17 Ways to Instantly Increase Your Productivity Starting in the Next Few Minutes
- Complete four daily tasks (of one hour each) every single day
- Run Cool Timer to time-box each task and make sure you complete them on time
- Clear your desk of all papers, clocks, cell phones, and TVs right now!
- Ditch Outlook and use Gmail for your email (don't forget to Archive or Delete emails whenever possible)
- Leave your computer on overnight, plan your four tasks the night before and leave whatever programs (like Camtasia or Word) open for the next day
- Start and stop your day at the same time every day
- Only commit yourself to one "project" at a time
- Use Google Alerts to minimize forum browsing and web surfing as much as possible
- Identify and remove "problem words" such as work which kill your productivity
- Start every day with a walk or run around your neighborhood
- Finish any tasks (especially freelancing) way before it's due
- Stay off your computer, laptop, and email as much as possible throughout the day, and don't check email until the afternoon
- Make decisions quickly
- Schedule as many blog posts, autoresponder emails, and membership sites ahead of time
- Only strive to be 80% perfect
- Stop using your whiteboard and spend 24 hours of continuous downtime from the computer this week
- Install and use the Roboform browser plugin to manage your passwords
Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016 • Mindset • Productivity