I understand if you need to post your comment below under a "fake" name (but I will still be proud of you when you use your real name)...
But I have a very simple 2-part question for you today:
Part #1: What's one thing you know you should have done today, yesterday, this week, last month... that you didn't do? (you can be as detailed or vague about this as you want)
Part #2: What's your excuse, reason, or story for not doing it yet?
I'll explain why I'm asking this question and what I'm going to do with your answers in the next blog post... what's important is you quickly answer both of those questions below and I'll talk to you very soon.
Filed in: Mindset
I stopped procrastinating a long time ago. It has given me such a surplus that I can safely say nothing hasn’t been done – that I am aware of. 🙂
But I admit it was a hassle when I used to procrastinate because things just towered up into the absolutely desperate levels that couldn’t be handled once procrastination had gone on long enough.
The ex-procrastinator
I’ll admit that fear of losing subscribers has kept me from emailing as frequently as I should. Even though I have my own products… I have not done anything to split test my sales pages.
Not putting up enough websites and content. I know I should have posted more content and also set up and configured more sites. I have done a little bit of both, but I could and should have done so much more.
I still have not finished converting a Camtasia video to flash so I can sell a product. No excuses. Just need to do it.
I needed to do a training video yesterday.
Excuse? I wasn’t sure I was going to have enough time to get it all done, so I put it off for later when I hope to have enough time.
Result? Video not done, one-more-thing hanging over me that needs to be done, unrealized benefit to me and my subscribers.
1. I should have posted a few articles on the new site my name links to.
2. Didn’t have the time cause i was fighting with my gf a lot 🙂
1. Working on my health.
2. Working on my business.
Start on the Keynote (powerpoint) for my webinar.
I should have backed up a website today as I’m having doubts about the host. The hedge which is growing through my conservatory window won the day.
Generally I’m at the point of moving from consumer to producer. I just have that fear of not being good or original enough to get down to it.
Didn’t buy a plane ticker to Orlando to go to Armand Live. Previous promises blocked me, but I wish I’d gone anyway.
One thing, gee there seem to be so many.
But one of them is not writing an article today.
Story of why – listening to Armand Live from the library.
1. Get the next email out in a launch sequence.
2. No excuse I’m willing to share.
Hy erhole mich grad von meiner Gartenarbeit und lese diese schlauen kommetare hier.
Sorry ich kann sehr schlecht english schreiben, eher lesen und sprechen.
Gruss Fritz aus Deutschland Schleswig-Holstein
Not enlarging the list of auotresponder messages from my unique and only Wellness Tips.
Not creating another autoresonder list for the ones that already bought my product…
and the list goes on,
Reason: Im burnt finishing my second book released any time soon no beyond 10th of June
Last week, I had a deadline to have a product ready.
My biggest thing holding me back is finding the right forum to launch it from. Most of the forums I researched
do not accept signature links and another requires a minimum of 3 months before getting a signature link.
My background is in Accounting and I was trying to come out with a plug and play solution in excel to make things easier
for the small business.
I’ve checked my niche and many different people sell products in it with an average price point of $97.
One of the things I realized while researching the niche is that there is a quicker way to do it so I am
now taking some training to improve upon the techniques to pass that back to my customers.
1. Finishing a Special Report, well, actually, starting a Special Report.
2. I had to check my email.
1. Finish all the tasks in the Newbie Crusher Course.
2. Too busy chasing the online dream…
I should have spent more time building up back links to my blog by commenting on other people’s posts.
Maybe I’m lazy. 🙂
Getting going on a real exercise plan and quitting smoking.
No real excuses except procrastination & addiction to tobacco if I need to be honest.
I am building a social broadcasting network and the whole thing is quite intricate with many parts and pieces to make it all work.
I am so grateful that I have gotten rid of that horrible disease of procrastination. Otherwise, I would have never dreamed of taking on such a huge project…let alone actually pulling it off!
Hi Robert,
I’ve been a chronic procrastinator all of my life. I clearly remember doing all nighters in high school, college & university because I would leave it until the last minute to do the assignments.
Now I am finding some of that same pattern in my internet marketing business that I am starting.
Soooo… One thing that I have put off for about the last 4 months is to send out an email to a list of business owners in a specific local business niche.
What’s my escuse for not having done it yet? Mainly it’s because I am a perfectionist. And because I don’t see my end result as being good enough and not perfect, then I put it off.
But I am learning as one speaker says, “You don’t have to get it great (ie. perfect), you just have to get it going.” So basically, it’s ok to send something out that isn’t perfect and maybe has a few flaws.
What I am learning from the top people in the different IM, Direct Sales, Offline and other industries is that rewards follow action. And that momentum is the most important thing. Also that it take discipline. As another great leader says, Discipline will out trump skill.
I have seen some people who really aren’t super talented who become the top producers in their company, industry or niche. And they were just go getters and were consistent. For example, every day they would publish and syndicate one new article or video. And over time their website started getting hundreds and then thousands of hits every day. And they started selling more and more products until they became the top producer in the different companies that they were involved in.
So, you don’t have to get it great, you just have to get it going.
1. Getting seminar sales and lead capture pages on site.
2. Complete power points for webinar.
3. Follow up with guest speakers for web show.
4. Set up auto-responders
5. Begin to earn the money that I am supposed to make!
Hey Robert,
Not that I’m complaining, because it is good in a thing to confess our procrastination – so long as we don’t make that our identity. We obviously need to make our new identity that of a go getter, of a top producer who get’s things done at lightening speed.
But this did take more than 30 seconds to write my first reply to, LOL. But as I said that is a good thing….
Rock on my friend!
I have had a software subscription for almost three weeks, and have logged in only once to check things out. I need to learn how to use this software if I ever intend to really make money with it.
My excuse: I perpetually have many things going on at once, and tend to put the clients I write for ahead of my own projects.
Still trying to kick the habit.
I have to finish several projects that I started.
My excuse is that I don’t have the time. That’s not really true, just need to focus the time that I have and set a dates to complete each project.
I should be working on expanding my business as a whole. (Traffic sources, products, offer types, etc) but its just been so damn pretty outside ive been doing a lot of fishing instead 😀
Unfortunately I’ve done nothing on my business today or yesterday and very little all week.
I do procrastinate but it is more just that. I’m more confused and overwhelmed and that is the core of my problem.
It seems every time I get started on a project I run into something that trips me up, something else that needs to be done first or learned first. Couple that with the number of projects I’ve thinking about and it turns into the perfect storm of inaction…
So there you go, I’m probably not all the unusual but this is where I’m at and have been for far too long.
For me it’s setting up and running my first webinar.
Fact is, there’s really no excuse for not having done it yet. I just need to get past trying to much of a perfectionist!
I should have finished writing a short story that I need to submit to a publishing house.
I didn’t do it because I got distracted by too many other “projects” and tasks – some of which were time-sensitive and had to be done (our main business is selling organic pet health products to treat Canine Parvo, where time is of the essence), while others were nothing more than unnecessary distractions.
Dear, robert you have asked me a question why I have
not started I suffered a stroke last year in july 2010
I have worked very hard in improving my health as I
have very use of my right-side of my body but what
pushes me to learn internet marketing there is no income
from me towards every day bills and I am in a lot of
arrears I need to learn new skills to support my family
and to make matterd worse I have zero exprince in this
business but I keep listing to all new soft which they
say will change your life with 3 clicks I never belive
hype but what I no is with any business you have to
put in the afford to learn again there are so many
people wanting to teach you but I need to be sure who is
the right people and the cost I have taken about half hour to write this email using my left hand I am sorry I
want to say a lot to you about me hope to do that next
kind regards
billy bali
I do not even know where to begin on the procrastination issue. There are probably 100 things I should (in my mind) get done today and will not. However there are many I will get done, so is that truly procrastination? I would say yes and no, I have so much, I feel should be done, it would be entirely impossible to get it done. Right here right now is a perfect example of why.
When I woke up this morning I had absolutely zero intentions of opening this e-mail, much less commenting on it lol. I am constantly getting sidetracked in my never-ending attempt to absorb as much knowledge as humanly possible. Gee maybe I have a focus problem (or lack there of). On top of that I also am consumed with feeling the need to get everything just right, as mentioned in at least one previous comment. Man when one really analyzes what is going on with me, what a mess!!!!
Hope I can get this sorted out lol
God bless,
Robert I should have gotten up and away from the computer long ago. Suffered from Paralysis Analysis just didn’t get out there to go and do it.
Too many things to list here.
I listened to someone that told me things needed to be perfect, which fortified my own position of perfectionism, and delayed launching a membership site for almost 2 years. That was before Robert and Lance. The memberhsip site is still not going but our webinars and training videos are moving right along. That is since meeting Lance and Robert.
Finally finished the last of 4 short training/sales videos after my computer crashed. I was up against the wall and stressed over that one and decided to take the day off today. That meant I got a couple of things done around the house, which is something I am really go at putting off.
Thanks for your help and please keep it up,
I should be writing new content every day to add to my store. Most days it gets pushed to the bottom of the list because I get distracted by shiny new things that catch my eye.
I admit that I am regularly slow to post to my blog, and to send out emails to my lists.
Fear of failure?
Fear of success?
Yes, I am guilty of procrastination – funny, given that this is exactly what my last blog post was about – three weeks ago….
I guess I should post again.
Hi Robert,
The biggest thing I haven’t got to yet is rewriting my sales page. It’s not converting like I think it should.
I haven’t done it yet because I don’t have a clear idea of what I want to change. I need to spend time creating version 2 so I can split test it.
Dr. Bruce
What’s up Dr. Bruce!
To be honest, I am only split testing the headline these days. It makes such a huge difference in the split test that I don’t bother testing anything else at this point.
And my “control” headline that wins more than it loses is: “Who Else Wants to (bold promise here)?”
Even though it is the oldiest, cheesiest, and most over-used headline, it wins many times and makes it easy for me… I don’t have to spend time thinking about it… just put the 60 seconds into google optimizer to get the test setup and I’m done.
1. I need to get more content on all of our sites but the main thing I’ve not done is signed up for your Webinar Crusher program.
2. Bad time management has partially prevented the content from being loaded and a minor cash flow problem has kept the main thing from being implemented (the time management also contributed to the cash flow issue!)
1. actually going through and closely examining the last three shiny things I bought.
2. My energy goes to hell after about three hours; my concentration goes right with it
Not done – yet…
Finishing my freakin’ (over-complicated) Product.
Why not?
Time, money, and energy deficiencies…
Backlinks, backlinks & backlinks.
I hate doing it and need to start outsourcing.
So many things … Top of mind is adding more to my autoresponder series
What stopped me is finding mailchimp won’t auto-send if the list is manually entered! So essentially … time to get my head around how to solve it.
Real procrastinators can never decide what the top problem is or we’d take action (maybe). 30 seconds are up and I haven’t decided.
Pretty neat to have a pre-checked box so we decide yes instead of delaying our choice.
Part #1: What’s one thing you know you should have done today, yesterday, this week, last month… that you didn’t do? (you can be as detailed or vague about this as you want)
Answer: The #1 thing I’ve been procrastinating is to take inventory of what I already have (articles, reports, audios, etc) and turn it into a profitable business.
Part #2: What’s your excuse, reason, or story for not doing it yet?
Answer: My “story” is 2 parts. One, I have a 12 hr work day 5 days a week and the time I have during my 2 off days I spend with my wife, and son since by the time I come home is 8p. In addition to any house/yard work to be done. And my 2nd is not knowing how, and who to find I can trust to outsource my tasks.
I have not begun my business or established a website, email, blog etc.
My reason is that I have a job, and I just keep thinking that there is time later.
I have not finished my ebook.
I have too many things going on right now, including my day job.
Well, where to start?
I think mainly what most need, indluding myself, is to stop information overload, learn something that we’re cofortable with and be great at it, then try to learn more tricks.
At the moment it’s checking email and picking new tricks while dodging shady offers all day that really pulls me back.
Robert, This is a great topic and I know why you are doing it… to get us procrastinators to take action.
I personally have bounced around too many times in different projects which I never seem to get finished. Unfortunately, not fucusing on one single business strategy has only led to a great deal of overwhelm and “What should I focus on?” type of thoughts.
The overwhelm can get so bad that it makes us almost shut down our thoughts and go back to what’s comfortable rather than getting out of our own way and out of our comfort zone. Keep up the great work.
David Bibby > You need not fear losing subscribers if what you have to offer them is relevant for their niches. Nowadays, the thing that does p*ss me off is when marketers send e-mails that appear as though they were FB-mails (or other personal mails), and then you find – as you begin reading – that they are just sending a sales pitch.
If someone has something valuable to tell me, then he/she can be honest from the beginning. 🙂
Ron > Outsourcing to get backlinks is a good idea, but you could also get in touch with people whose blogs you read to get links on their websites. Often, a dynamic cooperation can come from simply ASKING.
Even if you had to pay for links on some of the better pagerank sites, that money is well spent – and often you can get it for free when the blog owner is flattered by your noticing his/her efforts. 🙂
I’ve been putting off posting to a few new websites. I just get distracted by the next shiny thing.
Part #1: What’s one thing you know you should have done today, yesterday, this week, last month… that you didn’t do?
Product creation
Part #2: What’s your excuse, reason, or story for not doing it yet?
Lack of motivation because I’m I’m doing this by myself surrounded by Eyore people… need some Tiggers
Umm 🙂 Finishing the two blog posts that are 95% done and scheduled to go live.
I told myself that there was no point in putting them out there until I had finished the product that I wanted to promte with them.
I’m off to fix that, then. Thanks for the wake up call to action.
1) Finishing an ebook.
2) Need to leverage my time; getting trained in how to find interns now 🙂
I haven’t finished a book on Internet Marketing that I started months ago. I’m on page 2… and the first page is a title page.
Reason: Those “artistic flow” moments have been few and far between over the past few weeks and what I’ve had, has been used for my clients. I’ve also been extra busy training a new admin assistant.
I should have finished my audio and video product.
Because of the uh’s and not speaking correctly, I don’t get started or just don’t finish it.
I need to finish holding the preview calls for my new webinar series on getting organized. I am going to work on the outline just as soon as I finish this answer to your question.
What keeps me from doing more is me and that I get side tracked by current events in my life.
Thanks for asking…Cynthia
In my case, it is not a matter of procrastination as it is a matter of trying to decide which idea/plan to implement. Everytime I decide to take a certain action to implement said idea/plan, another piece of information comes along to interfere in that implementation. In each of the 14 domains I am building one can find multiple sites/blogs that I have started, but never finished, since, in the middle of building the site, I was presented with another piece of a new puzzle that got the creative juices flowing in a new directon.
This is the problem too many people face in trying to build a business online. The dread beast called INFORMATION OVERLOAD! The only real cure is to unsub from every email list or newsletter, but then you always worry about what you are going to miss when you do! Vicious cycle. It is too bad that there is not a system that can act as blinders to keep one focused on one project at a time until it is completed, and yet allows you to get all of the information that comes your way.
Part #1: What’s one thing you know you should have done today, yesterday, this week, last month… that you didn’t do? (you can be as detailed or vague about this as you want)
1.) WRITING at least a short article or blog post EVERY DAY that directly pertained to the content I should have provided in #3 & 4 below.
2.) Then promoting those articles in every way I can think of to the relevant markets.
3.) Then, every day, working on committing some part of my internal database of unique Knowledge & Skills into individual, Weekly Lessons, as part of a series of weekly, year-long e-Courses in a subscription-based member program.
4.) Then, up-loading those Lessons to something, ANYTHING, that would allow me to sell & deliver those weekly Lessons to my target markets.
Part #2: What’s your excuse, reason, or story for not doing it yet?
Over the last several years, starting in 2002, I have had so many set-backs, breakdowns and disappointments that my semiconscious self-talk has become: Why Bother??? … It’s just going to turn to crap anyway, right?
Why put myself out there again, and suffer the consequences of set-backs again???
So my chronic fears of (probably imagined) impending Doom & Failure made me seek, among many other things, AVOIDANCE of more set-backs with Excess Perfectionist Drive (EPD) by trying to find a fool-proof membership delivery solution.
I also spent a LOT of time, and I mean a LOT, reading about my 2nd love, politics, economics, law and social evolution. That’s much more interesting and fun to become more knowledgeable than anyone I knew about stuff I could do nothing about.
So rather than just do something like Jimmy D. Brown’s very simple & basic Fixed Term Member solution — PayPal payments plus Aweber notification plus PDF downloads from a basic HTML site, which would have worked MORE than well enough for my needs — I distracted myself by trying to find membership software that did not yet exist. I started (needlessly) obsessing about “protecting the content” and drip-feeding, and their limiting access, etc., etc. …
Even the Wishlist Membership Tech-Staff said what I wanted was not available from them, and that your relevant plug-in was not yet available.
(I did not sign up for your MemberCube Coaching program because I was already in both your List-Building and Video Marketing courses, at, I think, 47 X 2 per month for EACH course, and was trying to not go further overboard in spending to much of my money. And I was not really sure your membership system would do what I wanted anyway. … Ironically, the MemberCube course was probably THE course I needed most.)
SO … Even if HALF the actual buyers had forwarded the materials I was charging for to someone who did not pay for the Lessons, I would be MUCH farther ahead right now. At least my work would be far more widely known, and I would not be laboring in obscurity.
Frank Black,
Don’t unsubscribe from every list. Just pick 1 or 2 that fit together and get off the rest of them. Aftrer you do that it will be much easier to focus on one thing. I only subscribe to 2 list and Robert/Lance is one of them. Before I did that I had the same problem yu are talking about. You will get enough information from those 2 lists, if they are quality people, that you do not have to worry about missing out on something.
After you do that focus on one thing, one business model and make it work. Make it work very well, make it work on autopilot and then you can be concerned about creating another income stream.
One at a time.
1. Launch another membership site.
2. Spent more time with my kids.
Going after some video SEO clients by creating example videos around their main keywords to demonstrate how fast they can get page 1 Google rankings.
My reason for not doing it yet: I’m avoiding the uncomfortable feeling of being brand new at it-the learning curve, and worse; the feeling of having to hide the fact that I’m a beginner from my first few clients.
It’s ridiculous. Everything needs to be done nothing seems to get closer to complete (sometimes :), however, if taken one thing at a time, most important first, the huge ‘beast’ created by pro-longed procrastination can be defeated. The first thing I (and I think most others who procrastinate) need to get ‘done’, is stop worrying about being good enough to launch something substantial, and complete! Every time I start a project I come up with all sorts of reasons it ‘won’t’ work. Most are excuses that go back to ‘fear’. Fear of it not being good enough. Fear of it being a waste of time. Fear of mistakes I/you don’t catch. Fear of ridicule from others (especially in the IM field) Fear of being ripped off (looks common to me), etc.
But as Dale above mentioned (that’s Marlon Sanders, Dale), “….you don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going!”
Ok, so responding to this post wasn’t the most important thing I could have done. (ps: Bob didn’t say it would take only 30 sec’s to ‘reply’, but only 30 sec’s to read:)
….but, since I never respond, and I needed to check these emails, it wouldn’t hurt to get started ‘talking’ at least. Later, we’ll have a link to leave here! And that’ll be even more progress.
The short answers are: 1) Too much to list, but I can take respond finally at Bob’s blog off this list! (For today anyway)
2) That would take a couple of servers at Google, so I’ll hold off on this one. Take Care Bob. Back to #1.
Part #1: Revising report and moving on to the next step in product development and release.
Part #2: Veterinary practice extremely busy, injury slowing me down and taking care of a sick friend the last few weeks. Having an issue staying focused on and believing in the value of what I am pursuing online.
Do not create content enough as I know by writing one article I could have turn it into a multiple traffic driving machine. And when more articles written they all add up to drive consistent traffic to my website.
The reasons: 1. English is not my first language it takes too long for me to write an article. 2. I am not sure what to write and organise my content. 3. I do not have budget to outsource it.
I need to email a hosting company that owes me commissions, and I haven’t done it because I don’t want to hear that they’re not going to pay me!
Here’s how my day goes and why I don’t get things done.
Check email and then follow links to blogs, like this one, read all the comments and then wonder why I don’t get this many comments.
Go to one of my blogs and look it over only to find that it is not as professional as yours or others, change a theme make a post and then leave it.
Back to mailbox and look over messages. Leave that one and go to another and the cycle begins again.
Oh look new script, autoblog, gotta try that. And on and on and on.
If I emailed my list, like I planned about products that were of value…value?…got so much stuff not sure what’s relevant or valuable any more…don’t you love/hate giveaway events.
Well it’s been 45 minutes in this inbox, time to check the others…
I gotta get a game plan to follow so things aren’t so vague…that’s what I’ll do today…if I can find the time.
Getting one of my properties listed and sold.
Excuses varying from I have been too busy with other things to the property isn’t ready, etc. (need to get these things finished before I can list it). Among other excuses and procrastinations 🙂
I keep putting off writing articles/press releases to promote my own copywriting business.
My excuse? All my ‘work time’ is eaten up writing up sales copy/promoting my clients’ businesses. Ironic. 🙂
I have put of doing my taxes for the past 3 years. I dont enjoy working with numbers. Being on Social Security Disability curtails me to have the funds to pay an accountant to prepare my returns. I went to a free return service offered by the city of NY and some of my info/issues they told me I need to go to an accountant. I hope to find a person to help me with this.. perhaps a college student that will be more reasonable than an accountant. I am setting a deadline to find someone by the end of this month and get the monkey off my back to clear for more abundance to come into my life.
1. Getting my book ready for publishing,
2. On any given day there is always more urgent. Today it is working on two of my client’s ppc campaigns.
1. I was supposed to restore my blog from an old backup and simply stopped posting.
2. I’m changing my hosting provider and I still can’t decide whether to buy shared hosting or start with a reseller account so I can start flipping sites with their own cpanel and offering hosting for local clients.
PS. My to-do list is huge and my main problem is that I can’t stop learning, I tend to over think everything and if something’s not perfect I start all over again.
1. There are so many that I can’t pick out which one to tell you! And when I finally do manage to complete one thing, 15 others spring up in its place.
2. See item 1!
3. (I know, there is no item 3) I have gotten to the point where I just slog through, more-or-less one at a time, with a very rudimentary priority list, except there are always emergencies, both real and imagined, to screw up even that. Wait ’til tomorrow! “Mañana is good enough for me!” Hubba hubba!! Or maybe dopo domani?
Hi Robert –
The thing that I am most challenged by in my work is my tendency toward perfectionism.
When it’s time to launch a new product, publish my e-zine, put out a sales page … things like that … I can find it difficult to be satisfied with what I’ve got, stop tweaking, and let go.
This boils down to a form of procrastination, and finding that point where something is “good enough” is my goal.
My “sweet spot” is when I am striving for excellence (while letting go of perfection). When I don’t do that, everything gets bogged down!
To your time success!
Procrastination: Building content rich, and cash producing web sites
Why: too much competition in the market place, and I am just do not have a competitive enough nature? Don’t know, just grasping at straws, I think……
Selling my other website for 10000 bucks.
I need to email a hosting company that owes me commissions
Update on my procrastination reason…
Lack of motivation because I’m I’m doing this by myself surrounded by Eyore people… need some Tiggers
Since I couldn’t find a Tigger tribe I’m creating one. Getting myself motivated by creating a membership program that will be filled with Tiggers of varying intensities (levels)… no Eyores allowed. Getting it set up, will be promoting soon, then launching.
Thanks Robert and Lance for teaching the skills to do this.
I was supposed to write three articles today. Produced a grand total of zero.
No excuses. Pure laziness, plain and simple. Not good, not good at all.
…Doing too many things, then feeling overwhelmed.
My tech consulting pays the bills, but I haven’t put the time into one of my personal sites which is my dream.
I need to learn to say No. Although it seems the path I am on, while not my original plan, is working out, I am learning a lot.
Im on a big project now, and once it is over, I plan on focusing on growing my site.
Setting up the sales funnel for a new product…
Creating the webinar that will be part of the above mentioned funnel…
I start making things too complicated in my head… Then it seems like too much… When it probably isn’t…
To do TODAY/YESTERDAY, or was it the day before?
Upload, activate and fully test one of the latest shiny new objects (WP plugin) I recently purchased to add to my ever-growing, toolbox of internet marketing tools.
Reason for non accomplishment so far…
Far too much time spent on trawling through other people’s stuff via blogs, website’s, forums, etc, which leaves me with a lot less time spent on doing things for myself.
I wouldn’d define this as procrastination, more like allowing myself to be interupted.
Which reminds me…
“Now where the heck did I download that bleedin’ plugin to”
– Alan H
1. Hated to consider this but MANY things that I should have done. Have a list of items that need to be addressed.
2. uhm, lazy, games, tv, life, wife, fear, self confidence, kids, well you get the idea.
I had to mow grass in the garden. I did spent my time at the computer making my new website,
My excuse is that it automatically becomes longer and I get more credit for my work (lawn mowing) have.
Well, I think about a hundred things… And this is a sign of procrastination. But seriously, if I created a blueprint long ago, I wouldn’t have the problem. So the easy answer is: prioritizing. If I had selected the golden core tasks, I would be better off. I should have created content for my membership area, and wrote the sales letter about a year ago!
Not completing my website/s because get to a point that I do not understand and I do not know how to fix.
Getting lost in setting up aweber emails and connecting it to my website.
Getting overwhelmed with all the information and SEO steps to take to even make a dime.
Not completing a plan as getting stuck too often on what to do and how to do it, with nowhere to go to ask for someone to check my work and assist me to move on.
I’m happy to say that things are getting easier. Five days ago I hit the send button on an auto responder campaign to my list and made a sale, something that had eluded me until now.
If there is one thing I should have done today, out would be to add five more emails to my AR.
My “excuse” is that I’m traveling. Actually I’m good till tomorrow anyway…
A form of procrastination – starting a new project before completing the last one. Busy? – yes Efficient? – no. Unfinished assets are no assets at all. Focus to completion – my procrastination remedy.
Question: Is writing this comment another form of procrastination or do we put in under heading of social media “task completed”? Focus, focus focus … or be a locust and wait another 7 years.
not making enough money to invest in myself finding a system that works and sticking with it
1. I should create more niche sites, and start adding quality contents on them.
2. Information overload. =(
Hi Robert,
For the past several weeks I have been meaning to create my own video as I realize that video marketing
has become very popular.
The reason why I have not created one yet, is that
I have to educate myself on the skills that I need to actually make a video.
Every time I think about getting skilled up in making a video, I find something else to do such as write an article.
Hi Robert,
It seems to me that this blog has taken a long time to fill the 100 comments…
I think it is nearly a week since I made my last comment..
Is it possible that people are scared to admit to procrastination – they procrastinate about the very subject.
I had to put a comment on my blog before my previous comment here (#37), and it still didn’t get posted till last night (Sydney time). I finally remembered my previous blog post on my own site, which was also about procrastination – just a week before you posted this one.
This spurred me on to post the next one (about choices).
Procrastination is such an insidious disease in our lives – we really need to fight it off on a daily basis. I wonder if there is a 12 step program for procrastination…
“My name is Trevor and I am a procrastinator”
Please don’t get me wrong – I am not making light of AA and the other excellent 12 step programs. I just think that Procrastination is so endemic that we really need help.
I guess I have procrastinated on outsourcing or hiring for my business. i am being overwhelmed in the offline consulting world because i also have a computer repair shop. I need to hire some salespeople and also some seo people like link builders and writers.
1. Haven’t completed hardly any videos lately.
2. In my mind I’m still convinced that videos don’t provide as much traffic and sales as it’s hyped up to be.
It is hard to build backlinks
I should have recorded a video today. My excuse for not doing it? Just didn’t want to sit down and do it – after all, it’s a holiday weekend and everyone else is taking time off – why shouldn’t I? (can you hear the whiny tone?)
Naturally I realize the only person I’m hurting is me – and the people I can help with the video. But gee, isn’t procrastination part of our DNA? (Or is it a learned behavior?)
I should have been working on my new website.Creating more up to date content, This site was created as part of a package that I bought. They would create a website on any topic that I wanted. I just had to buy a domain name and hosting.Imagine my surprise when I discovered that it is an auto blog with 26 plugins.
My excuse is that I am afraid I’ll mess it up beyond repair, because I want to get rid of most of the automation. Plus there are a lot of banner ads that need to go. I just don’t think the latest and greatest depilatory apparatus is relevant to a music blog.
Maybe I should outsource that part of the job. lol
Now that is just one thing.Procrastination is a state of mind.
Get my business website “live” online.
Have been procrastinating because I’ve been deciding on the niche market to target, and being too perfectionistic and wanting everything “just right” before it goes live.
Nathan Hull > You wrote that you needed “some seo people like link builders and writers” Get in touch with me, as I would gladly help. You can choose between DM through Twitter at @henrikblunck or an e-mail to henrik AT blunck DOT dk.
So we are nearing comment number 100, and can now look forward to more golden nuggets from our dear online friend, a.k.a. Dr PHP – Robert Plank. 🙂
The one thing I have been procrastinating on is finishing up the opening of my email membership program on teaching. I have written the autoresponder messages, the sales page, the first few lessons, and the plan of the others. I simply have not taken the last step to publish it.
Why? I have done all the work. I think it is fear; fear of failure and fear of success. I am not sure how I will respond in either case. So I waver, and find other things to do.
Anyhow, there you go.
John Steely