Social Marketing

105: Leverage LinkedIn and Network Your Way to New Connections with Mike Shelah

August 1, 2016

LinkedIn master Mike Shelah talks to us about the ABC's of LinkedIn: Always Be Connecting, Always Be Cultivating, and Always Be Customizing. Use the LinkedIn social network to find your dream job or get an "in" with whatever joint venture you want to achieve.

Zapier: Automate Content Marketing and Social Media Using Triggers

February 11, 2016

This is how I automate my posting of social media... I can post an entry to my blog and it cross-posts to my Facebook fan page... but THEN replicates to Twitter, my other Facebook fan pages, and my personal Facebook wall. I also have triggers that go off when I upload a YouTube video:

You can connect all kinds of cool stuff. For example, send me a text message reminder at the same time every day, or populate a Google spreadsheet when I add a file to Dropbox, and more:

Membership Site Challenges, Engagement and Retention: How to Earn Online Income (This is Better Than Drip Content)

May 3, 201339 Comments

As usual, most people are hung up because they're focusing on the wrong things and asking the wrong questions when trying to get their membership sites online and making money.

A big focus problem: stressing out about retention (keeping payment members in your site) when you should "set it and forget it" and focus all your energies on getting new people in the door.

Look, you don't need to drip out videos in tiny pieces, run a call center, or offer trials or discounts to get people to rejoin. Here's what you'll use to get people to join your sites, take action, and complete that course you offer:

  • Auto-subscribe everyone who buys into your membership site into an email autoresponder sublist with a follow-up email sequence
  • Match up your follow-up sequence to either your drip content, or just schedule your emails at a REASONABLE PACE for someone to not just consume the content, but take action
  • Important: don't send JUST ONE email per post... send at least 2-3 emails almost HOUNDING people over time to watch this video, make sure you watch this video, did you watch this video (this is the big one)

Just set those three things up and forget all about it. That alone will double your membership site retention whether it's monthly forever, a fixed term payment plan or even a single payment site – yes, I still follow-up with single payment buyers to make sure they take action.

Now, a reactivation page. Create a folder in your site called "invite" – such as, "" – this is the folder where you will store your reactivation pages.

Let's say Ray Edwards is a member of Webinar Crusher, and it's a 5 month program ($497 upfront or 5 payments of $99.95 spaced 31 days apart). He makes three payments and then cancels.

Don't jump to conclusions! The number 1 reason people cancel from our membership sites is due to credit card expiration... the average credit card only lasts 3 years and some even expire after 1 year! (Plus, for a long time, PayPal had a bug where, if someone updates with credit card information, it would CANCEL all recurring subscriptions!)

Ray has made three payments, and has two left, so we create a new payment button for two payments of $99.95 spaced 31 days apart, name the file "REdwards.html" (short for Ray Edwards). Add this as the headline, "Webinar Crusher: Reactivation Button." Add this as the subheadline: "For Ray Edwards Only!"

For the sub-sub-headline: "This Link Will Be Removed On (Deadline 7 Days From Now, i.e. January 1, 2015)." Add this as the text, "After clicking the reactivation payment button below, do NOT re-register. Instead, check out and then click the -- Existing members, login here – link." Then the button re-activate.

That's it! Adding that button, and nothing else, gets 50% of our drop-outs to sign back up into our membership sites. No bribe or incentive to rejoin, no discount or trial, no special video or gift... just the button to sign up and pay off the remaining payments and that's it!

Now, can I share my BEST strategy for taking membership retention through the roof? Hint: this is the same technique we've used in sites like Membership Cube where we had an 89% success rate (in an industry where even 10 or 20 percent is good) and the average person in our class setup three membership websites.

It's called: membership site challenges. It happens in three parts...

  • Part #1: You explain and show your module in a 60-90 minute video session
  • Part #2: Tell them at the end of that session (video in a blog post) to fill in the challenge or assignment (but don't call it "homework") – a very quick task, for example, create a 3-minute video and publish it online
  • Part #3: Ask four questions to get people to micro-commit to performing that task, including a deadline – they post a comment answering the four questions
  • Part #4: They go out and do the small assignment they were supposed to do, then come back and post "I AM DONE!" as a comment.

For example, let's say that Webinar Crusher is a 4-module course (it is). In the first module, we show you how to plan and promote a 20-minute webinar to a live audience. It's one thing to talk about it, another thing to show it, yet another thing for US to do it, but then we want YOU to do it too!

At the end of that video (it's a live paid webinar session but we record it) we send you over to that challenge within the membership site. It's just a blog post that says something like this...

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the title of your webinar?
  2. What product will you review?
  3. Where will you post your recording?
  4. What time and date will your 20-minute webinar be?

When you are finished, come back and type "I AM DONE" in the comments.

Here's the formula for "challenge" posts...

  • The first is usually the NAME of some kind, as in, what's the name of the video you'll create or the product you'll create.
  • The second question is some sort of minor detail, such as the product you're reviewing or how long the video you're about to record will be
  • The third question is a proof element, usually where your completed task will end up online
  • The fourth and final question (don't ask more than four) is the exact time and date you'll finish and be completely done and online

This works WAY WAY better than a quiz or a "pay as you go" course.

You post this, you COMMAND people to fill in the challenge, right there in the video and during your live training, you fill this challenge in yourself.

Have a membership site, and run these challenges, build in some complementary software, systems, tools, and templates... email on a sequence several times per week when there are new posts and challenges... and now you don't have to worry about drip content or all these "crazy tricks" to hide from your buyers or fool them into paying you money.

Is this something you are ALREADY using, or WILL be using in your membership site?

Traffic Secrets: How to Get All The Subscribers and Sales You’ll Ever Need Using Facebook Advertising and Search Engine Optimization

February 23, 201354 Comments

Can I tell you why you're not a multi-multi-millionaire yet? Why you can't buy that 2nd home or yacht with one single payment? Why your internet business hasn't taken off? Why you haven't retired to the beach yet?

It's the lack of TRAFFIC!

This is the reason why SEO services, backlink services, courses on paid ad networks sell so well. Everyone knows the internet is literally flooded with traffic from all sides. The only problem is tapping into that traffic.

If you only had a million visitors to your site every single day, and you sold a $7 report that only converted at 1%... that's $70K a day or $25 million per year.

This is where most "internet marketers" start when they first come online. They don't want to create a real brand, setup a followup sequence, a blog or articles. "That all sounds like work, I just want to exploit the loophole!"

You thought, I'll be an anonymous traffic broker.

I'll find an underused site with lots of traffic and build a list. I'll decide I want to teach people how to start an internet business and make money online, even though I haven't done it. I'll look up the 10 best ways to make money online.

I'll give away a free report detailing a few of the ways, and ask for a name and email address in exchange for that report...

I'll find an affiliate program for each step of the process (web hosting affiliate link, payment processor affiliate link, affiliate link for required software and reports) and put together a 30-day email followup sequence "reporting" or "reviewing" each and every one. I'll create a squeeze page (forced opt-in page) sending all this massive traffic to it, some of it will convert, and I'll become a multi-millionaire.

Once that's done, I'll decide "weight loss" is also a pretty desperate market. I'll look up the top 10 weight loss methods or products, get affiliate links, assemble a follow-up sequence, send banner ad traffic. Next, how about dating? Top 10, affiliate links, follow-ups, create ads on sites like PlentyOfFish, wait for the money to roll in.

A Few Problems Here...

First, I've known REAL "traffic brokers", basically affiliates on steroids, who game the pay-per-click networks who try to buy out all the Facebook traffic or stay at the #1 paid spot on Google. Guess what? They have to remain on TOP of any and all search engine news, change and tweak their ads daily, and sometimes spend five to six figures per day just to outbid and outspend any competition. If that sounds to you like a combination of day trading and gambling, you're right! And there's no way you'd keep up. Any loophole or arbitrage you discover, running an ad on this ad network into that affiliate product, is going to change on you and probably close up quickly.

Second, when you try to create a business like that, you're forgetting that at least 100 other people have had that exact same "genius" idea as you just within the last 60 minutes. Try to rank in the top 1000 for dating, gambling, weight loss, or making money. Good luck! This alone will tell you that you'll have to go for something less mass-market, more long-tail (i.e. "fat loss for high school reunion"), and more unique so you can carve out your own little niche in the process.

Third, if I do find you through the masses of traffic and land on your site, maybe even signup to your email list, why should I buy from you instead of your thousands of competitors? Even if I like YOU and trust YOU personally, why should I buy your PRODUCT instead of all the other ones?

As much as your insecurities are holding you back (sorry if that's a little harsh) the first thing you need in place is a REAL product (membership site holding a fixed-term training course is the best), a real brand, and your own name selling that membership site on a sales letter. THEN create an opt-in page giving away a free gift (a free audio with a transcript as a report is great, a free software product is better), and use your e-mail follow-up sequence to sell them into the course.

When you create your own membership-based course, you now differentiate yourself from everyone else. You can explain why exercise doesn't work, diets don't work, pills don't work, and how your personal 30-day diet plan is better than that.

If your personal "thing" is how to play guitar, how to learn a new language, how to save your relationship, conquer panic attacks, even better. Less competition. I sell WordPress plugins myself and teach "technology" such as how to setup membership sites, run webinars, record videos, and more.

If you make your niche something you already enjoy doing, then it's easy to add your personality into it, and you're no longer "that person" who randomly decided to teach dating one day.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get traffic to your website... here's what you might have tried...

Option #1: Mass Traffic (Don't Do It!)

The most dangerous question you could ask about your business, "Who wouldn't want it?" You've decided to create a weight loss product because... almost 100% of the population wants to lose weight. The only problem? You're not unique. You don't have your own hooks, your own spin OR your own personality in the game and you're just like everyone else.

You want to sell an internet marketing product and your attitude is, "My target market is anyone with money, or anyone who wants money." That's a big problem.

Instead, if your niche was Facebook traffic... you're targeting people who (probably) have an established online business, and are already convinced that they need to use Facebook for traffic. Smaller crowd, but you can actually have a message, and they'll actually buy from you!

Plus: narrow yourself one step further into a sub-niche and create your own unique system that's better than the alternatives, that no one can copy. And even if people copy you, absorb their updates and move on.

Option #2: Targeted Facebook Traffic
(Great Once You Get it Optimized)

We said that mass traffic won't get you anywhere, so we need to create TARGETED Facebook traffic. Paid traffic is a great way to get 1000 or more eyeballs onto your optin page or sales letter in a hurry. The "old" way to advertise pay per click was on search engines like Google.

You can advertise for a keyphrase such as "stomach fat loss" or "wordpress backup plugin." You adjust your bid to control how expensive your ads cost, and how high you rank, and you can narrow down based on geographic location, but that's about it!

Facebook is a completely different story. Not better or worse, just different. The problem with advertising on Facebook is that not everyone is in a buying mood – they're probably in a socializing, sharing, surfing mood.

The good things about Facebook: first of all, the average Facebook user is online at least once per day. With search engine advertising, you basically have one shot to get someone to your website. With Facebook ads, your prospects aren't going anywhere. You can bid a little less than the average person, so your ad only appears once per day for 30 days, and THEN someone might click and you get your sale.

The way most people advertise on Facebook (the wrong way): they target a keyword. They target anyone who's entered "fat loss" as one of their interests, or "wordpress" as one of their interests. Chea traffic, lots of traffic, but it's nonresponsive and doesn't convert.

The secret to targeted Facebook advertising: target celebrities and competitors in your niche that already have a huge following.

Hobby Niche vs. A Real Businesses

You know those courses that promise 100,000 fans overnight? I'll tell you how to do it:

  • Create a Facebook fan page called "Fans of Eminem" and create an ad targeting anyone who has listed Eminem as an interest on their profile, or has liked the official "Eminem" page (he has 66 million fans already)
  • Create a Facebook fan page called "Fans of The Simpsons" and create an ad targeting anyone who has "The Simpsons" listed in their profile (11 million), "The Simpsons" official fan page (88 million) and "The Simpsons" franchise page (60 million)
  • Create a Facebook fan page called "Fans of Gun Rights" and create an ad targeting people who have liked the "National Rifle Association" fan page (4 million), The Second Amendment (2 millon), Glock (1.7 million), AK-47, M1911, MP5, AR15, Uzi, and now you're marketing to millions of gun nuts
  • Create a Facebook fan page called "Fans of Weight Loss" and run an ad targeting Jillian Michaels (3.8 million fans), Weight Watchers (3.6 million fans), The Biggest Loser (2.6 million fans), Jenny Craig (1 million fans), Bob Harper (1 million fans), Suzanne Somers, any other weight loss system or weight loss celebrity you can think of
  • Create a Facebook fan page called "Fans of Jimi Hendrix" and run an ad targeting not just Jimi Hendrix, but The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Gibson Guitar, Martin Guitars

Limit your ad to only show to people who have NOT liked your fan page (that way you stop advertising to that person once they've "liked" your fan page), only advertise to people age 20 and up, and limit your country targeting to the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.

I guarantee that if you advertise your fan page to 20 million plus people who have already liked a similar fan page, you can easily get lots and lost of likes to that fan page. There are other things I don't have time to get into where you basically "split test" your demographics and ad copy to narrow down your cheapest traffic, and then advertise to friends of people who have already liked your fan page, but let's get back to the point...

If you build up that fan page of fans of a sports team, or weight loss, or fans of a musician, what do you sell them? The answer is usually affiliate links and Amazon links. You'll make "some" money, but you've just built a HUGE list that you can't monetize.

What will actually improve your business?

Create a fan page about your company or your "flagship" product. Then target your competitors in ads. For example, I sell a WordPress plugin in the internet marketing space. I target other WordPress themes and plugins like OptimizePress, ThemeForest, WooThemes, Sucuri, WP Engine, and so on.

I'm only advertising to a few THOUSAND people now, so my fan page base grows slower, but they're people who will actually buy my product... get it? And once they've "liked" the fan page, they've in a way subscribed to my list, but it's a 1-click subscribe on Facebook instead of over email.

The next time I have something to say to those people, I can post it right on the fan page instead of paying for every single click.

You should definitely have a "flagship" fan page, and if you have a hobby fan page that works alongside that (fans of guitars, fans of organic gardening) then you should use both.

Option #3: Free Traffic (Slow and Steady)

And finally, many people discount free traffic like SEO, article marketing and social media as being too much work or too slow for their purposes, but you need to have at least "some" free traffic.

The answer to free traffic is basically: create a lot of content that people want.

Here's what I mean:

  1. Write 10 articles and schedule them to your blog as blog posts, one per month
  2. Install a social media plugin for your WordPress blog (I use Jetpack's Social Sharing) and retweet it, Facebook it, Google+ it, promote that Facebook post for $7, and repost every blog post to your fan page every time you create a new piece of content
  3. Pay an article rewriter on Fiverr or oDesk to take your 10 article, deconstruct them, and rewrite them so you have unique articles to post onto article sites like EzineArticles
  4. Take the three best posts from your blog and compile them into a single PDF (using Google Drive you can just create a new document, paste in your articles, then save to PDF... no software required!) Signup to an email autoresponder service like Aweber and place the download link to this free PDF report behind a forced optin page – with a link to your blog or sales letter at the bottom
  5. Think of 10 easy things you can explain about your niche in video, with a call to action pointing back to your website URL. If you HAVE to explain these things using a live-action iPhone camera, fine. If you can explain it on your computer screen using screen capture software like Camtasia (paid) or Screencast-O-Matic (free), even better. Record these ten 3-to-5-minute tutorial videos and post them to YouTube
  6. Like and share those YouTube videos, then post them back on your blog as additional content, like and share those blog posts as well
  7. Send whatever email subscriber list you've built, and whatever Facebook following you have, back to every single blog entry you've posted (sometimes with multiple followups) to encourage comments... which equals even more comments for you
  8. Take those 10 best things you've ever said (at this point from your articles, blog posts, and videos) and organize those into ten 20-minute audio podcasts. Install a podcasting plugin, post the podcast episodes, and submit your blog's feed to iTunes for even more backlinks
  9. Get your podcast episodes transcribed on oDesk into PDFs for additional blog comments and ethical bribes for your forced opt-in pages
  10. Contact 10 other marketers in your niche and use a tool like to schedule a time to meet on Skype, record those 20-minute interviews on Skype and post them to your podcast or blog
  11. Take the best content from your blog, format it into a Word document, get a cover made on Fiverr and upload to CreateSpace to create a print book. Also upload that Word document to Kindle to create a digital book hosted on Amazon, and run a free "KDP Select" promotion to give away free copies and drive up sales
  12. Find a few good discussion boards in your niche by searching "(your niche name) forum" and only register for the ones where you see posters who have signature links going back to their websites. Register, create your signature link and then respond to 10 forum threads per day contributing to the discussion and solving peoples' problems, without drawing attention to your signature link
  13. Login to your cPanel and checkout your Awstats "search keyphrases", then search those keyphrases in Google to find out your top-ranked keywords, and create more content along those lines
  14. Find other blogs in your niche that are hurting for content, and offer to write guest blog posts for them, and deliver this 100% unique content with a link back to your blog, or even better, your product with that blog owner registered as an affiliate
  15. Register your sites with a retargeting service such as AdRoll so your ads can follow your visitors around the internet until they buy

There are lots of free traffic sources that are hit-or-miss such as traffic exchanges, classified ads, press releases, social bookmarking sites, blog networks like, that I won't get into.

I know that seems like a lot, but if you just choose one of the 15 free traffic methods to apply every day, that will add up to a LOT of free traffic in the long-term.


  • You need traffic (a lot of it)
  • You need to see where your traffic comes from
  • You need to pay for TARGETED traffic and tweak your campaigns every couple of weeks
  • You need to create lots of content that solves the problems of the prospects that eventually come to your website and buy
  • You need to have something for sale, using your OWN personality, and have your own optin pages and followup sequence in page to build a list and keep in contact with your customers until they buy
  • Affiliate marketing is fine as long as you have your own product(s), and your own BASE SYSTEM in place to solve peoples' problems

That's the real way to market and make money online. Instead of being a full-blown "internet marketer" you are a business owner who happens to market on the internet. I hope that makes sense, I hope that course-corrected your business and I know that if you apply even a fraction of what I've shown you today, you'll have all the traffic you'll ever need to convert your prospects into subscribers and buyers.

009: Setup Your Own Podcast and Get Your Radio Show Published on iTunes

December 30, 2012

I have a quick question. What if you could pick up a telephone and in just a few minutes broadcast your message to thousands of people or more? What if you could partner with Apple iTunes and publish your very own Internet radio show or podcast 100 percent for free?

"How to Setup Your Own Podcast" FREE Report

Pay close attention right now to discover how to create your own podcast and make more money in the process. Close down all windows and turn your speakers up for today's exciting installment of the Robert Plank Show.

Topics covered:

  • Why you need to be everywhere and how you can get everywhere on the internet (mostly for free)
  • Why trying to get rich selling $7 e-books is a surefire recipe for failure (and what to do instead)
  • The exact strategy of using "iTunes SEO" to multiply your traffic
  • How to sell without selling on a podcast
  • ID3 tags, PowerPress, iTunes, LibSyn, WordPress
  • How using Facebook plus a one-time $10 purchase keep your podcasting traffic growing steadily

Click Here to Join Podcast Crusher

Subscribe on iTunes - RSS Podcast Feed
Like the Robert Plank Show on Facebook

5 Elements of Social Proof to Explode Your Business

June 30, 201016 Comments

There are many things that I do on a daily basis that almost are not worth my time – things like maintaining a free blog or submitting free articles or posting on forums or even updating my Twitter status.

None of those things directly make me as much money as landing a new joint venture, as writing a sales letter, sending out emails or running a webinar course.

Why do I do them? Because they demonstrate social proof. If someone is thinking about buying from me and they look me up, they'll find hundreds of articles, hundreds of blog posts, and thousands of forum posts.

What will I find when I look you up? Will I find lots of social proof or will I find negative social proof? I'll find a lot of good things about you if you follow these 5 steps.

Element #1: Blog Comment Scarcity Or Blog Responses

You probably do have a blog, right? If I go to it, will I find it's being constantly updated or it has not been updated in the last several years? Are there lots of posts or only 1 or 2? And out of those posts, are lots of people commenting? I decided very early on that when I created my blog, I wanted to have lots and lots of comments.

Otherwise, it would look like I was talking and no one was listening.

When I make blog posts and I get dozens, if not hundreds, of comments for every post, everyone can see how much of an authority I am. When you have the same thing, people can see how much of an authority you are. I got a lot of comments on my blog at first by limiting posts to only 10 comments.

I told people that if I got 10 comments on my blog, then I look at either the post content, otherwise I would stop.

Eventually, I escalated this to saying after I had 10 comments, I would close comments completely and now I have this at 100 comments per post and that's how and why you should have blog comment scarcity and blog responses.

Send traffic to your list, to your latest blog post, but have some kind of deal either that you will turn off comments or stop writing unless you get a certain number of responses because people read but they don't like to respond.

Element #2: Price Scarcity

How do you show that what you're offering has lots and lots of value but still get people to buy when you are first launching it and don't have a huge list? If you're entering a new niche or at first building a list, offer your product at a low price but set a deadline for when you will increase that price and then actually increase it.

This way, if people are buying your product for $20 but you are about to increase it to $50, people realize that the regular prize is $50. Don't run a discount because that will anger your early adopters, but this way, you will reward your fast action-takers and early adaptors by letting them buy low, and then once you have a proven selling record and you have testimonials, now you can increase the price at the time and date you said you would.

Element #3: Webinar Replay Scarcity

Are you starting to see a pattern where I'm talking about social proof?

People can be trained to give you a certain reaction. When you make a blog post, you train them to leave comments. When you are increasing the price, you train them to buy. The same should be true for your live instructions. When I run a webinar, I want the maximum number of people to show up live. When somebody shows up live, they're kind of a captive audience.

They can't fast-forward, they're usually not multicasting and they're sure as heck can't pause your presentation either. It's as close to real life as possible.

That's why you shouldn't always offer a replay of your webinar. Maybe you're not going to offer any kind of replay of your webinar or you're going to offer a replay only available for the next 48 hours or even you're only going to offer a replay inside of your paid membership site.

Either of these 3 strategies will motivate people to attend your webinars live and even if they don't believe you now, they will believe you after you stick to your guns and do what you said you will time and time again.

Element #4: Testimonial Follow-Up

The number one problem I see with sales letters is a lack of proof – why should I buy from you, why should I trust you if you can't show me anyone else who has benefitted from your training? That's why the easiest form of social proof is the testimonial.

Ask your buyers what they thought of the product they just bought from you. What I like to do is add this message as an autoresponder follow-up in my autoresponder sequence. This means that when someone buys from me and joins my list after 7 days, which is enough time to look at whatever product they just bought, I will ask them what they thought of it and have them directly reply to me and then I will use their testimonial on my sales letter.

It's important though to ask not for a testimonial but for an honest review, good or bad.

Element #5: Feedback Survey

I told you a little bit about getting testimonials and training people not just to read your emails but reply to them as well. I use this in many of my pre-launches when I ask people things like "do you want to see this product, do you want to see me explain programming?"

And then the next day, I will tell people how many responses I got. This does many things. First of all, it shows everyone that there is a high demand for what I am about to offer and it makes people part of the process. It makes them know that they have an interactive role in my marketing. When they respond to me, their "yes" answer goes into the total number of yesses I receive over email.

If you take any of those 5 elements of social proof, blog responses, price scarcity, replay scarcity, testimonial follow-ups, or feedback surveys, you should notice a slight increase in sales, a slight increase in response, and a slight increase in popularity.

Are you using any of these 5 elements yet? And which one?

If you're not using any of the 5, which one do you plan on using within the next week? Please leave me a blog comment below with your speedy response.

How to Automate Twitter

March 16, 200942 Comments

Here is how to automate Twitter with auto follow, auto unfollow, and auto reply with Tweetlater... plus cell phone SMS integration.

Do you Twitter?  What's your username there?  Do you use any of these techniques to get more done and save time?

Barack Obama Follows Robert Plank on Twitter!

September 2, 200836 Comments

You know you're popular when one of two Presidential candidates personally goes out of his way to add you as a friend on Twitter...

Okay, just kidding. Senator Obama is following 70,000 people on Twitter including me... his account automatically subscribes to YOUR updates when you subscribe to his.

Twitter is a social networking site where you can provide brief, up-to-the-minute updates about yourself -- you are limited to 140 characters so that people who subscribe to you can receive updates via text message.

It sounds like a big waste of time if you use it incorrectly (just like anything else)... and lots of people leave updates like:

(8:35 am) Went to the bathroom.
(9:36 am) Waiting in line at McDonald's...
(10:59 am) Leaving to do errands...

No one cares about that but people do care if you have a relevant discussion going, if you're launching a new product they would like, you have a new blog post, you're going to a seminar, or have a quick question... Twitter is a nice and easy way to build a (non-email) list.

Just about every day his Twitter update says: "In Albuquerque, New Mexico. Discussing the need for equal pay. Watch this discussion live at (url to watch the streaming video)" ... The city, state, and topic change.

That's perfect.  You know what he's doing every day but there aren't a ton of annoying promotional messages, and there aren't any useless messages either.

My question to you:

Do you use Twitter?
Is it a waste of time?
Will spammers ruin Twitter?
What's your BEST Twitter marketing tip?

Please!  Take 27 seconds to leave your comment below so I can get the ten comments I need to keep updating this blog...

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