don't give up too soon or set yourself up for disappointment
  • Don't ignore the simple or familiar stuff. Don't get caught up in buzzwords that make it more difficult. Avoid professor or student mode

Factor #6: Money Management

  • Emotional vs. logical
  • Gambling vs. saving
  • Live below your means

Factor #7: Future vs. the Past

  • You make your own story. Life is meaningless but then you assign meaning to a series of events.
  • Become desperate to reduce clutter (throw out what keeps distracting you)
  • Move out of your comfort zone: do what you are afraid to do
  • Pursue a real dream with milestones instead of just the status quo

083: Laws of Success and the Problem Solver’s Mindset: Become An Above-Average Entrepreneur, Get Results Out of Every Course You Consume, and Succeed in Every Journey You Take

April 9, 2016

"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it. -- Bill Gates

Remember Four Daily Tasks? No matter how crazy or "complicated" you try to make your productivity and time management, this is what always keeps me productive:

  • 10 minute early morning, 40 minute morning, 40 minute early afternoon, 40 minute afternoon
  • three day window: forget about the 100 item to-do list or 4-week plan. What's this week?
  • degrees of doneness: no chipping away, starting, continuing. What did you finish?
  • accountability & encryption: list out the acronyms of what you're going to do
  • distractions: don't check your phone, email, Twitter, or the news (it will find you)

Principle #1: Complete For Now / Minimum Viable Product

  • Keep it simple. Don't fool yourself into thinking complicated is better, or 100x half finished things are better than 1 finished thing (don't replicate the mistakes) -- get the bugs out
  • Abundance mindset: there's enough room for everybody. A rising tide lifts all boats.
  • Continuous learning, childlike curiosity
  • The Kid Test / The Mom Test: Can you describe what you're doing (list building, FB fan pages, Amazon FBA, etc.) to a five-year old?
  • It's okay to spend way more time taking action than spending time thinking

Principle #2: Publish 100 Actions

  • 100 blog posts, 100 YouTube videos, 100 Kindle books, 100 podcast episodes (but COMPLETE one at a time)
  • 100 Days: Give it at least 3 months (100 days) of consistent daily action (and make some progress every day)
  • Make some money as fast as possible as encouragement for you to keep going
  • Appointment based business
  • If you don't have your own system & schedule, everyone will pull you in all directions.
  • Don't plan it out ahead of time, but "put out" 100 things
  • Completion (day 1 isn't when you start learning, it's when your first "thing" is published)
  • Repetitions. Fail forward fast. Do what most people won't do.
  • You can't learn to drive by reading the owner's manual 1000 times.
  • Have a morning routine to get a jump on the day and do what matters before things distract you

Principle #3: The Light at the End of the Tunnel

  • Know exactly what you're building towards (i.e. 20 sales a day, 5k/month Fiverr income)
  • Implement and experiment.
  • Don't learn just to learn, re-teach or criticize.
  • Focus on just one thing at a time. Improve just one variable.

Principle #4: Data Scientist

  • Track your efforts and results in a spreadsheet
  • Marketplace Need: Create blog posts, videos, podcasts, products, courses that deliver on what people are asking for
  • Crack the code: make all the mistakes, correct them, streamline that checklist (remove instead of add), stop doing what isn't working
  • Track it: You're fooling yourself into think you're doing so much

Principle #5: Computer Programmer Mentality

  • break the problem down into manageable sub-problems or milestones.
  • It's ok to admit you don't know. Find out what you need to know!
  • Some questions have no answer, or just aren't important.
  • Don't look for so many questions. Find "a" path to get where you need to go.

Principle #6: Rough Numbers

  • Know your rough numbers (this is how 4DT came out, number of help desk tickets answered, clicks from emails, webinar attendees)
  • Embrace the Chaos: you need some degree of "messiness" in your business. JVZoo, RAP, multiple membership sites instead of one
  • Separate the forest from the trees

Principle #7: Get a Coach

  • Admit when you don't know something: don't "juggle" it all in your head
  • See what someone more successful than you is doing.
  • Know what the "next" problem is that you're solving. Know how to ask a real question.
  • Role Modeling & Anti Role Modeling: what would X do in this situation? and what would this unsuccessful person say about this?

Pitfalls to Stay Away From

  • Don't go down the rabbit hole: learning to program when you just wanted to create an e-book
  • Don't let the tiniest thing hold you up
  • Don't wait. Just take the action. Don't fall into victimhood, martyrism, or "waiting" for the other person to do something
  • Don't just fill time: it takes just as much effort to do nothing as it is to do something
  • Don't be a pack rat: throw away your notes and "used up" bi-products
    Don't Sabotage Yourself: One foot on the brake. Reversion to a comfortable state. Be uncomfortable now + comfortable later, or comfortable now + uncomfortable later. Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.
  • Don't let the confirmation bias get the best of you: reinforcing what you already know or ask around until you find the answer you want
  • Don't let anyone take you for granted. Have a good support system of encouragement. Be an indispensable resource.

Check out Time Management on Crack to get a handle on your success mindset and Income Machine to get your money-making system in place.

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