Four Disturbing But True Facts About Inaction and How to Overcome Them Immediately

speedingtrainI just came back from the 2nd Warrior Event in Raleigh, North Carolina where I was a speaker.

Speaking of webinars and seminars, remember the "Which Test Won" game we played on the webinar a few days ago?  I showed you how:

  • What converts BETTER than a squeeze page giving a free gift?  One of my $7 reports selling almost the exact same thing!
  • Removing three words from a headline TRIPLED conversion rates -- an EXTRA $625 from every 500-something clicks
  • Adding a small logo to another sales letter boosted conversions from 1.99% to 3.57% -- an EXTRA $846 from every 1000 clicks

When you split test you make those small tweaks.  But if you don't even have a product of your own, or a sales letter, then it's impossible to split test those pay raises!

Here's Something Crazy...

When I was on stage at the warrior event, I asked this question...

"Who here has an autoresponder, like Aweber?"
Almost everyone raised their hand.

Then I asked: "Who knows what a squeeze page is?"
Very few people (under 30 percent) raised their hand.

I didn't even ask who had a squeeze page, just who knew what one was.

Are you kidding me? Take your existing sales letter template, stick in a headline offering a free gift, three bullet points, big red arrow, testimonial, and opt-in box on a page...

That Would Take You a Few Minutes to Setup!

Another question I asked the crowd: "Who here has Camtasia screen capture software?"

Very close to 100 percent raised their hand.  But very few even had a product.

I asked the same question when I co-hosted an all day workshop in Orlando, Florida back in March.  Again, the response to "who has an information product" was under half.

We confirmed this on our latest webinar as well.  When we asked...

"Who Has An Information Product?"
44 Percent of People Said, ZERO!

It's so easy... even if they hadn't created a product... just buying PLR rights to something and putting it online would have counted.

What's really cool is that half of people who had a product... had FIVE or more.  Once you create one product, it's addicting, fun, and profitable.

If you have the fastest computer, best software and most helpful training tools... but you haven't done anything yet, what does it matter?  A product isn't a product unless you launch it.

Before you think about doing those split tests, running those PPC ads, or even creating that membership site... TEST the market first.

  • The best way to create a product: find a hungry market, solve a problem with a 7-dollar quick fix by recording a 60-minute screen capture video, then create upsells later
  • The best way to create a buyer's e-mail list: capture an opt-in after the sale and sell as many copies of that low-ticket offer as you can, even if it costs you $1 per conversion
  • The best way to keep that e-mail list growing: create a squeeze page offering a free gift, that redirects to your sales letter and follows up 10 times, once a day, pitching them your offer

What would it take for you to create a video product, or put a private label rights product up for sale to test the market?

Have You Done It Yet?

What would it take for you to overcome the fear and procrastination so you can be seen as "the guy who wrote the book?"  In other words, be the freaking EXPERT in your niche?

What ONE LITTLE ACTION could you do within the next 30 minutes (after leaving a blog comment) to get you pushed in the right direction?

I'm looking forward to your thoughts below.

Filed in: MindsetProductivity

Comments (100)

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  1. Jim Fridenmaker says:


    Record more videos with Camtasia. (I happen to be on a webinar at this moment, but will record more videos later tonight.)


  2. Adam Maywald says:

    It’s so true. Once you start creating your own products, you just can’t stop.

    Lots of people get caught up on the…

    …I need it to look perfect and be the most amazing product ever made
    …I need to know EVERYTHING about marketing before launching

    You just need to get in there and start DOING it. You’ll make mistakes, but the best part of it is that you’ll LEARN 10x’s faster making those mistakes rather then trying to soak up everything about “launching a product”.

    I’ve created lots of products over the years. And as of recently, I’ve shifted my whole model from one-time sales to continuity sites and make a real business out of doing info-products online.

    – Adam

  3. Dave Doolin says:

    Finish micro-info-product #5. I’m releasing 6 of these. All together they add up to one ebook. #6 is mostly done.

  4. I am going to look at the last ten questions my students have asked me, and turn that into a short video with a 1 or 2 page PDF. That will create a product that can be sold for $20 to $30 and will help solve some problems.

  5. audre says:

    Brilliant, Robert! Thanks for reporting back from the Warrior meet-up. Okay, I’m on it (have been listening to all of your webinars about about taking ACTION!), and will start writing another PLR article pack in the next 30 minutes to sell on my website 🙂

    Welcome back to the west coast,

  6. Daviette says:

    That’s amazing! I can actually USE my camtasia video on a squeeze page….right away!! Thank you for sharing, Robert

  7. Doug Parker says:

    It is unbelievable that someone would be a subscriber to AWeber and not know what a Squeeze page is. Building a list is the absolute secret to making money on line.

    Doug Parker

  8. Pamela says:

    Hey Robert…It’s me Pamela…as you are well aware I’m completely green…but have been learning so much over the past 7 weeks from you & Lance… I came to you video sales tactics course…because I had been working on a membership website that I’m going to launch that is going to be heavy on the video side as far as content goes. The weight loss plan that I want to promote is a new concept (and of course I think its a home run concept)…its not really being done by anyone out there…if I make a $7 product do I give the meat of the plan in it??? I feel like that will be selling my idea cheap… But maybe that would get the word out and start getting the traction I will need to get a successful membership site up and going quickly??? If you tell me putting out the meat of my plan in a $7 product is a good idea…I have most of the content ready now and could get a product together…

    As always your wisdom & advice is much appreciated!

  9. Allan says:

    Boy, this Robert guy always gets my attention. Very innovative. I gotta get that squeeze page up now.

  10. Jerry Graham says:

    Great information, Robert. We really appreciate what you are doing to advance this industry. Can’t wait to get started.

  11. John Tan says:

    Building a list is fact I would say the most important part of the business. Without a list you do not have a business.

    Then with a product created, your traffic to your new product will not be a problem anymore.

  12. Nick says:

    Then I asked: “Who knows what a squeeze page is?”
    Very few people (under 30 percent) raised their hand.

    You have got to be kidding… Robert, say that you are kidding… please.

    I guess it is the simple things that are the hardest for people to take action on, because we don’t think that they are going to make that big of a difference.

    The opposite is totally true.

  13. This is great! Thanks for the great Tips!!!

  14. Robert,
    My problem has always been thinking that I had to have alot of stuff to “sound like” the expert – so what I can do now is realize that people dont listen to that long a material. So, I can break my ideas into 5 minute chunks as you’ve taught us.

  15. Listening to your live webinar and demo in the background, so need to get in before the 100 comment limit is reached!! 🙂

    Agree completely that the best thing to do is to just create a product. If it’s something you know about, you can create a 60 minute video product in about 90 minutes.

    I’m going to add one more hint. A lot of people don’t have a 60 minute attention span, so instead of creating one 60 minute product, create four 15 minute products instead. This provides the buyer with more apparent value (four videos rather than one), plus it gives you more breathing room when creating them.

  16. David Hunt says:

    So true Robert. I’ve been in and out of Internet marketing for 6 years but it’s your 2 classes I’m currently taking that have finally pushed me into creating my own products.

    David Hunt

  17. Dane Morgan says:

    I am using the things you and Lance talk about in niche invasion right now to put up my first squeezepage->autoresponder->$7 sales page right now.

    I have to admit I’m not going as fast as you suggest, but I’m doing it. And hopefully the things you are describing in this post kick in when it is up.

  18. A squeeze is the way to go. Get 5 bullet points that will catch the reader’s interest. I really like the info from Robert. Good ideas here

  19. Hello, Roberto,

    “What ONE LITTLE ACTION could you do within the next 30 minutes?”

    Uh, not sure what you have in mind. Send an email to my list saying “buy something?”

    I suppose if I didn’t already have a list, it would be to go buy a PLR or write/record a (something) product.

    If I didn’t have an autoresponder, maybe it would be to go and get one?

    I await on tenterhooks to hear the answer, O my guru …

    — Arthur Cronos

    PS: What the heck is a tenterhook, any way?


  20. Hey Robert!! This blog post just rocks! Inaction really is a big problem!! I am listening to your awesome Pump up your blog presentation so I can’t promise to do something in the next 30 minutes. But after the call I commit to downloading a theme for my blog and FTPing it which I just learned how to do from Jeanette and Connie.

    Keep up the great posts, I learn so much from you wild and crazy ideas!!!

  21. bob says:

    “I just came back from the 2nd Warrior Event in Raleigh, North Carolina where I was a speaker.”

    That right there is the biggest ‘inaction’ you could have achieved all week.



  22. Martha Jo Dennison says:

    Thanks for the kick in the butt! I’m like a lot of your audience, except that I know what the terms mean — I just am taking too long to get started. I am ready to go now!

  23. Good post Robert, Lately I when I buy a domain for that great idea that is sure to be a rip roaring success, one the first things I do is set up a new AR campaign and put up a squeezepage giving away a report, video or whatever is related to the chosen niche. Another reason PLR comes in handy.

  24. Hello from beautiful Montana:

    Hey this is too cool. I am listening to you, Jeanette and Connie on the webinar.

    What fun.

    Judy H. Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, family relationship author and keynote speaker

  25. Also, Roberto, I’d like to say that two of your webinars — and a ton of ebooks — from both you and your fellow young rascal, that Jason Fladlien .. are what actually helped me to start making some money.

    For I am now making some money. Last two months, about $400+ each month.

    The webinar that got me doing some squeezies was your webinar about howto use video. (It’s so easy now.) And the webinar that helped me find something that works pretty well for me. I’d been running a freebie site that gives a service handy for article-marketers (http://simply-free-article-spinner), and this list had been growing for a while.

    So I began making product sites for these folks and now I have four product sites, and a fifth completed yesterday. I can’t create them as fast as you and Jason, but they’re pretty easy to do, and I like writing/rewriting the salespages.

    Keep up good work. Howdy to Lance, too.

    — Arthur Cronos


  26. Gary Smith says:

    Hey Robert,
    Take this nice PLR product I have and make a recording using the prewritten autoresponder series as a script.
    Make bullet points from the first sentence of each paragraph- one maybe two slides per email. Sell this video report and the first chapter and a half of my PLR product for $7.


  27. Neal says:

    Wish I could have been at the Warrior event; Keep posting the great content

  28. Andy says:


    I’m going to mind-map out a $7 product. And maybe even record it tonight.


  29. Oh, duh, I blew the weblink to my free article spinner. It’s and for the definition of tenterhook, I thank you Andy. Good to see you again! Gosh, sometimes it’s like old home week around here!

    — Arthur Cronos


  30. dale says:

    Create a power point to go along with an audio I have for Real Estate Investing. Then combine the two into a video and SELL IT! This is my 30 minute program (it may take a little longer.)

    Thanks for the prod. (Cattle Prod that is!)

  31. Hey Robert,

    It was great to meet you in person at last at the Warrior Conference!

    I remember that Aweber question you asked in your presentation. Was wondering what people have Aweber for if they don’t have squeeze pages…

    Maybe they’ve been told they NEED Aweber but never figured out what for?

    Hopefully they’re using a sign-up form on their blog at least! They’ve gotta have SOME way to add names, don’t they?

    My own next actions:

    Swap the link in my newest WSO from a 1shoppingcart link to a simple PayPal link (or the WSO Pro link).

    Someone just told me that she would have bought my WSO but didn’t want to give me all that information — since she doesn’t know me yet.

    I shudder at the thought of how many sales that 1shoppingcart page has cost me in the past! And I never even realized it!

    After that, write another ebook or two and create an audio to go with it.

    And then actually create some experimental videos on non-camtasia mac-friendly software and see which one works best. I’ll need those for my blogging course/e-coaching program.

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  32. I created a survey 3 days ago to send to my list asking them pointed questions on what they really need to get where they “really” want to be. Yet I haven’t sent it out yet… so that is what I’m going to be doing in the next 30 minutes…. as soon as I put my son to bed.

    Thanks for all the swift kicks in my ass… I need it – keep it up.

  33. Travis Wade says:

    Oh man, if I would have known it was in Raleigh I would have stopped by.

  34. Yudi says:

    I’m going to mind map out several ideas for a bunch of $7 products that I can crank out one after the other. Then I’m going to write out the outlines of them so that all I need to do is go back and fill in the blanks and I’m done.

    Thanks for the inspiration Robert.

  35. Gordon says:

    Okay… so I’m guilty of inaction.

    It is hard to break free of the 60 years of ingrained patterns of “get good, then get fast”

    But these past few weeks working with Robert and Lance have sent my head spinning with ideas.

    And I am practising putting those ideas into place, but the first purpose of hooking up with these guys was to help the wife with marketing her real estate business… so I am still trying to find a way to incorporate the speed with her needs.

    Lots to learn and put into practice… which reminds me of an old Estonian proverb:

    “The work will teach you how to do it!”

  36. Robert,

    What you’ve writen is totally correct!

    Go one step further, when I spoke at the World Internet Summit in Singapore 70% of the audience didn’t know where to register their domain name.

    We shouldn’t assume what they know!

    Great comments,

    David Cavanagh

  37. Josef Mack says:

    Robert – great stuff. You have an uncanny knack of cutting right to the chase.

    Thanks for sharing.


  38. Dennis says:

    Well, I won’t be finishing it in the next 30 minutes, but tomorrow I’ll probably finish off installing RAP, which I pretty much wrapped up today. I’ve owned it for years, but it’s been gathering dust. Now I have a use for it.

    Sorry I didn’t raise my hand in Raleigh, I was all tuckered out from running with you young bucks on Friday night. 🙂

  39. Bill says:

    *Somebody* needs to put together a step-by-step, this-is-how-you-do-this course on list building, product creation, how to write a sales page, etc. Hmmm, who could that be?

  40. Jeff Bode says:

    Hey Robert,

    I can’t believe only 30% of the people who have an autoresponder know what a squeeze page is… I have like 10 squeeze pages.

    I’m working on making a unique product from a plr product and I’m working on a new product, so I guess I know what I’m doing for at least the next 30 minutes!

    as always great post!

    Jeff Bode

  41. Peter Fuller says:

    What am I going to do in the next thirty minutes?

    Sleep (it’s late here)

    But, and this is a big but, tomorrow I am going to create the sqeeze page for my latest PLR.

    I am going to stop trying to be perfect and just do it.

  42. Hello Robert,

    Thanks for enlightening us with some REAL motivational and time/mind-management advice.
    As an author, publisher, Internet business coach, and entrepreneur,web master, and inveterate “shiny new object” addict, self-motivation is always a challenge.

    Too many ideas, opportunities, and goals! They keep most of us from being able to cross off the really important items from our “To-Do” lists, and anything that serves to help us in doing so is especially valuable.

    Keep up the good work!

    Scott Andrews

  43. Great presentation you gave in Raleigh Robert,
    but that didn’t surprise me since you really
    know you stuff.

    I created 2 product today… both recorded
    telephone conversations that are now at my
    transcriptionist. I also created several
    Camtasia videos.

    Product creation is fun and easy.


  44. Robert,

    That was a great article!
    You hit right on my target niche.
    Right now I am creating my signature product.

    I am glad to take part.
    I have a feeling that your report that I am about to download is going to save me from making a few mistakes.

    This is right on time with what I am doing!

    Thanks Robert!

    Ryan Bessling

  45. Interested to watch your process here. Have a bunch of squeeze pages but will be adding a new one tomorrow.

  46. Gary Gross says:

    I agree. Once you get started creating, it is hard to stop. But, that first step is always the hardest. The self-doubts can immobilize you.

    You have to overcome that first hurdle, which is yourself. Once you take that first step & see how easy it actually is, you’ve won the battle.

  47. My big frog that needs to be eaten immediately is setting up my autoresponder system and building a list. I could kick myself for all the visitors I have had to my sites and no squeeze page. Ughhh!

    Thanks for the motivation.

    EAT THAT FROG! (Brian Tracy)


  48. Roger Simpson says:


    Excellent post!

    Taking action is obviously imperative.

    Testing the market before expending a bunch of resources to maximize return on one’s invested time and money is pretty obvious too.

    What isn’t so obvious (particularly for a new product developer/marketer) is how to rapidly generate targeted traffic to make a market test.

    What do you suggest to overcome this barrier (creating/having traffic to make legitimate market tests of one’s products)?

    Best to you,


  49. Jack Tackett says:

    thanks for presenting at the event! I was shocked at the stats like you.

    I really liked the content and the way you presented it (like Dave Letterman’s top 10 list – backwards from the end to the beginning! Awesome).

    I won’t say the giveaway made the presentation – since that was all you – but by making sure folks didn’t have to take notes and instead pay attention to you was pure genius. I hope folks in the audience and other presenters were taking notes on that.

    Next – PLEASE put to rest the ugly rumor that you had planted me in the audience to guess THX-1138 (one of my fav movies by the way!) I’m gonna have to make my sig file on the forum “I am not a shill for Robert” 🙂

    To all the other attendees – thanks for coming as well and hope to see you all – including YOU Robert – next year.


  50. Kat says:

    Hey Robert,

    I haven’t created a product yet. I don’t have a list. No squeeze page to anything (though I DO know what it is, LOL).

    But I’ve been realizing that I engage in processes every day that could be converted into a product – and very quickly by making it a video product.

    While I’ve been scratching my head trying to figure out a product to develop, I suspect now that they’re right in front of my nose – just gotta look and see!

  51. rosie says:

    Now this is what I call “Pure Blog Motivation” Go Blogger Go!

  52. Rich Stevens says:

    ALWAYS great info Robert, thank you … again!

  53. Marc says:

    Hi Robert,

    Great blog post.

    Here is my action plan:

    1) close my outlook program.
    2) Write a quick free report about a problem and the possible ways to fix it.
    3) setup a squeeze page to offer this free report.
    4) redirect the subscribers to the download page.
    5) follow up with a quick survey asking them what are their main problems.
    6) create my product 1: Complete report based on the results of the survey
    7) Create my product 2: the same content in video + a few tricks as bonus
    8) Offer my buyers to get the full product on dvd shipped to their door.
    9) follow up my customers with related products (mine or third party products)

    This is what I’m going to put right now on my task list, and I’m going to start tight now.

    So, I’ve to stop writing this comment now.

    Thank you for your great content, and talk to you soon.


  54. Carole says:

    I’ve tried the squeeze page list thing, and it’s not produced much of anything for me. I have this new site, and I know I need to come up with both something to give away, and some sort of series, but my heart isn’t in it because I haven’t had much success with this method in the past. So, that’s in the back of my brain while I work on some slides for a video – which I’m only just now learning how to do. So, I probably won’t get real far in the next 30 minutes, but I’ll make some progress I’m sure.

    Anyone have some ideas for a compelling give-away?

  55. Roger Simpson says:

    Create a $7 video report and an accompanying squeeze page.

  56. Stephen Spry says:

    Hi Robert

    I suppose the best thing I could do right now would be to get back to my writing and add a few more gems to my next info-product, and get it that much closer to completion!

    That is assuming I do not get distracted by a quick hospital visit for the birth of my new daughter – due any day now 🙂


  57. Luiggi says:

    Awesome post Robert!

    I find very interesting your saying that a 7 dollar report has almost the same conversion that a squeeze page!

    I’ll test that for sure!


    ps how did you installed this mobille theme on your blog?

  58. Wai Kei says:

    Can you point me to a course that encapsulates the 3 elements that you have stated, including the technical aspects?

  59. bobbi says:

    Thank you! Great information.

  60. John Lenaghan says:

    It won’t be in the next 30 minutes but you’ve inspired me to create a new product this weekend. I’ll be mind mapping it out tomorrow afternoon and record it tomorrow night or Saturday.

    I’ll have it up for sale by Monday. Thanks for the inspiration!

  61. Joe Bradley says:

    Great post, Robert.

    I am exited about the possibilities of using a 7 dollar offer as opposed to a squeeze page with a free offer. People are skipping the free offers now.

    Mind you free offers do work if you request a blog comment to get the free offer.

    It boils down to the fact that people don’t value free but do value what they have to pay for in terms of cash or time.

    Best Wishes


  62. Paquita says:

    Pick the niche – I cannot work this one out !! Everything seems to already have too many players. How do you find an niche that is not well used that I know anything about?
    I am great at creating content, great at the technical of building sites, but don’t know what niche to compete for?

  63. Tony Liddic says:

    Great stuff, Robert! I’m finally getting off my rear and researching my first product. Thanks for the kick I needed.


  64. Mike says:

    You’ve given me a couple of great ideas to TEST before implementing.

    The thing I can and am doing in the next 30 minutes is finding another work in the public domain to use for those tests.

  65. Dave Gammage says:

    Hi Robert;
    Missed you in Raleigh, just couldn’t get away to make it. I will be mindmapping and doing a webinar. I’ve been thinking about it for so long, it’s time to do it. 🙂

  66. George Stavrakakis says:

    Hi Robert,

    It was great meeting you, Lance and Jason at the Warrior Event.

    Some of the responses you got were pretty amazing.

    My action for the next 30 minutes is to select a PLR product to turn into a camtasia recording.

  67. Sean says:

    Hi Robert,

    Great stuff. I’m going to write a sales letter now for a product that is ALREADY done, but just needs a sales letter.

    Now, about the squeeze page question…

    Maybe it’s the terminology that was new to the audience?

    In other words, maybe they didn’t know the TERM “squeeze page.”

    In my case I was making squeeze pages before I learned they were called squeeze pages.

    It was at Ken McCarthy’s System seminar in ’05.
    I heard someone use the term in conversation, and I asked him, “What is a squeeze page exactly?”

    Come to think of it, someone else at the same weekend used the term “breadcrumb navbar” and I asked a similar question.

    I knew what a breadcrumb navbar looked like, but didn’t know it was called that.

    (Maybe there’s a need for


    Best to you and thanks for the helpful material,

  68. Dianne says:

    Take the action you suggested to me in the personal email you sent the other day. Great idea, has really simplified my thinking on the process…and love the personal response.

  69. Hello Robo,

    Lots of familiar faces on this blog tonight…

    Even Willie Crawford threw some ink on the page!

    Willie and I spent a little time together at the First Warrior event in Austin sometime back.

    He was a Prime Speaker.

    You know, standard advice when meeting a guru, is to say, “What can I do to help you (so the big guru will reciprocate, and in turn take you under his wing, and help you rise up to the next level…)

    That is what I always see at these events…

    I took the OPPOSITE road.

    So, when I introduced myself to Willie, I said
    these words…

    “Hi Willie, I’m Dr. Michael Quadlander. This is
    where I’m supposed to say… What can YOU do
    for ME? Right???”

    Well, he looked a little surprised, and others around him chuckled a little nervously.

    Then we both started laughing!

    Just to clarify things, Willie Crawford is the
    real deal, and a genuine authentic American.

    He is so down-to-earth, you would never suspect
    he is one of the Top-Studs in the IM world.

    Anyway, say-hey to you Willie.

    Hope to intersect with you again this year!

    Okay, Robert, I have created 2 products since
    taking the Webinar-Crusher training from you
    and L.T. (Lance Tamashiro)…

    That was a Gitter-Dun 4 week Push You Over The Cliff
    Kick In The Backside experience.

    I had Camtasia… versions 4, 5, and 6 !

    Paid for 2 years of Aweber… Had one list
    with about 3 subscribers on it.

    Sony Vegas video editing software.

    HD Camcorders, lights, black-screens, green-screens…

    Wireless lavalier microphones, studio microphones.

    Over 100 websites online.

    A Philippine web-JeNEus on 40 hour per week workload.

    See 100 websites above… 🙂

    actually up and online!

    So, Robert, thanks again for throwing us all in the Gator-Pit, and helping me back out with your training
    and blog posts!

    See you and Lance in Austin soon…

    Your Friend,
    Dr. Michael Quadlander

    – And the place I call home,
    Is just south of Austin,
    In the Hill Country north of San Antone’

  70. Robert, hard to believe that people are unfamiliar with a squeeze page. Your post reminds me that I need to add a popup (squeeze box) to one of my sales letters. I need to start following-up with people who don’t buy the first time they hit the sales letter.

  71. Jim Fridenmaker says:


    The webinar I was on was week 1 of Michael Gunn’s Web Traffic Warfare.

    I know what I did Tuesday doesn’t count “today”, but I served as a tech advisor as a local author and public speaker as he presented his first webinar. He did a great job!

    Tonight I recorded a Camtasia video for him to review the Organizer control panel functions. How to move the questions box to where he wants it, re-dock it and when he undocks it make it go back to the spot he moved it to, etc. To get it recorded showing the control panel I had to learn how to Capture Layered Windows in Camtasia.

    I’ll always remember you and Lance and how I got inspired to record tech videos. My imagination came alive on Webinar Crusher 2.0. 🙂


  72. Dan Martin says:

    You’ve convinced me. I’ve been getting hit by Marlon Sanderson the same point. I’ve quit buying stuff and started working on creating products. Thanks for the post.

  73. Timothy says:

    Hi Robert,

    I’m a novice, so I cling on to any new ideas I can get. Your tips on taking action, phrased in a question and answer format are very very useful. Thanks a million.

  74. Kim Doyal says:

    Hey Robert,

    Great info., as always. I have products already, but haven’t been really diligent about putting them out there or creating a strategic plan.
    First $7 report is scheduled to go out tomorrow!
    Here goes…
    Kim Doyal
    The WordPress Chick

  75. Tell me please:
    Has any one made a product that sits on you hard drive
    that does this!
    You are working on your computer doing what you are supposed to be doing (project)then you start reading Roberts email when its not email reading time, this triggers a script that shuts down the email straight away
    and messages you action promting messege that flashes up on the screen (that you have installed in it before hand) something like

    ****Get back To Work You ????

    Thats what I need..

    Better still maybe a base ball bat flies out of the screen and bashes you over the head..(I am not into violence).

    Gosh! sidetracked AGAIN have to get back to my affiliate marketing homestead mind map SQUEEZE PAGE BUILDING………..
    Robert my favorite crazy marketer dont change..
    Thats crazy as a the good crazy…..
    Oh something below for free!!!!!!!!
    thats a sneaky little tip?

  76. Daniel says:

    You’re right Robert; Creating an information product is ridiculously easy… and you don’t have to spend 2 huge days typing out a 70-page document anymore.

    Most people prefer video – which means you can film yourself doing something and

    1) Cover more material
    2) Sound more real

    In fact it’s almost best not to record your video more than once, because that way you appear more real to your audience if you make a mistake and cover it up by making some silly joke about it.

    As to why most people don’t have products, I can’t say. I guess it hasn’t become a MUST.

    TIP: You can be sure if you quit your job FIRST, you’d get working right away. Hehe.

  77. Stuart says:

    It would take a little time, imagination and typing some words about about an area I already understand very well. Words that people want and need to read.

  78. Cindy says:

    Just finished listening to the webinar with you and Jeanette. Great stuff!

    We will definately be working on those $7 products. We have been “thinking” about them for weeks. It is time to “Just Do It” 🙂

    Thank you again Robert for great content in easy to digest lingo.

    Have a GREAT night!


  79. Izzy says:

    Starting a PPC Campaign!

  80. Ron Killian says:

    You outlined the major problem for 95% of all marketers, but you never did give the solution 🙂

    I agree though, 100%, you see and hear it everyday.

    You’ll see people complain they don’t get traffic for example, ask them what they’ve done and .. uumm.. uhh… usually very little. Same for everything else that they lacking.

    Course I’ve been guilty myself, more time than I care to count.

    It can be tough though, to keep yourself motivated and taking action, more so when sales are down or nonexistent.

  81. Tim Jensen says:

    I have to say that I don’t have a squeeze page on my sites. But I do like the idea of using the Camtasia for products. I did that with a Twitter video course I created.


  82. Derrick says:

    Thanks for the cutting edge info (as ever) – these Blogs are invaluable – please keep them coming!

  83. Bob Lowell says:


    Good post–made me think, but now I got to download some websites and PLR that I bought since I still have room on my external hard drive. I also have to do email maintenance, which doesn’t leave me with much time to create a product.

    If I could find a way to make time available; but where would I start…

  84. Michael Adul'Ali says:

    1 small and simple task I will do is to write a 10-15 page special report that I can sell to my niche for $7.

  85. Well, this weekend marks end of several months away from doing much on my computer to handle family business, PLUS getting enough income to get back to focused on my web business without too much distraction.

    So on Monday, I can go through the (at least) 2,000 pages of material I have written over the years that are floating around on my hard drive, and find a few pages that can be quickly edited and/or updated to make JUST a 7 dollar product.

    This will require EXTREME self control to not try and expand it to many, many pages, in order to make it TOO total and TOO complete.

    I will also consider reading it in front of my web cam for a video version, maybe a few illustrations via simple graphics. (I finally, a few weeks ago, got good enough with my illustration program that I can turn out reasonably decent graphics — advanced stick figures — that I am told communicate very well.)

    THEN, commit to two hours per day this coming week of watching the products I have bought from You and Lance on getting the product marketed.

    So that means I should be able to have something up and running by next weekend.

    I just have to keep my fear levels of the last several attempts I made that ended up in TOTAL disasters, and keep my Perfectionist tendencies locked in a closet somewhere.

  86. Hey Robert,

    Ok lock the doors and shut the email off..
    Time to get crackin’
    Thanks for the “Kick start”


    Mike 🙂

  87. George says:

    Closing face book for 30 min and just getting 2-3 items off my check list done.

    Wash, rinse, repeat on a daily basis.

    Dr G

  88. Bryan says:

    Just do something! 95% of all IM’ers that can’t seem to get things rolling is do to lack of TACKING ACTION.

    It’s doesn’t have to be good at first, it just needs to be done. It’s like learning to walk before you can run.

    Each time you do it you will get better and it will become easier, so just take ACTION.

    Now just so you know the above comments are a conversation I just had with myself about myself. So the bottom line here for me is to TAKE ACTION!

  89. Yudi says:

    Robert, just to update you – in my 30 minutes of mindmapping and brainstorming I came up with no less than SEVEN short report ideas – all of which will provide tremendous value to my readers and will be easy for me to crank out in no time.

    Amazing what you can do if you just focus for a little while, isn’t it?

  90. Garry says:

    Hi Robert:

    Since I purchased your Fast Food Salescopy and I felt energized again to start writing for my blog. Now, again I am taking in these nuggets which are really good. Pretty soon you will writing about chicken nuggets for salescopy and I am sure I will buy it because it so good as always.

    Now I can start creating my $7 information product, free for optins.

  91. Renee says:

    Choose one niche and focus on it.

  92. Randy Sutton says:

    Hi Robert,

    That is some great information you shared with us. I just got my first website up but realize I need video content which I will be adding. Thanks for the insightful reminder.


  93. Camtasia and Snagit are great programs. Lot of great things you can do with them, Will be using them on my 7 dollar projects and more. Done just buying more stuff off to work. Great post Robert

  94. Ron says:

    Wish I could have made it to Raleigh.

    I need to get writing some autoresponder emails and get back to making some plugins for ideas I have.

    Thanks to you and Justin M. I finally got off my duff and actually launched something.

  95. Denise says:

    Unfortunately, since many people are self taught Internet marketers, there are huge gaps in your education. I’m sure there are many things I don’t know but should that could help me. I’d like to know more about keeping my download page secure without having buy an expensive program.

  96. What? Were you asking questions in Raleigh? Was that before or after Lance bought beer for everyone?

    I will spend the next 30 minutes trying to remember…

  97. Istvan…

    Let me save you 30 minutes… that was the DAY AFTER I bought the beers…

    Spend the next 28 minutes making Robert proud by recording a quick product with Camtasia!


  98. Nando says:

    What’s interesting about the information your sharing is that despite the amount of products out there, the vast majority of people online are mostly newbies.

    It’s very easy to take for granted what we think is common knowledge. You’re post highlights the vast opportunity that is still very much alive with internet marketing… we just need to stop thinking so much and start doing.


  99. Rahul says:

    I am going to take non stop action on one thing that i decide, one thing only, that should take me ONE step closer, and that one step would be creating a 7 dollar report on a topic i have chosen…


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