Social Marketing

424: Social Media Success: Build Your Presence, Engagement and Traffic on Facebook Using Reciprocity, Followup, and Marketing with Nikki Yeager

October 20, 2017

Nikki Yeager is an entrepreneur and startup coach based in NYC. Her first company, EHR Tutor, was profitable from day one and quickly reached a million dollars a year while she was leading the sales and marketing effort. She now runs a holistic products company, The Relievery, designs for a non-gendered children's clothing line, Every Bean Boutique, and spends her free time doing consulting for entrepreneurs and small businesses.


406: Facebook Groups, Facebook Live Streams, and Word of Mouth Advertising for Real Estate Brokers with Whitney Nicely

September 26, 2017

Whitney Nicely went from no investments (or strategies) to 19 houses, 19 apartment units and 7 chunks of land in less than three years all bringing monthly money to her bank account on auto pilot. She has traveled the United States speaking on stages, teaching her simple strategies, and meeting with other successful real estate investors- and still buying houses the way she teaches others.

We talk today about how Whitney gets leads into her real estate business through Facebook pages, Facebook Live streaming and word-of-mouth advertising.

Create Passive Income & Build Wealth with Real Estate

393: Facebook Live Streaming: Build Your Audience, Land Sales, and Become a Thought Leader with Zero Effort

September 7, 2017

Tune in today as we talk about Facebook Live Streaming. You can live stream anything from your web camera or desktop to any wall, fan page, or group. You can also record live streams, play back videos as live streams, mix and match (i.e. show your face, then desktop, then play a video, then switch back) and do it using 100% free tools.

Join our Video Sales Tactics Course to Discover Everything About Streaming Video on Facebook Live

387: Meet Edgar: Up Your Social Media Content Marketing Game, Build a Library of Content and Enjoy Automated Evergreen Traffic with Laura Roeder

August 30, 2017

Laura Roeder is the founder of Edgar, which automates your social media posting on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. With Edgar, load up your favorite RSS feeds AND use the tool for content research. Browse your favorite links and articles to create libraries (categories) that you queue up into your favorite social media channels for consistent, automated posting.

Use Edgar to Automate Your Social Media Content Marketing

341: Innovation and Growth Hacking: Tailor Your Marketing Message to Your Audience Using Facebook Messenger Chatbots with Nick Kullin

June 27, 2017

Tune in right now to hear from early-stage growth hacker Nick Kullin, from Second Flight Consultancy. Nick believes that most people are too close to their product (or service), and that you need to identify what makes your audience tick. Instead of being one of those marketers 2-3 years behind who merely jumps on the bandwagon, be an innovator and see how communications are evolving. That means instead of boring email marketing, focus on Facebook ads, social media content, and Facebook Messenger chatbots.


336: Relationship Building, Social Media Marketing, and High Ticket Coaching with America’s Leading LinkedIn Coach Ted Prodromou

June 20, 2017

Ted Prodromou, The Social Media Guy, knows why you aren't getting business from LinkedIn. Many people use LinkedIn (and social media) as a spamming tool, and you should instead spend a few minutes a day to build relationships. Treat your job title as a headline, view the profiles of people you want to connect with, and connect with a few people a day.

Ted walks those prospects up the ladder by asking people something fun about their business, then tells them about his business and websites. He adds those people to Facebook audiences, retargets them with a Facebook pixel, and sends them through three surveys before getting them on a discovery call.


332: Self Publishing, Book Marketing, Ghostwriting and LinkedIn Marketing with The Writing King Richard Lowe

June 14, 2017

Richard Lowe, Jr. is the writing king. He's created a number of guest blog posts, books of his own, ghostwritten books for others and written countless LinkedIn profiles for clients. If you're curious about the secrets of super-productive and ultra-popular writers, then you'll want to hear about Richard's writing methods as well as his techniques for marketing books once they're published.


182: Strategic Social Media Marketing and Paid Traffic with Corinna Essa

November 16, 2016

Corinna Essa from Social Media Worldwide wants to help you and your social media marketing efforts. She has a unique strategy when it comes to social media, which involves spending $1000 on an initial ad campaign to a free offer with no call-to-action, to then retarget (cookie) your best prospects and run ads to that already-engaged-audience.


179: Strategic Content and Advertising: Increase Social Media Presence with Marty McDonald

November 11, 2016

Marty McDonald from Bad Rhino Inc. stops by to share some interesting social media marketing strategies that can apply to any business, online or offline. Marty shares some case studies with Victory Beer and Blind Squirrel Apparel and how he's been able to track improvement with his clients while being entertaining with his content and marketing specific calls-to-action.

154: Crush It On Instagram: Build an Audience, Generate Leads, and Increase Sales with Luke Bender

October 7, 2016

Luke Bender from shares his Instagram expertise. Instagram is a super popular social network (500 million users, second only to Facebook), where users can only post pictures as content. He shares his 30 minute per day strategy to get the most out of this high traffic social network:

  • post between "every other day" and "once a day"
  • research hashtags: find huge Instagram pages similar to yours and copy those tags
  • follow people to get followers (you're limited to 60 per hour but shoot for 100 per day)


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